Wednesday, August 24, 2022

1500 calories for 3 months, not losing weight.

Hi! So I went from 74 kg in january this year to about 66 kgs in May. BUT - for some reason, my weight loss has completely stopped since then, even though I am eating the same amount of calories and have a 5 month streak free from sweets and candy, and it's been this way over the summer.

This is my weight I've logged on the Happy Scale app and calories daily, on average, as calculated per the Calory app I've logged in...

...May: Daily average 1436 calories - weight end of may 66,5 kg

...June: Daily average 1519 calories - weight end of june 66 kg

...July: Daily average 1512 calories - weight end of July 66,3 kg

...August (so far): Daily average 1557 calories - weight right now 66 kg

I feel so confident that I am counting calories correctly. I weight all my food, use the nutrition label and rarely estimate. If I go to a restaurant I always make that my only meal that day.

I am a 20 year old woman, 174 cm tall. Calory calculators are saying that with eating 1500 calories a day I should be losing 0.25 kg every week? But I am clearly not.

I am kind of concerned it has to do with my health? Would it be a good idea to see a doctor for this? My goal weight is 60 kg... Thank you...

submitted by /u/rosewater17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling air on your butthole for the first time

20M 5'10 87kg/190lbs, lost 20kg/44lbs

I've been overweight my whole life and my weight loss changed how my body feels. Last night I went to sleep and when I woke up the next day something felt a bit off. It turns out that I lost so much ass fat that when laying on my side the upper booty doesn't flop down on the other one anymore, subsequently making it possible for air to reach my butthole. It's a weird feeling that I almost never felt before, it feels super refreshing, almost like chewing gum. It's definitely my favorite quirk of being thinner.

Has anyone else noticed this?

submitted by /u/BrtNMJbt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for weight loss for intersex individual.

Hi everyone.

I have a question and it's a little embarrassing (hence the new account). I was born intersex and just recently found out this past year. I am in my mid 30s, 6'1, and about 220lbs right now. I was raised female. I've been estranged from my family since I was in my 20s and we only found out after I struggled with testosterone levels and hormone issues before reaching out to get my birth record and then testing my chromosomes.

Anyway, I ran cross-country in high school but work in an industry that caused a lot of weight gain: 12 hour days, all meals are paid for and catered, high stress, etc... Over the last month and half or so I've gotten back hard into trail running and jogging and am having a great time. I've started bringing my own lunches to work and skipping the catering, and overall have lost a little over 15lbs so far. I usually am happy at about 180ish so that's my eventual goal but I'm not rushing to get there.

I want to start a weight-lifting routine and calculate macros but I am at a complete loss now of if I pick male or female for my calculations. Right now I'm *not* on any hormone replacement therapies. My male hormones are high for a woman but low for a male and my estrogen is low for a woman but high for a male. All my other vitals and bloodwork are great so I'm hesitant to start medication. My doctors seem to think this is OK for now as well. When I hit a healthy weight we'll re-evaluate and once I unpack everything with my shrink. I'm still kind of adjusting. I get super stressed whenever I open an app or go to a website to try and narrow down a diet routine and weight-lifting program. I know most of this personal stuff that I still need to unpack.

I understand this is a super specific situation but I was wondering if there is anyone else out there with a similar circumstance or advice? Do weight lifting routines really change that much for men and women keeping in mind I'm over 6' tall? I'm a little embarrassed to go to a trainer/nutritionist and open up and ask advice.... (don't worry I'm working through those issues in therapy). Sorry if that was a lot and thank you in advance.

PS: I present as female and use she/her pronouns as I always have since I was born.

submitted by /u/1stpersonadventures
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Does anyone else find calorie counting

I (23F) have been calorie counting for about a month now (thanks to all the info available on this subreddit!). While calorie counting hasn't always been the most enjoyable lifestyle change, I often do find it fun from day to day. Figuring out what I can eat for each meal, indulging in a treat at the end of the day when/if I have 'leftover' calories, logging it all in the Lose It! app, and so on.

Each day feels like a new food adventure, even when I often eat the same basic foods (with enough variety to ensure I'm eating a balanced diet). And the best part is that I truly don't feel deprived anymore (as opposed to other diets/methods of eating that never worked for me) because I can eat anything I want. I just have to budget for it.

Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you also find calorie counting (and/or the whole weight loss process) fun. :)

submitted by /u/EnduranceBeyondHope
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my journey again after a 3 year dip

I contemplated making this post as I’m honestly embarrassed of my weight and letting it get this far, but seeing so many other people here in my same shoes is uplifting to say the least.

So back in 2019 I was working crazy hours (think 16+ most days) and I didn’t really have a chance to eat on the job. I ended up losing about 40lbs from that in just a few months, I had started at nearly 400lbs 😬

I left that job soon after but I guess such a drastic weight loss when I really didn’t feel like I was actually DOING anything kind of jump started my desire to lose weight(something I was never able to take seriously before). It also helps in this case that I have adhd and so I kinda became hyper fixated on working out, counting calories, meal planning, etc.

Then Covid came, and the gyms closed. And that was honestly my downfall. I didn’t have the proper drive or ambition I suppose to work out at home, but I kept to my calorie deficit and eventually ended up at my lowest adult weight of 304 🥳 (during this time I was also unemployed which maybe made it easier to stick to it?)

Then when I started working again, probably end of 2020 beginning of 2021, I started gaining pretty quick. I gained about 25 pounds in just a few months. I just couldn’t stick to counting, stopped eating healthy, it was horrible. And I KNEW I wasn’t happy like this, but it’s like I lost that super focused drive to do anything about it. I’m so motivated and driven in other parts of my life but this is like the one aspect where I jsut can’t seem to do it right.

Now, present day, I’m nearly 350, I’m not even gonna get into how I feel about it. I order DoorDash for nearly every meal bc I honestly hate cooking, don’t go to the gym(I loved the gym before btw), and it’s like whenever I have a crisis about my weight in the middle of the night and decide I’m gonna do something about it, I can’t stick to it. I can’t stick to even the simplest of home cooking. It’s pathetic honestly, I used to be great at this. It’s like I know what I need to do, I just can’t.

Anyway, my reason for saying this (besides just to vent to a like minded community) is bc now I look in the mirror and I can visibly see my face getting fatter. I’m pretty much completely out of breath after going up the stairs to my apartment. And I know now I’m 350 after not weighing myself in about a year and it’s just…a very scary number and a very scary thing I’m allowing to happen.

I’ve lived my whole life fat. I thought I was working to escape that and finally be happy with who I am but, guess not.

I’ve decided I have to try again, but I’ll start with small manageable goals rather than everything at once. I’m going to focus on not eating out before I work on counting again. Bc I have to remind myself on some level like…you can’t take the easy way out, you have to cook your meals. Once I’m better with that I’ll start counting + hopefully doing long walks with my dog and things like that and then after a while I’ll start going to the gym again. I’ve wasted nearly all my 20’s being fat to the point that it hinders my life, both socially and physically and I just can’t keep doing it.

Thanks to anyone that actually read this! ☺️ I really just needed to vent about this situation.

submitted by /u/sephantic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Change in HbA1c with weight loss

Hi all! I thought I'd just share this in case it's helpful for anyone else in a similar position (I had trouble finding specific examples related to the change in A1c with weight loss).

I've been losing weight since February of this year after finding that my A1c was 6.4--right under the line for a diagnosis of diabetes. I've been overweight essentially my whole life but was at my highest weight ever at that point. I got back on MyFitnessPal and am trying to focus on proteins, healthy fats and produce over carbs, but I still eat a moderate amount of carbs. Very little excercise (which I still need to address).

I went back to my doctor to see how I'm doing a couple days ago, and my weight loss (11% of my starting weight) was enough to decrease my A1c to 5.6--in the normal range!! I have a lot more weight to lose, but I am so relieved that I've been able to make this much progress with my blood sugar.

Please remember that every little bit of weight lost makes a difference!! I am of course not saying that excercise doesn't matter (of course it does for health!), but please don't get discouraged and give up if you're still figuring things out. As they say, "Perfection is the enemy of progress." It all helps!!

submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Bee123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

28 pounds down. I can't believe it.

I'm 28 pounds down today. I still have 98 pounds to go, but holy crap I finally feel like I can do this sustainably. I've tried my whole life to figure out how to lose weight in a manner that feels like I can do it forever, not just for a month or two, and I feel like I finally did it!

In March I started trying to eat healthier. It was a weird, rough system, but it really seemed to work: I just tried to make anything I would have eaten before be about 30% healthier now. So instead of 2 hot dogs I'd eat one, instead of a large soda I'd get a small, etc. I didn't want to get stuck on calorie counting because metrics like that activate my perfectionist tendencies and everything falls apart, but I gradually moved toward being calorie conscious: ballparking the amount and making sure I'm not eating anything that is way worse than I think it is.

In the beginning of June I started working out. In the past when I had tried to exercise it was always with the goal being weight loss, but this time I just went into it with the goal of getting stronger and having more endurance. I mix cardio and strength training, and I go every other day.

I learned to push past my fears of being judged as a fat woman who is lifting at the gym. For the first time in my life I discovered physical activity and exertion can be enjoyable even when it's hard. I love my workouts now (most days) and I love how much better I feel in my day to day life now that I'm active. In some ways it feels like I've lost 100 pounds instead of 28, because I feel so much healthier and better in my body than I did a few months ago.

My libido and confidence have gone up, and I really feel like I can do this. I can get healthier. I can lose the weight. I can become stronger.

I was always scared to think like that. What if I believe it will happen and it doesn't? Now I know it's worth going for it and believing in myself, even with the risk of failure.

28 pounds. I have a lot to go, but that number seems so huge. I can't believe it's really happening.

submitted by /u/5toplaces
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from loseit - Lose the Fat