Sunday, January 22, 2023

Any good back exercise tips?

Hi everyone! I took a 3-4 month break on my weight loss journey, which took me out of going to the gym.

I was able to reduce my responsibilities and am looking to go to the gym again! I use Planet Fitness.

My back has always been an insecurity which I am working on in therapy! However my exercises that I have done, haven’t really toned me up the way I want to be.

I had it mixed in with arm day and was doing:

4 set of 10 latdowns at about 55-60 pounds 3 sets of 10 weighted rowing at 50 pounds

Arm days usually occured twice a week.

Is it just that I need to do more sets? Are there other exercises I should be doing targeting my back? I try to stick to the machines because I am not confident in my form so I dont want to hurt myself, but I could also do free weights at a lighter weight. Any recommendations are very welcome!! TYIA!!!

submitted by /u/Orangesunset98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are your “first world” weight loss problems?

What are your “first world” weight loss problems?

(Here’s my example)

I’ll go first, 18 months ago, I splurged and bought an Apple Watch strap that is one loop, when I bought it it was tight on my skin.

Even though back then I was around 7kg lighter than I am now, because I gained and (almost completely) lost 40kg over the course of these 18 months.

My Apple Watch strap must have stretched, and is too loose on my wrist, so I’ll have to buy a new one but can’t afford it. So I just have to deal with a loose Apple Watch lol

submitted by /u/JoveTheThunderer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Top Ten Tips For Quickly Losing Weight

1. Introduction

Are you thinking about losing weight? If so, you're not alone. Every year, millions of people around the world make the decision to lose weight. And while some are successful in their weight loss journey, many others find it difficult to stick to their goals.

There are a number of reasons why people struggle to lose weight. For some, it's simply a matter of making healthy lifestyle choices. But for others, there may be underlying medical conditions that make weight loss difficult.

If you're thinking about losing weight, it's important to consult with your doctor first. They can help you determine if weight loss is right for you and offer guidance on how to make healthy choices.

2. Set Realistic Goals

One of the most important aspects of goal setting is to make sure that your goals are realistic. It's all too easy to set lofty goals that are impossible to achieve, which can lead to frustration and disappointment. That's why it's important to set goals that are challenging but still achievable.

When setting realistic goals, it's also important to consider the time frame in which you want to achieve them. Some goals may take a few weeks or months to achieve, while others may take years. There's no right or wrong answer, but be sure to give yourself enough time to achieve your goal.

Finally, don't forget to celebrate your accomplishments along the way! Achieving small goals is a great way to stay motivated and on track to achieve your bigger goals.

3. Cut Out Unhealthy Foods

If you want to live a healthier life, one of the best things you can do is cut out unhealthy foods. That means goodbye to processed meats, sugary drinks, and junk food. It might sound like a difficult task, but it's actually not as hard as you might think.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Plan your meals in advance. That way, you can make sure you have healthy options on hand and you're less likely to make unhealthy impulsive decisions.
  • Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. The freshest and most nutritious foods are typically found around the edges of the store.
  • Avoid temptation by not keeping unhealthy foods in your house. If you don't have it, you can't eat it.

Making these simple changes can have a big impact on your health.

4. Find an Exercise Routine You Enjoy

If you're like most people, you know that you should be exercising regularly but you just can't seem to find the motivation to do it. You've probably tried a few different exercise routines but found them to be too boring or too difficult.

The key to staying motivated to exercise is to find an activity that you enjoy. If you enjoy what you're doing, then you're more likely to stick with it. So if you hate running, don't force yourself to do it just because you think it's good for you. Instead, try something else like swimming, biking, or even just walking.

The most important thing is to find an exercise routine that works for you. Once you find something you enjoy, you'll be more likely to stick with it and stay motivated.

5. Incorporate More Protein Into Your Diet

Are you looking to add more protein to your diet? If so, there are a variety of ways you can do this. You can incorporate more protein-rich foods into your diet or you can take protein supplements.

Protein is an important nutrient that helps with muscle growth and repair, so it's important to make sure you're getting enough of it. If you're looking to add more protein to your diet, here are a few ways you can do it:

  • Eat more protein-rich foods: This includes foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. You can also find protein in plant-based foods such as beans, nuts, and tofu.

Take protein supplements: If you're having trouble getting enough protein from food alone, you can take protein supplements in the form of powders, bars, or shakes.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is essential for human life and good health. It makes up about 60% of our bodies and is involved in countless biochemical processes. Every system in our body depends on water to function properly.

Despite its importance, many people do not drink enough water every day. Dehydration can cause a variety of health problems, from headaches and fatigue to more serious issues like kidney stones and dehydration.

So how much water should you drink? The answer depends on a variety of factors, but the general recommendation is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. This amount can vary depending on your age, activity level, and climate, but it is a good starting point.

Start your day by drinking a glass of water and make sure to drink more throughout the day, especially if you are exercising or sweating. There are many.

7. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are food items that have been altered from their natural state. This can include adding or removing ingredients, changing the texture or flavor, or extending the shelf life. While processed foods can be convenient and sometimes even healthier than their unprocessed counterparts, they can also be loaded with unhealthy ingredients like added sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.

If you're looking to improve your diet, one of the best things you can do is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. Instead, focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods that are fresh and nutritious. By doing this, you'll be on your way to a healthier diet and a healthier you.

8. Avoid Eating Late at Night

There are many reasons to avoid eating late at night. For one, it can disrupt your sleep cycle and make it difficult to fall asleep. Eating late at night can also lead to weight gain, as your body is more likely to store the calories as fat. Additionally, late-night eating can trigger acid reflux and heartburn.

So if you're looking to improve your sleep and health, it's best to avoid eating late at night. Instead, focus on eating healthy meals during the day and enjoying a light snack in the evening. This will help you sleep better and avoid any unwanted health problems.

9. Manage Your Stress Levels

Stress is a normal part of life and it can actually be helpful in some situations. It can help us to stay alert and focused, and it can give us the extra boost of energy we need to get through a difficult situation. However, when stress levels become too high, it can have a negative impact on our health.

There are a few things you can do to help manage your stress levels. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, as it releases endorphins that have a calming effect. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can also help to relax the mind and body. In addition, try to take some time for yourself each day to do something that you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time with friends and family. By taking these steps, you can help to keep your stress levels under control and improve your overall.

10. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your health and well-being. Unfortunately, many people do not get enough sleep on a regular basis. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

There are a number of things you can do to make sure you get enough sleep. First, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This will help regulate your body's natural sleep cycle. Second, create a bedtime routine that will help you wind down and relax before bed. This can include reading, writing in a journal, or taking a warm bath. Finally, make sure your sleeping environment is dark, quiet, and comfortable.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to get the sleep you need to stay healthy and happy.

submitted by /u/agnihot63
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Discouraged by slow weight loss

I started my weight loss journey on Sunday January 8th 2023 after I weighed myself that morning and found out that I had reached the highest weight of my life. I decided it’s finally time for a change, and for real this time. However, it’s been about 2 weeks and I’ve only lost a measly 3kg.

Now I know what you all are gonna say, “1.5kg a week is great weight loss!” But the thing is that I’ve been fasting for 4/7 days a week, and the other 3 are always in a calorie deficit. I feel like I’m not losing enough as my effort. I’ve been struggling all week with feeling faint and weak and hungry and I hopped on the scale today to see that this exhausting week has only resulted in a 1.3kg loss.

It’s so discouraging because other people can eat so much and lose a ton of weight, and I’m working so hard and barely losing anything. I have a goal to reach by my birthday but at this rate I’ll be nowhere near it 😕

submitted by /u/inzhagiii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, January 21, 2023, any good?

Does anyone have a folding treadmill or any other of their products? I'm very interested due to the space saving but would love to hear some real user experiences before pulling the trigger. I'm specifically looking at WalkingPad X21 Double-Fold Treadmill 7.4 MPH for me.

I'm restarting my weight loss journey post divorce and pre weight loss surgery. I'm trying to up my fitness routine to help stay healthy during the process and will be working out at my company's gym primarily.

On days when I'm working from home (yay new job) I'd love to have a treadmill that is compact (my house is super small) and I'm very attracted to the way this one folds up. Other recommendations for something that folds small are welcome as well.

My only exercise is walking and ellipticals, which work great for me in terms of creating a routine and following through. I'm also looking for a set of small weights to use while walking if anyone has a preference as well.

Thanks all!

submitted by /u/lexisplays
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Building Habits

Just read something in one of the comments here that really resonated with me and I think will be the game changer I need to actually make my weight loss and fitness goals happen.

They said for the first 6 weeks you should focus on being consistent - doing your work out routine and eating right - before you start focusing too heavily on the scale.

Can’t tell you how relieved I feel by this- I think I’m going to do it.

I’ve tried working out and calorie deficits in the past but was discouraged by the daily weigh ins and slow movement and obsession over weight.

I am going to weigh myself today and stick to a great diet and exercise plan and not weigh myself again for another 6 weeks.

This gives me hope that I can focus on the actual work that needs to be done and when I DO weigh in again - I will be pleased with the result.

Thank you to who ever suggested that on someone else’s post.

submitted by /u/Glowup2k22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scale didn't move for 3 months now and I am getting very paranoid.

24 Male, SW 115KG, CW 107KG, GW 80KG

I started my journey at 115kgs, went down to 107 without any problems but around that time I also started a proper weight training programme while also eating in a deficit. Since then I have stopped losing weight, it just stays in that 106-107 category.

It's getting frustrating to see the scale not move at all. All the calculators online show my TDEE at around 2600. I religiously eat between 1700-2000 everyday while lifting heavy 5times a week. A lot of compound lifts too.

Now my body has gained muscle, I can feel them in my biceps, triceps, quads and chest. My strength has increased, and I lost some inches here and there but there is 0 weight loss. It's making me too paranoid if I am eating too much despite being on a deficit of 600. My body is also sore after workouts so maybe its retainig water too ( but again 3 months is what's making me paranoid, I am not getting my woosh )

submitted by /u/Enough_Cauliflower90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat