Thursday, October 20, 2022

Starting a sport completely changed the game for me!

I started training in an MMA gym 7 months ago and it has been the single best decision that I have made toward my weight loss goals. I haven't lost much weight since starting but I'm not too upset about it because I have gotten so much out of this that I didn't know I was missing! I've only lost about 8 pounds in the last 7 months but my body has transformed, I'm more muscular and toned and my cardiovascular endurance is amazing. Beyond the physical and health benefits I have found what I've been looking for and coping with the lack of using food, and that is community!! I have made so many friends and potential best friends since I started. My new friends all have fitness goals like me and we motivate each other to push harder and work on all aspects of our lives. For the first time in my life, I feel like I found my tribe, and it's in a gym where we beat each other up (with love of course). I have been so happy lately, even when things are hard I feel loved, wanted, and appreciated so it is so much easier to handle hard times! I lacked these things when I was growing up. I still sometimes get the urge to binge but now I abstain because I cherish my relationships and I want to be fit so that I can be a good training partner and make my teammates proud when I win my first fight. Binge eating takes me away from my goals, it just doesn't make sense anymore. I guess I was underestimating the importance of having people in your life who influence you in a positive way, it feels amazing - I wish everyone had a community that values and cherishes them! Does this mean I'll never binge again, no, but now I have good reasons why I don't want to.

Just wanted to share my joy, thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/Maintainingfreedom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Talk me out of fasting 100 pounds.

Title says it all. I'm 330, 6'2" male, 32. I live with anxiety, depression and work nights (I actually sleep well, on cpap - just get boned on day appointments sometimes that contribute to lack of energy).

My recent labs show only need for more HDL. LDL ok, a1c ok, all within normal range. No significant medical history except for mild exercise induce Asthma. I NEVER need my inhaler.

Most recent success of weight loss was 40 pounds, 280 to 240, in 2018, strict keto, lots of walking at work and mild strength training at gym.

Since repeated keto, fail. In ketosis with loss no where NEAR 2018, practically futile. Had several meetings with dietician, we both came to a standstill with attempting different routines/exercise/diet with BARELY any loss within month. Meet dietician again, repeat.

So basically- I'm just kind of sick of trying. No matter what, something is going to suck. I'd rather have things on auto pilot.

I'm not asking for advice other than extreme fasting. If I was willing to try something conventional/focused I would ask for info about that.

Basically I'm saying, please don't say "hey fasting is dangerous, have you considered Carnivore?" Etc.

Here's what I'm considering. BARE minimum macros. I mean, miniscule. Total survival mode, almost complete fat to fuel combustion. I'm taking like, a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds. Nothing else. Maybe not even the seeds. Water or Gatorade zero only.

I would be supplementing all necessary micros, and probably fiber supp.

Talk me out of it... I'm desperate to try, but I've found recently in life I get better insight if I ask why NOT to do something, as opposed to why TO do something.

Any insight appreciated... thank you.

submitted by /u/Darthbamf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Does weight loss truly slow as you get closer to GW?

SW: 207 CW:181 GW:150-160

21F 5’8”

Hi everyone!!! I have been on a weight loss journey for 7-8 months and have lost 25.8 pounds. I feel like I’m not doing it fast enough and that my weight loss has slowed down quite a bit. I’m eating around 1610 but sometimes have days where I slip up and have stopped going to the gym. I walk a lot more though. I didn’t think myself not going to the gym would affect anything but maybe it is? Right now I’m having a lot of weeks where i don’t lose and just stay the same. Not gaining though which is nice.

Should I cut down on calories again? Is my weight loss going too slow? Should I suck it up and find time to go to the gym? Any and ALL advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/winniewinniewinni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Weight Loss Progress!

Thought I should post it somewhere so that maybe I’ll stay accountable, but in the span of a year I’ve gone from 203 lb to 163 lb! As of late I’ve gone up to 165 but am motivated to not go above 165 again. It’s been a heck of a journey and my quality of life has improved exponentially, and I want to share some things I figured out along the way.

If you think weight loss is impossible, so did I, but it’s all about little changes. I really do recommend walking if you are at ground zero, just start walking and eventually that time will build up and up and before you know it you might just be biking instead!

Another super helpful tool I recommend is MyFitnessPal. It really opens your eyes to all the empty calories we give ourselves and helps keep you accountable, total game changer!

Probably the biggest change to implement is going with things like apples, rice cakes, and natural things when you want to snack. Due to their inherent qualities they will keep you feeling fuller longer than any of the stuff you’ll find in the middle of the grocery store, I.E. processed things.

Hope we can all succeed together, Goodluck y’all!

submitted by /u/Sensitive_Analyst425
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling with appetite control

Background info: about 13 years ago I was around 280lbs and made some lifestyle changes and fell to around 240 in a few months with no diet changes. About Five years ago I did keto for 2-3 months which got me down to around 205 lbs. Haven't done keto since and slowly crept back up to around 225lbs. I've always been a relatively active person but have always eaten and drank whatever tf I want. I removed soda from my diet quite a while ago and recently got away from alcohol on a regular basis.

I (31M) recently have been unhappy with my appearance and how I feel so I am embarking on another weight loss journey, and hopefully one that is sustainable to keep the weight off. Since my keto days, I generally eat much better than I used to, but recently I'm noticing that I am struggling to control my appetite, even with drinking sufficient water daily. I have no intention of doing keto again, but am always looking for ways to eat healthier. Lately, even tho I eat relatively well, finding that I am not satisfied unless I eat A LOT. I've tried eating heavier whole foods like potatoes, beans, and homemade sourdough but still get ravenous after a couple hours. I also do intermittent fasting, which also makes me devour food when I'm in my window of eating.

Not sure if this is eating habits, the food I'm eating, not enough exercise, or what. My goal is to get down to 185, while also maintaining my already relatively high musculature. Any tips for curbing appetite to avoid the food binging?

submitted by /u/Skibiscuit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Drinking tea has been the only thing that's worked for my weight loss.

So I'm not writing this as a "success" as I feel my weight loss journey is a kind-of "forever" thing. Yet I feel my mindset shift towards food has been a big forward evolution over the years, and for that I would like to thank TEA.

I've had a giant sweet tooth all my life. Eight years ago, I started a snack and candy business - because of course. I love sweets. Everyone told me after a few years I would get bored of eating what we sold, but I never did. Five years ago, I was at my highest weight since college, and a friend gently suggested that maybe I could try drinking herbal tea in the afternoons whenever I was craving sugar.

It has been the biggest weight loss "hack". Sometimes I'll drink a cup in the morning and then 2-3 cups in the afternoon and another before bed. I notice that sometimes my "sugar cravings" are really just manifesting as boredom or thirst, and tea feels so much more satiating and fun than drinking water. Of course, sometimes the sugar cravings are real, but a really great tea can appease them. (I have a lot of thoughts about great, nicely flavored tea).

I had a baby a year ago, and I was successful in getting back into this mindset, and losing 35 pounds postpartum by drinking tea. Yay, tea. Tell me your great tea suggestions.

submitted by /u/alonewithmycats
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can being on a diet shrink your stomach??

I went out to a restaurant with my parents tonight, after controlling my calorie intake for the past couple of weeks. I had saved up enough calories to get a good main meal and starter, so I was pretty excited. However, I was maybe a third into my main course when this awful pain came in my stomach/heart region. Maybe I had eaten too fast, and I was too full now, but I hadn’t eaten that much compared to before weight loss? I just felt excruciatingly full like my stomach was about to pop. Could this be because of the diet i’ve been on the past couple of weeks?

submitted by /u/GoNuts4Donutss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat