Monday, February 6, 2023

Losing weight without keto for the first time in 8 years!

After gaining/losing the same 20 pounds 4-5 times over the last 8 years with keto, I am so happy that I have broken the pattern and am eating/exercising in a way that feels sustainable. During my 8 years of keto weight loss attempts (and years of other half-assed attempts before that), I'd get about 10-15 lbs from my goal weight, give up on keto, and eventually regain most of the weight. Off keto, I would mostly eat foods that were healthy (I love oatmeal, beans/grains, yogurt, and salads), but I now realize I was just eating too damn much of it!

After indulging too much over the summer and into the holidays I was heavier than I'd been in 5 years. So right after the new year, I got back into keto AGAIN, losing about 10 lbs in three weeks. Instead of feeling good, I felt ashamed because I realized that it had become the only tool I had, and that the weight loss wouldn't last unless I changed my habits.

Coincidently, around this same time my work announced that we could get a Noom subscription for free through our health insurance. Within 10 minutes of reading the email I was registered and have been diligently reading the lessons, staying in my calorie range, and exercising several times a week. The first couple weeks on Noom I continued following a keto diet while hitting my calorie goals, then over 2 weeks started incorporating carbs. As soon as I started eating more carbs, my weight shot up a couple pounds, then hovered for 2 weeks. During that time, I focused on the habits, not the scale. I am now in slow, steady, weight loss territory again and couldn't be more thrilled. I'm SO happy to be eating the foods I like again and feeling like I'm in control. I feel like this is the change I've been waiting for.

submitted by /u/Kitten_Mittens
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I hate that my family is so obsessed with weight

Just so we're clear I love my family and I'm not making this post because I dislike them or anything, but the way they're so obsessed with their own weights and other people's weights drives me insane. I've been overweight my whole life and no one has ever mentioned it, but I'm almost positive they've talked about my weight gain in the past year. It's not very noticeable on my body since I wear baggy clothes most of the time but you can definitely see it on my face. My aunt and grandma are very gossipy and discuss even the slightest change in someone's weight and this has led me to covering myself up without even thinking about it around them.

They're also overweight so I really don't think it's their place to be talking about how much weight people have gained. Every year they make resolutions to go on a diet and it never happens, and at this point I think they just get satisfaction from just announcing they're going to lose weight before summer. The diets they swear they're going to go on are also always so unsustainable and I just want to scream at them to count calories since they'll just gain the weight back if they go back to eating like they did before. I'm trying to lose 50 lbs this year but I really don't want them to notice even though it's inevitable. My grandma has a habit of talking about how guys are going to love me any time I do something to improve my appearance (even if it's just buying a new eyeliner pen or styling my hair a different way), and I know it'll be insufferable when my weight loss becomes more noticeable. Like, if you're saying this now how bad did I look before ?? To her everything is about the male attention I get even though nothing I do is for men and wouldn't be even if I liked them (I'm not out to my family yet but that's a whole other issue lmfao).

I know diet culture has always had a strong grip on them but the way they idolize thinness makes me very uncomfortable. Weight loss is a huge achievement and I can't wait until I'm at a weight where I feel more like my true self but I also don't want it to be the main topic of discussion whenever I see them. It happened with my dad when he lost a huge amount of weight (it wasn't in a healthy way) and it made him so uncomfortable as well. My aunt and grandma were constantly commenting on how his clothes were hanging off him even though his weight loss was due to literal depression like what ?? I swear if I had an eating disorder they would be complimenting me on how much better I look.

submitted by /u/nobarasrighttoe
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How to pursue exercise while sticking to diet

Hello! I'm 33 M, 240 lbs, 6 ft. I'm about 3 weeks into a CICO journey where i've been aiming for around 2200 calories a day. In past diet cycles, I have struggled with adding exercise to a diet without overeating to compensate for my decreased energy after the workout.

I typically run for exercise, but when I am watching what I eat I tend to run out of energy to run and hardly get decent distance in. I've also gone through cycles of weight training during diets, but that also can be quite draining on top of the drain of restricting calories and I worry about maintaining a longer diet cycle if I crash on adding too strong of exercise. While I figure out my best path forward, I've just been aiming for longer walks with the dog to keep moving.

Just wondering how others cope with the struggles of keeping restricted calories and trying to add exercise without crashing and burning on your plan. Should I increase my calorie intake my a small margin to support exercise? Is it ok for me just to keep walks and mediocre runs going while I diet to support a longer weight loss journey? Any stories/advice?

submitted by /u/cyanoborg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How long should it take me to lose weight? Should I have noticed weight loss by now?

I started a 1,200 (originally 700) calorie diet just over a month ago, but I still look the same. Is this normal? I know weight loss is a slow process but it seems to be going at a snail's pace. Like it seems as if it'll take years at this rate. I'd like to lose weight by the end of the year, preferably by the summer although that may be too optimistic. I don't know exactly how much I weigh (one scale said 187 lbs, another said 205 lbs). So I'm guessing here but I'd say I need to lose around 30 lbs or so.

submitted by /u/UnlikelyBad8750
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Sunday, February 5, 2023

My boyfriend and I can’t talk about my fitness journey

Can someone tell me why I can’t just vent to my boyfriend about how my way of trying to lose weight isn’t working without him offering a solution? In fact, I can’t even talk about other peoples’ weight loss without him trying to push their method on me.

For context, we’re both trying to get back in shape. He wanted to lose 30ish pounds, I wanted to lose 25lbs, but apparently I need to lose 40 according to the body assessment I had (but that’s a story for another day).

He recently started intermittent fasting… eating only between 1p and 9pm, but otherwise not really changing what he consumes (except both of us are eating less sweet treats). Paired with his IF he takes the dogs on a walk for 30 mins a few days a week and has a more active job. He’s done a great job at dropping weight, and is over halfway to his goal in a month.

My method has involved just trying to make smaller sustainable diet changes, drinking more water, and going to the gym 4 times a week. I work a fairly sedentary job. I’ve been doing this for the past 3 weeks ish and there’s been no change at all in my weight. I’ve been a little discouraged but I’m still trying, but not making any radical changes.

Anyways recently I mentioned I haven’t lost any weight and he suggested IF. He said it’s working for him so I should try it. I tried to explain that when I don’t eat until late in the day, I gorge myself and can’t stop eating. He said he didn’t think it matters how much you eat during that time, as long as it’s only within those hours. I disagreed and we ended the convo with him still saying I should try it.

Today I told him a friend of mine is down 35 lbs. He asked how. I told him what she told me - her dr. prescribed her phentermine and she eats under 1200 cals a day. I made a comment about how i won’t be doing that because I feel like I’d be worsening my mental health by feeling like I was starving myself, to which his response was “well isn’t that kind of the point?” I said no, it’s not really a healthy calorie intake for most people, and that the “point” is being in a calorie deficit which most people accomplish without cutting that drastically. I also mentioned that my friend is also on a pretty powerful weight loss aid. I got a little irritated and it led to him saying we just shouldn’t talk about this anymore, but I’m irritated because sometimes I just want to express my frustration without him pushing some fad solution on me.

I’m not without blame here, I know, but when he says these things it feels like he’s telling me or thinking I’m just not trying hard enough. Thanks for listening!

submitted by /u/SuchImpression9559
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do antibiotics and medically prescribed steroids affect weight?

I have been losing weight slowly over the past couple of months. It has been slow and steady progress and I'm proud of it so far. However, about a week and a half ago I was prescribed antibiotics and steroids for an ear infection.

I was only on the medication for a week, but pretty much all of last week I was constantly hitting new lows on the scale everyday! I was so happy because it all fell off so fast and I attributed it to a small change to my diet that I recently made and not thinking about the medication.

I was hoping to reach my 50lb milestone this weekend at the rate I was losing weight. However, on Friday I woke up and the weight loss was very small. I just shrugged it off because every day you can have highs and lows (and strangely enough, I find that I lose a lot of weight after a couple days of gaining weight). However on Saturday I gained half a pound. And this morning I gained 1 and a half pounds! I haven't changed my diet or eaten anything that I believe would have caused this to happen.

Overall I'm still negative to what I was like 2 weeks ago, but I'm starting to realize ther perhaps my sudden weight loss over the past week wasn't because of the change in my diet, but rather the medication I was on and now my body is recuperating what it lost.

I'm assuming the antibiotics killed lots of gut bacteria, which in turned caused me to lose weight (just because we have a ton of bacteria in our gut) but also because without that bacteria I wasn't digesting food as well and not soaking up the nutrients.

I'm hoping the weight gain stops soon, but it's just a mental defeat thinking that I was causing the weight loss when it wasn't me at all. I know that I will eventually hit that 50 lb goal, I was just excited to potentially do it this weekend.

submitted by /u/Magnuscaligo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those of you who can’t do moderation, have you just decided to abstain from unhealthy foods forever?

I’m starting to realize I’m not the type of person who can do moderation. The second sugar, fat or carb heavy foods hit my system all bets are out the door. A donut could turn into a month-long binge if I’m not especially careful. But, if I can abstain for a few days, I can usually build up a tolerance that lasts a while . It almost feels like I’ll need to give up on anything too indulgent, food-wise. This might be able to work for me in the short term as I focus on weight loss. But, once I hit my ideal weight range and am looking to maintain, I’m unsure I can integrate these types of foods back into my diet if moderation has shown to not work for me.

Curious, for those of you now at your goal weight, who have kept it off, and aren’t really into moderation, how has long-term weight maintenance been for you and have you decided to abstain from indulgent / unhealthy / “junk” foods forever?

submitted by /u/MintGrapefruit
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