Thursday, May 4, 2023

One thing that you might not be prepared for when losing weight…

Is the amount of disappointment that you’ll get from those closest to you. I had to give back the shorts that my mom gave to me last summer, which I had finally fit in after being obese for so long.

Instead of being happy or at least supportive with my progress, she said I was looking sick and going overboard. When I hit 140 this past December, she told me not to go lower, and I was confused because at that weight, I was barely in the healthy range. In fact, she would rather have me at 145 lbs, which is a BMI of around 24.9 for my height.

I’m not trying to continue to lose weight for aesthetic reasons or because I think I look ugly, but because I enjoy fitness and want to become stronger and leaner. But she continues to say that I look sickly and that I’m starving myself, when I’m only in a -500 calorie deficit of around 1450 calories, which doesn’t make me tired.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what other people think about my journey. People’s perception of what a healthy weight should be is very skewed because of the rise of obesity. Plus, being obese most of my teen years, it’s probably shocking to see me at a normal weight for my height.

Don’t let what those closest to you hurt your progress or stop you from achieving what you want with your weight loss journey, and remember that you got this!

submitted by /u/astraIia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I just got more compliments today than I have in the like last 5 years combined

This is going to be a bit of a brag, but I actually feel good about myself and wanted to write it out somewhere, so please forgive the indulgence.

The last few weeks, I haven't been quite as diligent about watching calories so instead of losing weight, I've hit a bit of a plateau. I know that's perfectly normally, but still a bit demoralizing... Today, however, I saw a bunch of former coworkers I haven't seen since I started my weight loss journey and and pretty much without fail they pointed out how good I was looking! Like 10 different people!

It feels like my overall shape is the same except shrunk a bit so when I look in the mirror, I still just see a blob so this felt pretty damn good. Getting new clothing that actually fits (XXXL -> XL shirts and 50"->40" waist) and wearing a compression shirt underneath are cheat codes to help make my weight loss more noticeable and I absolutely took advantage of that, but it's still because of the work I've put in over the past 9 months and I feel fucking proud. Still lots to do, but I'll be living off this high for months to come.

350->257, GW of 189 (ideally by August 2024, but as long as I'm making progress, I don't care how long it'll take)

submitted by /u/Gr3ylock
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I help my partner on their weight loss journey?

My partner (30, 6’, 300lb) is clearly overweight.

This might be a somewhat controversial post, because I’m trying to help someone that doesn’t really want to help themself. They absolutely would want to lose weight and take care of their health, but here’s the deal: they work two jobs because they’re trying to get out of debt, and they are in a very low depressive episode (dealing with depression for a few years already). So there’s not only the trouble with finding time or money, but more importantly their mental health issues are not allowing them the energy.

Their doctor already said that unless they do lifestyle changes, and try to track their calories for at least one month, there’s really nothing he can do.

I’ve been trying to cook some healthier options for them to take to work, meal prepping and stuff, but they end up feeling hungry and buying something at work (which I get, when I was working full time and studying I also had trouble not getting fast food because it’s convenient and yummy).

I’d appreciate if we don’t talk about “discipline” and stuff like that, because people that suffer/have suffered from depression know that it’s not that simple, and top that with having to work 2 exhausting jobs. I am looking for tips or ideas of things that I could do, since I have more time and energy, to help my partner.

submitted by /u/petaleraspberry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Weight Loss Journey Advice !

I'm 26 years old, and I just checked my weight this afternoon. As of 5/3/23, I weighed 274.2 Ibs, the most I've ever weighed in my life. I am 5'8 and am currently active, playing tennis, pickleball, padel, and occasionally soccer. I've been depressed for a few days and realized it's because of my terrible sleeping habits and my weight. I intend to drop 100 pounds in one calendar year. What tips and guidance would you provide me as I begin my adventure today?

submitted by /u/FeDelMundo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30lbs down as of today!!

Hello loseit! I am officially 30lbs down today!


Started March 10th, so in a little less than two months I have achieved what I thought was gonna take me much much longer.

Seriously, it has just been consistency for me. I have a strong foundation of muscle and athletics. I have used IF 16:8 with 1800-2000 calories a day. Working out 6 days a week. Alternating cardio (5k walking/jogging) and muscle building (bands, calisthenics, and dumbbells) with one full day of rest. Haven’t missed a day since I started (it’s ok if you need time off, listen to your body)

Weight loss aside, I have more energy and ability to do what I want to do with my life. I still have a long way to go but what a start this has been! And I want to encourage everyone to stay strong and most of all consistent. Just do something everyday (walk, chores, small food choices, whatever you can fit in)

I’m rooting for all of you!!!

submitted by /u/MagMar83
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Wedding dress alterations appointment - NEED TO TAKE THE DRESS IN 5 INCHES!

I was feeling pretty unhappy about my wedding dress since I've lost more weight since buying it. It was falling down and the waist looked baggy and just not flattering on the bust area. I had hoped it would look better after I lost weight but it didn't... Until I had a seamstress pin / clip it up in the back and WOW!! Apparently I have a small waist now?? When did that happen??? The seamstress is taking the dress in five inches and also adding a corset back to allow for additional weight loss. Before I was regretting my dress choice, but now I'm incredibly excited to see the dress fitted after the alterations are complete! Huge NSV and a literal weight lifted off my chest!

submitted by /u/WinnrWnrHealthyDinr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cheap healthier foods to eat without being able to really cook?

Hello all. I am trying to start my weight loss journey but its been a bit difficult. Im having a hard time finding meals to make that are cheap and dont really require too much cooking. I can probably start cooking a bit more when I move in a bit but as of right now I cant really cook and was just looking for some suggestions of things to buy to make that are somewhat healthy and cheap and easy to make. Not really looking for anything super healthy just trying to avoid eating out since its easier and cheap and doesnt require cooking. Thanks

submitted by /u/Doobant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat