Thursday, August 18, 2022

I can not be consistent

Hi, I’m new in this sub. I’ve lost 16 kg/35 lbs in total.

To summarize my weight loss journey, I started in December 2021. Lost 8 kg/17 ½ lbs. Then I stopped for a few months. I started again in May 2022. Lost another 8 kg/17 ½ lbs.

Now, again, I struggle to continue. I don’t know why I can’t do it more than 3 months. How can I be more mentally strong so I can be consistent for more than 3 months?

btw, I ate around 900 cals a day when dieting, Now I kind of want to take a break so I’ve been eating around 2000 cals a day for a few weeks. I want to start dieting again but I feel mentally tired. I don’t even have energy to count my calories

Edit: I commented my stats

submitted by /u/gl0w_up
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I suddenly realized the importance of consistency in dieting today

So I have been eating healthy for three of four months. It's starting to stick as a habit. Sometimes I eat good, and I call it a cheat day. ProbIem is that I had a literal full 7 week cheat day this week. Had a birthday celebration this week, a dinner date, a pizza party and a bar event that I got dragged into the very next day- so I just let go of the brakes and ate like a glutton.

Or so I thought.

After waking up at the last day of the week started tapping in all the things I ate in the week into a calorie counter- and, in my wide eyed shock, somehow the most calorie-bloated day only consisted of 2500 calories the next day. Yes, I ate cake but only two pieces and washed it down with black coffee. Yes, I ate like a madman at the dinner date but I only ate lean& managable meats. Yes, I drank alchohol but I somehow stopped at two glasses and half a plate of nachos and drank water for the rest of the night. Yes, I had pizza but only three slices with one or two chicken nuggets and the rest of the day was filled with me getting absolutely mauled in Mario Kart.

I used to have 2n00 calories DAILY before I started making regulation a habit. But now- I thought I was binging like a madman but I had somehow ended up eating LESS than the consumption I usually had before the weight loss journey! And I did it UNCONSCIOUSLY! On autopilot!!!

Man. I'm so proud of my own body developing a system of self constraint. If it was me in January I would have Wolfe down a whole pan of pizzas. Making something a habit (even though you don't have recollection of it) Definitely works out in your favor!

submitted by /u/cresentcube
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Edging around 200lbs but I won’t be discouraged!!!

In February 2022I hit my highest weight ever- 215lbs. I am 31F, 5’7.

Have lost massive amounts of weight before but Covid and depression hit me hard in 2021. In October 2021 I left a bad job and relationship, but managed to turn things around in March. I started a recomp journey, knowing that it would be slow especially on the scale, but that I would see results in my clothes and mirror much faster. Things have been going well, and I went from a size 16, to (I guess), size 12(almost size 10!!), and massive difference in the mirror.

As predicted, I have been edging around 200lbs for since basically mid June, and I broke through to 199 last weekend for the very first time. I was so excited! But I know from experience that weight fluctuates and i would likely see a 2 in front again in the near future.

And behold- yesterday I had a doctors physical and I weighed in at 202. Disappointing, absolutely. But I also had the gown on, jockeys, and had eaten a light breakfast that day. So I know I’m around the 199/200 mark.

I know that this time next year it will be a completely different story. And when I got back, a colleague complimented me unprompted about my weight loss! They told me out of nowhere how skinny I looked and that I’ve melted away the pounds and look fab. I was blown away as I’ve not gotten many comments, felt wonderful. She couldn’t beleive I weighed 200 pounds! I know that with so much muscle I will always weigh more than most, but what an awesome way to offset the discouraging morning. And I know that I will continue on , no spiraling here, and if I had my cheat day, I will pick myself up and carry on!

Here’s to persistence and determination!

submitted by /u/valgme3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Seeing a Lot of "Why am I Not Losing Weight?" Posts

I follow a few weight loss subreddits and regularly see people asking why they have not lost any weight, despite eating healthy, measuring calories perfectly and just generally doing everything right. I know there are conditions where people may have trouble losing weight including hormonal issues, and I don't want to discount those cases. But I see these posts often enough that I wonder if there may be cases where people are eating more than they realize, or burning less calories than they estimate.

I am currently 5'6 and 138lbs...I've been at this weight for quite a while now. I'm very sedentary but thought I was eating enough to lose weight. I checked out my needed calories to lose weight and what a shocker - turns out I've been eating enough to be at maintenance, not weight loss (and surprise surprise, I've stayed at 138lbs consistently for several weeks).

I'm not a professional in this area by any means, so I wanted to ask for opinions here. Is it as simple as calories in, calories out? Is there a chance that every person who makes these "Why am I not losing weight" posts is in fact doing everything right, but some outside factor like a condition is impacting them? Or are some of us lying to ourselves about how much we consume, how much we exercise, or, at the very least, are unaware of it (like I was)?

submitted by /u/melmcgee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[16M, 5 ft 7, 275 lbs] Walking to lose weight: days 1-to-3 : THE BEGINNING

Walking to lose weight: days 1-to-3 : THE BEGINNING

Day 1: 00.38 miles / 00:08:26 time / 2.8 mph Notes: ankles hurt from walking up and down hill.

Day 2 (walk 1): 00.37 miles / 00:09:34 time / 2.3 mph Notes: up hill still hurts ankles

Day 2 (walk 2): 01.04 miles / 00:24:23 time / 2.6 mph Notes: Good good! Ankles hurt like hell, otherwise I feel great!

Day 3: 01.24 miles / 00:30:57 time / 2.4 mph Notes: Rain and wind. Still walked though. Ankles hurt, but maybe a little less?


These are the first three entries for my beginning of walking for weight loss. It’s gonna take some time to build back up to what I was able to do back in the fall of 2019. Then I used to weigh 90 lbs less, and was a lot more active. I could easily walk 7 miles. I want to get back to that point again. Winter is soon approaching and lasts about 5 1/2 months. I am gonna try to get a treadmill so I can continue walking during the months of October to March, if anyone has some recommendations I would truly appreciate it.

submitted by /u/cONnOR-0608076
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any serious weight loss buddies around?

Hey peeps, I'm looking to lose around 55 lbs and was wondering if you are looking to lose a similar amount?

If so, get it touch and we can do it together for motivation & accountability.

Planning on high protein, Apple rings, regular weekly exercise.

I'm just filling up word count now for the sake of being able to post here.......haha

Anyway, please get it touch if you are serious and want to lose weight safely on a weekly basis.'s not letting me post due to work count which is too high 😩

submitted by /u/Yolo837
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

wish I took measurements before I started losing

I'm almost 3 months in my weight loss journey and decided to take my measurements and am feeling a bit discouraged since they are larger than they were a couple years ago. Which makes sense as I was a lot smaller then but I do wish I took them before I started working out and eating better so I could at least see if there was some progress especially as i been lifting weights a lot and the scale is starting to stay the same. I'm feeling so bummed and feeling i look exactly the same as i did when I started. I have a hard time seeing differences in the mirror. Now that i have these numbers dated today here's to hoping in a few months I can see them change.

submitted by /u/saladtoenail
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from loseit - Lose the Fat