Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Starting Ozempic for Type 2 Diabetes - Anyone here taken it and been able to get off Insulin and Metformin?

I'm in the approval process for Ozempic and through research, found that it should get approved for coverage through my insurance due to being a diabetic for 12 years and rarely at goal (A1C under 7.0). Furthermore, I'm about 100 pounds overweight, so the added benefits of weight loss, my doc said could eliminate the need altogether of insulin AND metformin over time. I'm currently taking 80 units of long acting insulin once a day and 2,000 mg of Metformin per day (max dose). I have not yet added a regular insulin dose at mealtime, but that's next if Ozempic doesn't work for me.

I would really like to hear from anyone who has had success of losing enough weight and having Ozempic manage their insulin production to the point of getting off all diabetic meds (insulin and metformin). Anyone out there or is it all still so new?

submitted by /u/julzellis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Confidence that comes with crop tops and other random thoughts...

  • I was getting ready for my morning walk when I found my crop top (that is generally hidden in the dark lonely corners of my cupboard). I, with blobs of fat on my belly, hips, thighs and butt, generally wear loose fitting t-shirts that cover all of that. But today, I tried it on, because since loosing that 1kg, I wanna try all my clothes and see how they fit different. And it was different, the crop top. It used to be a snug fitting top, now its a bit relaxed and my fat-blobs are a bit curvy now. So I decided, fuck it, I'm wearing this today. Why not show off? I felt so confident walking outside. Finally, here's a day when I am comfortably and confidently walking outside in short clothes. Soon there'll be shorts (if they don't roll up my thighs lol) !
  • Another thing on my mind is people's reactions to my medication. While I am doing everything that it takes to lose weight, a major factor in my weight loss is thyroid and IR medications. It would be next to impossible to lose with underactive thyroid. I haven't told anyone that I am on medication, except my trainer at the gym and my parents. I am worried that people will dismiss my effort and say I opted for a short cut by taking medicines.
  • When do you start buying clothes in smaller sizes? I am worried that if I buy smaller sizes now, and I gain weight again, all my new clothes will go waste. I have been working out for 2 months now, with consistency like never before, but still worried that what if one day I go back to my old habits. I have lost only 1 kg but my clothes fit weird now, and it is really uncomfortable.
  • On a good note, my friend about whom I posted a few days back, how she was not comfortable with my dedication to weight-loss. Good news is that she has started trying to work out and eat healthy too. I am doing my best to motivate her and let her know I am with her. Not too involved in each other's journey, but just being cheerleaders.
  • I loveeee reading the SV and NSV posts here. It's so cool to imagine that may be one day, I'll achieve this too. Y'all are amazing!

Thank you for reading everything that I rambled on!

submitted by /u/Icy-Extension-422
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Convince me to take a cheat day, please & thanks!

Hey there! To summarize; I started at 363lbs about 1 year and 2 months ago. I'm currently at 216lbs, and my goal is 176-187. At first, this was just accomplished through daily Intermittent Fasting + Keto + CI/CO, but I've been jogging for the past 8 or so months and have been ramping up the frequency of that over time. For the past 3 months, I've been building muscle at the gym, and maintaining my metabolism through a healthy, 6 days / week activity routine and daily posture stretching. I look great, I feel even better, and I'm averaging 1.3-1.8 pounds lost per week.

Thing is, I haven't had a cheat day in about... 9 or so months? And I've been craving pizza & a soda for so, so long. I know I have the mental discipline that a cheat day won't really throw me off balance and make me start having them often (or at all), as I'd previously had them and haven't relapsed into junk food or anything.

Problem is, I know it stagnates the weight loss for about a week when on Keto while the body resets. I wouldn't change my caloric intake, but the heavy surge of carbs would definitely make that scale pause for a little while to accommodate water weight.

Because of that reason, while I'd had cheat days before, I'd felt so dumb for having had them that I'd just ended up wishing I didn't. Once the food is gone, I end up feeling the same, so a momentary little 30 minutes of a certain taste over another certain taste in my mouth isn't worth the trade-off of seeing that sweet number go down.

I just wanna have a couple slices of pizza and a can of soda and let myself enjoy that, man. Shit.

submitted by /u/aratakism
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 20 lbs last month. I want to lose 50 more. Is it possible/healthy to keep losing 20 lbs per month? (M31, 6'0, 250 lbs, I do intermittent fasting and workout 6 days per week)

I eat about 1500 calories per day. I eat pretty much what I want, but in small portions. I drink beer and eat more on Saturdays. I do 45 minutes cardio and weightlifting every day except Sunday. Besides the workout, I have a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I sit at work.

I think a lot of the weight that I lost last month is water weight, but I'm not sure.

I plan to slightly increase my cardio intensity every month to keep losing the weight. So would it be possible for me to reach my goal weight in 10 weeks from now? Or will my weight loss most likely slow down? And would it be healthy?

submitted by /u/pablorichi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sometimes I feel like I get unnecessarily frustrated with other people who say they want to lose weight.

I started my weight loss journey essentially Thanksgiving of last year. Im 29 and started at 240 and am now currently 185. I began it after feeling like my body was shutting on me and it scared me into action. I’ve learned a lot and found out things that work for me and things that don’t. It’s been the best and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

However, as my weight loss has become apparent to others I’ve been getting a lot of people asking for advice. I usually tell them that the biggest thing for me is just having the commitment to learn and find the right things for the individual. My problem is that often times people seem to almost handwave that away and then talk about that they’re just going to start working out a couple of times a week or do some hardcore program to lose it fast.

And I don’t want to take away anybody’s experience with starting out because I know it’s different for everyone but I just feel like so many people want a quick easy solution rather than the dedication serious weight loss requires. If it was possible for me to get to my goal weight in a month or 2 I’d do it in a heartbeat but it’s a process and a long one at that. Just because my weight loss is noticeable doesn’t mean it just magically happened. I’d love to help anybody that is serious about their goals but I also don’t want what I’ve done to be belittled because I’m proud of it and have worked my ass off for it.

submitted by /u/AsianEgo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you pick your goal weights? What do your numbers mean to you?

I’m posting this because I’m interested in reading your comments. r/loseit requires me to use a certain amount of characters so I’m going to write a bunch of words.

The last time I went to the doctor I weighed in at 266. I’m only 5’7”, so that’s high. BMI over 40, stage III obesity. I Also am now pre diabetic. It’s possible to have a BMI of over 40 and be healthy, but I’m not. I was taken off a psych drug that had metabolic effects. I am suddenly not hungry. I’m trying to be conscious of what I am eating but don’t feel like I am making sacrifices. I’ve lost over 20 pounds. I kind of don’t believe my home scale.

I found myself at urgent care today. The had a scale so I weighed myself. I was exactly 250 with the small slider all the way to zero. I was wearing clothes so it’s probably closer to 247 all hydrated. It felt so good to be off that 250 mark.

I feel silly having a goal weight, because I don’t want to jinx my progress. I just want to focus on the practice and not the destination. That said my first goal weight is 230. That’s the weight I was when I started to loss weight the last time as well as 20 years ago when I was a fat teenager. That’s what used to be too fat for me.

My next goal is 199. That was the weight I got down to last weight loss journey. I would be completely happy to reach that weight and stay that weight. It’s still a BMI that is considered obese but it’s way way healthier than where I am now.

My next goal would be 172, that’s what I weighted when I was young and I shape. That’s the weight I was when I met my wife. It’s still technically overweight. I would not mind reaching below 25 BMI for the first time in my adult life at 159 pounds.

Since they took me off the meds my appetite is gone. It’s very easy to eat 1500 calories every day. I will only go below 172 if I still don’t feel like eating. I just suspect that once my body adjusts I will return to a slightly larger appetite.

submitted by /u/FatFuckInATacoTruck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best kitchen appliances for weight loss

I've been thinking about getting a ninja creami to be able to make high protein ice creams, fruit-only sorbets, etc., because eating something cold & creamy really helps with my migraines. I'm not the biggest fan of single-use appliances, but an air fryer was such a game changer for us, especially living in a small apartment. Heating the oven made our apartment so hot, whereas an air fryer does not cause that issue. So, I was trying to think through other appliances that may be really beneficial to get as my partner and I continue on our weight loss journey. I have a lot of stuff to cook & meal prep, this is for more niche things that have helped in peoples weight loss journeys.

Are there any other good kitchen appliances to get when working to lose weight?

submitted by /u/aheart17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat