Thursday, December 15, 2022

Final Stretch of Weight Loss Journey.

21 F 207 SW 177 CW 160 GW

17 pounds left. It hasn’t been easy. Losing thirty pounds in 2022 is not where I saw myself but I needed to be here.

To think a pair of shorts and a conversation with my brother started this.

In all honesty I’m EXHAUSTED. My weight has been the number one thing on my mind for YEARS. It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I sleep. My parents and family are tired of hearing about my weight loss.

Even when it’s exhausting, and no one wants to listen anymore, it’s still worth it. My skin is clearer, my knees stopped hurting, I don’t get acid reflux anymore, and my old clothes fit lol. The shorts that kinda started this all fit now.

Never give up even when it seems impossible. It’s hard and exhausting but it will be worth it in the end. If you start today your future self will be thanking you.

Good luck to everyone!

submitted by /u/winniewinniewinni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Complete abstinence from junk food/binge food while trying to lose weight… good or bad idea?

Ive had problems binge eating on and off for years. I can’t have “just one” of literally any junk food. I live with my family who loves junk food, so it’s especially hard for me and Im constantly stressed out trying not to eat it.

I’m just wondering, is eliminating junk food completely even if only for a few months a good idea, or will it backfire and I’ll binge worse then before? Attempting to have “just one” of any junk food is ruining all my progress, and is always the reasons I binge and spiral into negativity/disappointment until I gather enough strength to end the binge cycle.

Anyone have success completely abstaining from junk food/their binge foods? Or what worked best for you/your sanity on your weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/After-Weight-4510
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are everybody's positive food rules? E.g. "I will eat at least 5 different vegetables at every meal."

So obviously in terms of weight loss and health, a lot of focus has traditionally been on what to cut out. Fats, sugar, carbs - you name it, it's been the focus of a named diet. Even if you're not following a fad diet, many people do start by cutting out problem things like alcohol, soda or sweets.

I fully support this approach if it's needed, but I'm curious what other more positive dietary "rules" people may have come up with for themselves to encourage healthier, more nourishing meals that support good overall health - maximizing nutrition, not just focusing on CICO. I heard a therapist talking about this recently, that sometimes focusing on what you need to include on your plate actually helps more with weight loss than the opposite, because once you've constructed a meal with enough healthy protein, fat, fibre, and micronutrients, you've got a pretty big plate of food that's super filling, and "emptier" calories just don't have as much room on the menu.

Anyway, just curious what food OR other lifestyle "rules" you may have made for yourselves. This can be a "new year's resolution" kind of thing you tried temporarily, or something you've incorporated into your life on a more permanent basis.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/goodhumansbad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for support feeling really down and frustrated

Hi all. This is probably going to be a long rambly mess so apologies in advance. I just feel like I have no one who understands and Ive been sad for so long :( Anyways, Im a 5'5 woman in my twenties who started her weight loss journey at 212 pounds in the summer of 2019. I have a goal weight of 137 pounds and Ive been stuck at 147~152 pounds for about a year. I just dont know why I cant get over the hump. I try and I try and I try so hard. I know how weight loss is done but its like I cant do it. I am constantly ravenous and extremely fatigued pretty much all the time. Thermodynamics would say Im not in calorie deficit and thats because I feel like my animal brain takes over until I eat the deficit back. Ive tried losing weight more slowly, Ive tried being more aggressive. I dont eat fast food, I cook damn near every thing I eat and no give. I understand this probably sounds ridiculous but I cant stress enough how depressed I feel. I cry nearly every day because of it. Its so embarrassing to think I have been losing weight for years and I cant even manage to get to my goal weight. When I look in the mirror all I see is what I find wrong with myself. I am embarrassed to go out and see people. Again, I know this might come off as bratty or whiny but it really does bother me. Ive put off buying new clothes this whole time because I say Ill buy the clothes when I reach my goal weight so I can buy things that properly fit. Ive sworn off dating because I already get stressed enough when friends invite me to restaurants. Its just a measly 10-12 pounds and I dont know why I am struggling so hard to get there. On top of that I am dealing with an injury that has been ongoing for about 3 months and so I havent been able to run and dance like I normally do. I know some people would suggest just giving up and being content here but I really, almost desperately want to get there. I think I'll feel like an even bigger failure if I dont. I dont know why but I just cant help but feel embarrassed and ashamed.

submitted by /u/throwawayliacct
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m 22 struggling with my weight since I can Remember, lost 5 pounds.

Ever since I had the ability to think I have always been insecure about my weight, always being just a bit chubbier than my peers. The hate for my body stems from my mother and father making unnecessary comments about how I looked compared to others. “You need to eat less” “I remember when you were a small” I was 12-14 and These thoughts floated my head. Looking back at it now I was just a teenager whose body was growing but those comments have stuck with me till now.

I currently weight 190, And as I understand that could be a goal weight to several people, but as a 5’4 girl it’s an insecurity of mine. Going weight loss apps, calorie tracking apps, getting a fit bit, buying an Apple Watch, buying new workout sets and applying on and off to 100 different gyms. Tried anything to even give me a slight motivation to lose weight.

Until recently, I was watching a TikTok (I know I’m sorry) and I get a lot of weight loss advice and tips, except this one was different. It focused on living a healthier life style and building a relationship with food.I started doing this habit called volume eating. Where you eat large amounts of healthy food to feel as if you’re eating a lot. As well as adding healthy food to what you want to eat

For example I want some goldfish, if I wanted to I could eat an entire box of goldfish in one sitting. But instead to make it more filling and balanced I’ll eat it with some rice chiefly and greens with veggies and a side of goldfish. I still get what I want but with added nutritions. I know this might not be a new concept for other but it’s a change in mind set for me. Since I started doing that I’ve been telling myself that I want to work on improving my health instead of losing weight. I’m happy to say that after 2 weeks I’ve officially lost 5 pounds! I’ve had some hiccups here and there but I’m doing great and and I feel great.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

TLDR; struggled to lose weight for years, changed my mindset and eating habits, lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks :)

submitted by /u/sofzuko
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

I have a few questions, you all seem so kind

I’m 25F. My whole life has been a weight loss journey. As a kid my heaviest was 108kg (almost 240lb) and as a teen with the help of a nutritionist I weighed about 78kg(~172lb) by the time I turned 15.

Here is my first question: when we started I was like 50% body fat and my weight goal was super low (I don’t remember it, maybe 55kg) and by the time I weighed 78kg my weight goal was like 76 tops. I remember her telling me it was greater then because my muscle mass was greater. Does that make sense? Would you explain that to me?

Then without worrying or anything for the next 8 years I weighed between 80-85kilos, until the last year of uni when I started eating out a lot and then got pregnant at 89kg(196lb). Long story short from there, a lot of stress with breastfeeding etc., baby is 1.5 years old and I weigh a little more than the last days of my pregnancy, so 107kg(236lb)

She’s beautiful, she eats very well and I encourage a balanced diet. You could say I know how to eat. But I think there’s a few things to this matter. The main one is that I like sweets. I love sugar, I love chocolate, I love to bake, I make the bread we eat in this house, I also like mayo, butter, cheese. But I don’t eat all that every day. I just say any food I can make highly caloric in a jizz.

Another thing is that I don’t exercise. Like, I don’t purposely exercise, because I am running around after a toddler all day anyway.

The other thing (and it might sound really stupid after what was written before) but I think that my body is somehow comfortable with this weight. I know if I let me eat whatever I want whenever I feel like it I can grow heavier, and that it works the other way around too. But does it make sense that my body tends to weight 107~108kg for some reason?(that’s question number two)

I tried to research this and calculated my tdee and found it is 1850kcal. I think is low. I thought the normal adult could eat 2000kcal and maintain their weight. So since I was fat if I ate 2000kcal I would lose weight. Silly me I guess. My theory or plan is to exercise (I have a stroller I barely use) and increase my muscle mass and slowly my tdee will increase so eating less calories than what I burn daily should look more like eating everything balanced (I don’t really like junk food so that’s not part of everything) and not like a restriction of some kind.

So third question: does that make sense?

And fourth: is there anything else that I should know?

Ps1: my heaviest was 9 months ago at 114kg(251lb)

Ps2: I was super comfortable and pretty at 80kg I would love to weigh that again.

submitted by /u/Sweetest_Jelly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have learned that, even 10-15 minutes of exercise every other day is waaay better than 0

I little not-secret I have learned is, your gym investment can be whatever you are committed to. You don't need an all or nothing approach like a lot of people seem to have with the gym. I have seen almost no one talk about this. Most influencers i have watched seem to be try to sell people on full bulking progression programs with a big commitment, and I have always quit those.

Even if it is doing 3 exercises over 15 minutes every other day (chest maybe pushups, legs maybe squats, and something for shoulders). Or substitute for any machine at the gym. As long as you stick with a routine every week you can make a lot of progress vs not doing any exercise at all. Will you be Arnold? No, but you should become waaay stronger than you were and I think it would help a lot of you guys who have weight loss goals, want some of the benefits of exercise, but aren't really invested in the gym.

I have learned that consistency is everything, do a lifestyle change you can commit to vs something you know you will drop in a month.

submitted by /u/AggravatingBid7442
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from loseit - Lose the Fat