Thursday, June 15, 2023

How to draw the line between intermittent fasting and an eating disorder?

Long story short, I struggle with food. I’ve had disordered eating as a teen. As an adult I eat normal, but since getting into a relationship 2 years ago I gained a good 20lbs. I want to go back down to what I was before (right now I’m 140lbs, trying to get back to 120)

Everyone says intermittent fasting is a great tool for weight loss, but idk how to go about it in a way that won’t make me fall back into unhealthy and obsessive eating patterns.

So basically what I’m asking is how can i know where the line is between intermittent fasting and forcing myself to starve?

submitted by /u/offbrandbarbie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thinking of trying reverse dieting but I'm afraid of gaining back what I've lost

I've been dieting for probably five years at this point and the weight loss stopped after three. I'm 5' 5" and my starting weight was 290 pounds. I dropped right down to 1200 calories a day. Yes, in retrospect, I know that was way too big of a deficit for someone that size, but I was too scared of hitting 300 pounds when I already had a fatty liver and hypertension.

Lost 70 pounds in three years with no exercise and then I gained back 20 of them eating like a moron for three weeks and I have not been able to get those 20 pounds back off, even after dipping down to 800-900 calories a day. I know that sounds like an unhealthy deficit, but my thought process was that I had to still be overeating, so I figured if I went down to 800-900 calories a day, it would compensate for the extra calories that I was somehow getting and would realistically put me closer to 1200 calories a day. And if I really was only eating 900 calories a day, then whoohoo! More weight loss!

But now all I'm doing is gaining and losing the same five pounds regardless of calorie intake and that's where I've been for a long time. I'm currently in my second week of lazy dieting, I guess? I exercise portion control and log my calories and weigh things out in grams, but I also don't fret over my calorie intake if I go over 1200. I've been averaging 1300-1500 calories a day just eating what I want and when I'm hungry and not going overboard and it's been nice not having to fuss as much over my diet. Thankfully my weight still seems to be flip-flopping in the same five-pound range in spite of me not restricting calories.

So I'm looking into reverse dieting to try and increase my metabolism so I can get the weight loss started up again (if that's how it works, that is). My current weight (as of yesterday) is 238 pounds. Short term goal is below 200, long term goal is 170. I know reverse dieting isn't a matter of eating like a pig, but I feel like maybe the way in which I currently eat might be all right for now? 1300-1600 calories a day, that is. BMR at my current weight is 1770 calories a day, but I take numbers like BMI and TDEE with a grain of salt.

In trying to learn more about reverse dieting, more than one source I referenced suggested that reverse dieting should be done for the same amount of time as I ate at a deficit. Does this mean I have to eat more and more for five years??

I'm seriously scared of undoing my progress. Especially because I don't want to have to buy new clothes to accommodate gained weight. Because if I can be completely honest, eating more to lose weight sounds like nonsense to me. But I feel like my only other option is to just keep eating less and less until my calorie intake is zero and that's obviously not very sustainable.

Is reverse dieting something that actually works? Or is it a bunch of fatlogic-y crap? And how long do you have to do it before you can go back to restricting and for weight loss to start again?

submitted by /u/BingoHighway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Should I suggest a Change? Need advice

Hello, I figured I would ask this thread since it is likely that you all have a lot of experience with living in the world as an overweight person.

I have a close friend who is obese. She is insecure and is talks about being sad about not being able to do certain activities because of her size. She recently opened up to me more about it also affecting her mental health, and I see how it really affects her. It is a very delicate situation, she avoids using words like overweight and I usually just avoid discussion about bodies in general.

One one hand, it's like I understand that one should try to practice body acceptance and trying to improve your mental health. But at what point should one understand that being overweight may be causing this?

At the same time, I know two very overweight adults in my life who have had early deaths (late 40's early 50's) who likely would have lived longer and seen their families longer if they had been in control of their health.

I know losing weight is really challenging for someone who wasn't taught to eat right through their family. After my mother got cancer when I was a kid, my family completely changed our diets to ensure my mom stayed in remission, so eating healthy is a habit for me.

The next time she shares her feelings with me should I encourage considering weight loss? Should I talk about the people I know who have died? That seems somewhat harsh. Any words of advice would be helpful, sorry this is so long.

submitted by /u/Simple-Safety49
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 Week weight loss plan.

F28, SW: 304. GW: 275/250.

This is not my normal weight and I won’t feel like myself until I get back to 275. I’ve been at the gym for 9 months as of September 2022, and I’ve been at it years before that. So I don’t see why every time I make progress, It bounces back. Might have too much soda so I’ll switch to flavored water and that’s helped before. I’ve lost the same 10 lbs on and off for 6 months. Now half the year is over and it feels like I’m stuck in the same place. I look thinner and more fit but still not losing weight.

For the next 6 weeks to 6 months I will be strict meal prepping while training at the gym, walking and I love swimming.

So my plan is:

Gym 3x a week, Swimming 2-3x a week, Walking 4x a week, and getting extra steps at home.

My goal is to take the bus an extra two days so I’m at the gym 6 days a week. I might not be training enough the past 3 months, Even though I went 3-5 days consistently while also swimming. I also loved playing basketball which helped burn some extra calories as well. I’ll have to try the rowing and steps machine more often at the Y. Currently going to both Planet Fitness and the YMCA since we have a nice location that offers a sauna/steam room. So I’ve been loving that between workouts.

I’m so exited to get this plan started and I’ll definitely start on Monday since it’s already Wednesday, I will be doing the gym today, Friday and Saturday to make up the time this week. I just want to look and feel my best again. My lowest weight was 260 lbs in January 2021. I want to get back to that. I will force myself to lose weight if I have to. 😂

I also loved the idea of the 75 hard challenge, I kind of did that in February & April while working out 3 days a week + walking on those days. So I just need to keep doing 45 minute workouts twice a day at least 5 days a week. I already switched to 45-60 minutes at the gym while I did 30 minutes for a while. I hope this helps to lose weight this summer and to keep it off. I will continue to meal prep after.

submitted by /u/OceanFitness
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss reccomendation with no kitchen available


During the last year i've been living in a shared accommodation, and due to my social anxiety using the shared kitchen is not really an option (especially during weekdays, as most of my spoons for being around other people are used at work).

I have a rice cooker in my room (although it's a bit of a hassle to use more than a couple of times a week, given that the room is pretty tiny), and a little fridge where to store stuff.

I have like knives and a cutting board and stuff, but again, meal prep is generally a big hassle to do in the room cause it's pretty cramped.

Right now I've been mostly eating ham sandwiches and takeaway, which has been slowly making me gain a bunch of weight.

Any recommendation on healthy and low calories meal i can order/prepare with this current setup?

Personally my perfect balance for satisfaction/weight loss, was when most of my meals were basically spiced grilled chicken and veggies, but without a kitchen that is very much not something that I can whip out in 20 minutes like i used to. As much as i can still cook some stews in my rice cooker, it is way more work and very inconvenient to do in the tiny room.

submitted by /u/VeryTiredGirl93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Vegetables and fruit do they make you fat?

Have you ever felt that you lose less or gain weight because you eat certain vegetables or fruit?

In my case, eating too much fruit (those with more sugar, such as bananas) slows my weight loss or gives me cravings. I choose to eat fruit for dessert or mix it with yoghurt so that my insulin doesn't spike. I will be hungrier if I eat just one piece of fruit between meals.
On the other hand, eating vegetables in salads or roasted vegetables before eating makes me feel fuller for longer. I haven't noticed that vegetables slow down my weight loss. Except for french fries, if we can consider them vegetables lol.

submitted by /u/drarkazul
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Exercise and Weight Loss

So I get it, you can't outrun a bad diet etc. I don't have a bad diet, I have a calorically good diet. I'm currently 233 lbs (5ft10in) down from 266 lbs. I've averaged about a 2.4lb a week loss since mid March but the last week or so the scales aren't moving in the same significant way.

I religiously track food, weighing it occasionally to ensure I am still getting it right (and I am) and I'm eating an average of 1500 to 1600 calories per day, this has reduced from about 1800 per day when I started to lose weight. I tend to eat the same breakfast and lunch each day, mainly because I know the calories for that meal and I enjoy those meals, evenings varies because its eaten with family, but I am good at limiting the calories being eaten OR I know exactly what's going into it if I am cooking. I do tend to overestimate if I can.

The only thing that's changed is I've started back on an exercise program with the aim of getting back to doing Triathlons (70.3 distance) which I had to stop because of my weight, I'm only doing the Couch to 5k program on the treadmill at the moment to break me in gently.

Long preamble for a short question, is the running causing my weight loss to stall?

submitted by /u/Recoil101uk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat