Saturday, April 29, 2023

My sister tries to sabotage my diets?

Me and my sister are both 250+ lbs. Over the past five years, both of us would frequently try new diets and work outs unsuccessfully.

However I just recently lost 30 pounds after eating healthy and working out consistently for half a year. But I noticed that my sister is increasing her efforts to try and make me eat more calories.

She’s aware of my fasting periods and low carb diet but she always puts a plate in front of me when I’m near the kitchen. At first it was small things like fruits, then fruity desserts, and now pastries and other carbs in front of me and encourages me to eat more. She says I always look tired and need sugar.

Before I go to the gym she makes it her mission to always have a big noodle or pasta dish prepped and ready for me. She would get annoyed at me for not eating and tell me that I need to eat if I’m going to work out or else I’ll faint. She does this after I come home from working out too.

I tried to help her lose weight by inviting her to join me at the gym but she says she doesn’t like the vibe in gyms. She turns down my offer of making extra meal preps for her to eat more healthy too. So I don’t want to push her to join this weight loss journey.

I feel like she’s trying to make me gain more weight and it makes me feel weird. I don’t know how to bring this up to her, any advice? :(

submitted by /u/Fluffyfisher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ideas for non-food presents for reaching weight loss goals

Hey there, Just started my weight-loss journey (again...). I'm F23 currently at about 110kg and my goal weight is about 60kg.

This time I want to write a list, of some non food things I'll get for myself when I reach certain steps in my journey. I thought either something bigger for every 10kg or something smaller every 5kg. I thought that might help to keep motivated by reaching smaller goals instead being demotivated by being far away from the end goal.

So far my ideas were a new pircing, maybe a tattoo and a smart watch. Does anyone has some more ideas that I could include in my list? Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/nerdybritishGirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

my legs feel like jelly!!!

I missed the bus to the station so I decided to speed walk!! 3.2km!! To the bus station!!! With little hopes in catching my bus to work but not only did I get to the station just as the bus pulled up, the driver apologised because he needed a few minutes to go to the bathroom!!!!

I don't talk about anything weight loss related to anyone so I just wanted to put this here because I definitely would not have made it to the station if I was still at my starting weight 😂

submitted by /u/Witty-Song1313
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scale doesn’t seem to be budging but waistline is shrinking


I am a 24 year old male 5’9 and currently weighing 179 lbs. I’ve been tracking my weight and my waistline and I’d like some advice on what’s been going on. In November I weighed 182 lbs with a 34.5 inch waist. I just checked my weight and waistline yesterday and I’m 179 lbs and 31 inches.

I check my weight regularly once a day and i’ve been noticing that it seems to go between 175 and 180. I try tracking my calories but honestly i think i need a lot of work on that front. I’ve also been working out 3 times a week since January.

Just wondering what could explain the loss in inches in waistline but the stagnant weight loss?

(sorry for formatting on my phone)

submitted by /u/Effective-Low
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just ran my first 5k after losing 40 pounds!

First let me just start off by saying how emotional I feel right now. My life is revolved around charity. I work in nonprofit, helped nonprofits from age 21 on, and have been a big competitor and fundraiser for gaming nonprofits, but before today, before last July, I thought I would never be strong enough, or athletic enough, to do a 5k.

I always did online streaming fundraisers and never participated in 5ks, even though that was something everyone I knew tried to get me into.

I started my weight loss about 9 months ago. I (35, M) was close to 250 and now I'm sitting at 207.

I kept working out at minimum 3 times a week, I ran as much as I could every week, but it didn't start easy. I could only walk when I started last July. Walking turned to fast walking, then to longer distances, and finally I committed to joining a gym and using couch to 5k.

I took videos of my after workout almost each week to keep me on track, and months later I was outside running miles per session.

Thanks for anyone on here that gave me some tips or pointers leading me here. I have a new goal and that's a 10k. But more 5ks will be sure to come. If you are also trying to fo your 5k, the strength to do so WILL come, just be patient and never skip a week!


submitted by /u/ClemClementine12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, April 28, 2023

Is a 1400 calorie budget reasonable?

Hello! I’m 19F, and 5’4! I recently lost around twenty pounds with no calorie counting whatsoever. However I’m still nowhere near my goal weight (I stay between 226-230) and I’ve hit kind of a plateau. I figured it was time to finally start counting them, but the only issue is that I don’t know what seems okay or not? Lose It! suggests less than 1400 for a 1 and 1/2 lb weight loss per week. But I know that if I hit another plateau won’t I have to start cutting again? 1400 kind of in itself feels like the bare minimum. But maybe I just overestimate how much food is actually necessary.

submitted by /u/sarahsmellslikeshit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At what weight did you start seeing changes? 23F, SW: 208lbs

I’m currently 206lbs so I’m a couple of pounds down. On my last weight loss journey I was probably already 2 stone less so when I lost weight, people noticed immediately. I’m just curious for people that started above my weight or similar- at what weight (if you were aware) did other people and yourself start to notice a difference? I have a feeling I’m going to get frustrated that it’s going to be longer this time before I see tangible physical evidence of my efforts.

submitted by /u/Spanglytortoise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat