Friday, May 5, 2023

Is my stomach shaped weird? Will it get better with weight loss?

Hi friends. I’ve been on a weight loss journey for about a year now.

I’ve lost about 70 lbs , and I’m getting a little sad because my stomach hasn’t really changed much shape aside from getting smaller. I really wish my belly button would show but it doesn’t ): and I feel like my lower stomach is unreasonably large.

I haven’t had any kids or anything like that, but anytime I see someone with a similar stomach to me they’re mothers, and it’s making me wonder if I have an unusual body type that would catch people off guard if they saw it.

Will it go away with more weight loss? Does anyone else have this stomach type? I don’t know if I’m posting this in the right place so I’m sorry in advance.

The pictures are nude but censored. No creeps.

Thanks (,:

submitted by /u/Milkied-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bad women’s anatomy and weight loss struggles..

First of all, I’m here to vent. Sorry for the long post, but as the title says, sometimes I think we get screwed by nature. When I think about hormone issues, childbirth, and monthly bleeding for almost half of our lives, I can't help but wonder what us poor women did to deserve all of these. And that's exactly where my problem starts. Since I don't usually have much of a sweet tooth, I manage to cut my daily calories pretty good without starving myself UNTIL I get my damn period. All my 4 weeks of healthy eating, working out, and calorie deficit goes down the drain in the next 6 days. What's worse is that I'm completely healthy, even though I suffer from disgusting cramps, bleed longer than usual, and gobble up anything -especially sweets- like a bottomless pit during my period. Just today, when I was confident and said that I would not go through the same cycle this month, and then I swallowed a huge glass of double chocolate oatmilk-shake with whipped cream 😭 Yes, I was almost as happy as if I had just had an orgasm, but even if I pull up my tights and run now until there is no breath left in my lungs, it won't change the fact that I have overloaded myself with empty calories today. I know I don’t need to exercise in order to deserve food and I'm grateful that there is food on my table but I haven't been this close to my goal in a long time. I love seeing the change in myself in the mirror and the saddest thing is that this time I'm not eating because I can't control myself. It's like my body needs to be on a sugar-dope during my stupid period. It was also the same before I started to lose weight, but back then I didn't have healthy 3 pre-period weeks like I have now. At that time, I ate whatever I wanted and didn't care about calories, which is why I gained weight in the first place. When I started the my fitness journey, I thought at least I could take advantage of the crisis and eat dates or something healthier and nourishing with high sugar, but having sorbitol intolerance didn't make it easy for me. I guess if I don’t like any fruits except strawberries for 25 years, I won't automatically like them now. I think I'll stick to chocolate, and as long as it hits the right level of sugar, I’m good but why TF does my body betray me for a week when I normally don't give a shit about sweets? I'm drawn to anything sweet, and it's not that I'm addicted to food and can't stop myself from eating it. It’s that I simply crave sugar even when I don't feel like it. If I had any health issues, at least I wouldn't have to attribute it to “bad female anatomy” like misogynistic men who still live in the 50s and believe that men will be unemployed soon because now women go into the workforce too 🤡 Unfortunately the only explanation I've found so far is that being a woman is sometimes the same as being cursed. Vent is over. Thank you for your time. If you don't have these problems, or more importantly, if you don’t bleed every month and don’t have to pay pink tax even for your monthly necessities, just be grateful, go and thank someone who has been through this shit for their services.

submitted by /u/IFuckingHateMyBelly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Keeping weight off long term

As I'm nearing my goal weight, I've been thinking and reading a lot more about keeping the weight off permanently. I read very often stories of people who gain the weight back after entering sedentary jobs or work from home; really anything that keeps them from moving. I currently exercise (not super heavy) but I am able to keep the weight off even if I'm doing nothing. I know exercise is very important for your health and can let you eat more, but I think that if you are able to not gain weight while being sedentary you are prepared for any situation where you might become more sedentary.

By training your diet under sedentary or light exercise conditions, I honestly think you set yourself up for greater future success. Heavy workouts are hard to keep up, especially when you look at decades in the future with families and jobs.

I also think it's important to be flexible. Don't lock yourself in to some niche diet that is difficult to keep up with. By being able to adjust your diet to varying activity levels and foods, you become more adaptable to future conditions that may make people gain weight.

Now, everyone keep in mind, you know you better than I ever could. Weight loss is intimate and personal, and I think everyone has their own unique experience that isn't transferable to everybody.

Good luck, and keep it up everyone!

submitted by /u/PRETZLZ
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do SSRI’s effect metabolism / weight loss?

(19M 6ft 220lbs) Im on 20mg of citalopram (celexa) and curious if it will mess with my metabolism as i’m currently trying to lose weight. I’m in a 500kcal deficit whilst working out x3 a week, I can control my appetite urges and eat healthily, will taking celexa effect any progress at all?

I read online it effects metabolism, i’ve read on reddit it doesn’t. I’m confused and just want peace of mind.

submitted by /u/thiscantbeitlol
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for losing hormonal weight gain?

I’m 25F and I got an arm implant almost 9 months ago. Before then, my weight usually fluctuated around 62-65kg. I had lost almost 5kgs in late 2021 after 3 months of clean eating and exercising for health reasons, as I have an inflammatory immune disorder.

Since last year I’ve been on medication for both my immune disorder (which has now mostly cleared, thank goodness) and anxiety, which I also feel has contributed to my weight gain. I’m currently at 72kg, meaning I have gained at least 7kg in the past 9 months. As you can imagine, it is greatly stressing me out that most of my clothes just don’t fit my body anymore, and getting new ones all the time isn’t really financially viable at the moment.

I do exercise, mostly cardio from walking everyday, but I have started going to the gym in December and am trying to incorporate more reps of weight training everytime I go. I still do clean eating with the occasional cheat day, such as when I go out to eat with friends. Still, I feel like there is no visible change to my body aside from losing 1kg, and I’m at a loss on what to do next.

I am hoping to go back to 62kg by next year, which while technically still overweight according to BMI is what I consider my healthy weight. In regards to my medications, I am unable to just stop taking them, and I have important health reasons for not removing my implant yet either.

Can anyone share their experiences or give suggestions on how I can improve?

TLDR: I had 7kg of hormonal weight gain in the past 9 months, what can I do to accelerate my weight loss?

submitted by /u/DependentGold8806
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose skin question (apron belly)

Hi! I (25F 250lb) am feeling pretty confident about weight loss! Learning more about portions and I like the idea of learning to run. I'm excited.

I realize there is probably a point of no return when it comes to age, weight, and loose skin. And that's fine! Doesn't phase me much, this is about my health. Was just wondering, I have a bit of an apron belly and I realize that that will probably just get worse with weight loss. Is there anything I can wear daily to encourage the skin to go back there instead of continuing to fold over? I was thinking some kind of pregnancy support belt might work but I don't know much about it.

Best of luck on y'all's journeys, we can do it!

submitted by /u/NewTastes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to make a personalized workout plan? ❤️‍🔥

I realized I’ve been going about my fitness routine all wrong. I’ve assessed my current situation and I’ve gotten some really good feedback and that’s ultimately what I’ve determined.

It’s not so much the diet, I’ve been doing pretty good with that. Its honestly just the workout portion.

So far it has not been going good. I honestly feel like I need to scratch everything I’ve been doing and restart fresh on a new plan. 😅

Starting profile ✅

Fitness goal: weight loss with very minimal muscle gain (I honestly just want my old body back not muscular just regular)

Fitness level: beginner

Fitness location: At home mainly since I’m in school and going to the gym doesn’t fit in my schedule currently

Target exercises: I mainly want to do fat burning exercises with a touch of strength training. So mainly cardio (running, walking, jump rope, stairs, HIIT, etc)

Gender: Female

Height: 5’4

Starting weight: 170

Goal weight: 125

To better understand, here’s what I’ve been doing wrong.. ❌

My old plan:

  • Primary goal to burn a ton of calories

  • Super hard on myself so in turn I’m out of breath and can never complete workouts

  • Bad form

  • Rushing through workouts

What I want to incorporate into my new plan to get it right this time around 😃! I want some advice on the following:

  • How to create a personalized plan for your own personal fitness goals for weight loss

  • How to have the workout plan include a wide variety of different workouts? Again I primarily want to focus on cardio and some strength training but pretty minimal. (Running, walking, stairs, jump roping, dancing, HIIT, etc)

  • How to make your plan include sets and reps (that was completely non existent in my last plan. My old plan was very unorganized and practically a free for all 😂)

  • How to make it sustainable and actually enjoyable to actually look FORWARD to it (also non existent in my last plan)

  • How to make it a workout plan that you can edit as you progress in your fitness levels. So basically I want to have it where I start at a beginners level for weight loss. But how can I make it where as I increase my level in fitness, I can easily edit my plan to better fit my new level?

  • How to have your plan include progressive overload to build endurance? Someone gave me that tip and I would really like to incorporate it into my workout plan. So basically since I’m at a beginners level I want to start off as a beginner. But how can I include building endurance into my routine and increasing the intensity of my workouts as I progress?

I would get a personal trainer or something to help but I can’t afford that currently

Any help and feedback I can get on starting this new fitness plan is greatly appreciated as I’m a little unsure where to start this new plan! 💙

I’m open to anything so if you want to tell me about your experience with fitness, your weight loss journey, or any beginners fitness tips you know of that’s helpful too 😁❤️

TL;DR: How to create a personalized workout plan for beginners for weight loss that is sustainable, enjoyable, includes a wide variety of workouts, includes sets and reps, is easy to edit as you progress in fitness levels, a plan that includes progressive overload, allows you to build endurance and increase intensity as you progress.

submitted by /u/stargirIxd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat