Friday, June 16, 2023

Lost 40 pounds but not yet seeing the results I hoped for

Since December I decided to lose weight, and since then I've lost 40 pounds by using intermittent fasting and lots of exercise I recently started weight training in to my mix of cardio.

I feel great and have started to receive compliments on my weight loss but I'm having a hard time seeing it myself.

For context I'm 30 M 5'9" SW:220 CW:180 GW:160?

Are the next 20 pounds going to hit my mid section more as I hit a healthy BMI? I have quite a significant belly and chest, and that's the part of me I've been the most insecure about. I feel like 20 pounds isn't enough to effectively target it.

My arms and lower legs have been effected the most so far. I can see they have really slimmed down.

I'm still highly motivated but I just thought that by now I'd see better results with the stats I've hit.

Thanks for any input!

submitted by /u/Gentlemanly_Penguin
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Please Help Me Stay Motivated!

Back in early March of this year I had viral encephalitis and ended up in a coma for 4 days. Previous to this, I had been working out regularly and was seeing progress with weight loss.

After my time in the hospital I’d gained back all the weight and then some and lost a lot the muscle gains I’d made.

Since then I have completely upended my diet switching to a protein-heavy diet (140+ grams per day, no red meat) and exercise 5 days a week (2 strength, 3 bike). I typically have a 400-500 calorie deficit on any given day. This is in addition to walking 10K steps a day, sleeping 8 hours a night, drinking lots of water and avoiding alcohol.

Despite my A1C score being the lowest ever since I’ve tested it, I cannot lose weight. I am literally the exact same weight I was when I got out of the hospital. My body shape has changed a little and clothes fit “better” than they did in March but it’s not like they’re falling off of me. It’s frustrating to not see those numbers change.

Just looking for some encouragement or motivation to keep me going. Thank you!

submitted by /u/beersandabook
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do I need to walk 10k steps all at once?

Is walking 10k steps at once without breaks more beneficial to weight loss than splitting it into 3-4 different groups? I tried walking 10k steps in one go a few times. It takes around an hour and 45 minutes for me to complete it.

Walking 10k steps all at once makes me feel a little bit burnt out and I just don't feel motivated to do it again the next day. I tried following through with it but I just can't.

If I split 10k steps into 3-4 segments and walked a few times throughout the course of the day, does it show the same results as walking all in one go?

submitted by /u/Royal_Juggernaut9191
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anybody have an abdominoplasty and booblift after weight loss?

So I used to weigh 83 kg at my highest. I weighed 47 kg at my lowest. Right now I weigh 60 kg with a goal weight of 55 or below. I have a lot of loose skin, that I already gave 4 years to bounce back. It didn't. I really want to do the surgery, but i want to keep my expectations realistic. I plan to lose some weight and have my surgery in december. I am 28 turning 29 this summer and I feel I should do it now. I don't have kids or a partner, so the only person I have to worry about is me. I think it's a good time to be selfish and do it now so that I can reap the benefits for a long time. I have also been able to keep my weight between 63 and 48 kg for the last 4 years. Mostly been around 56/55 for that time. So while I did have some changes, I never went up to 83 again and have always had loose skin even at my highest of 63. I already visited a doctor and he discussed what was possible for me.

Some things I worry about:

  1. The scars, I know they will be pretty big and probably take some time to heal.
  2. The price (it's not cheap): I already visited a few doctors and know which one I would go to if I decide to do it, it would be 7500 euros (but probably without all the aftercare products. (I would either have to loan money, open up an account that I have put into stock or borrow from my parents - leaning to the last one as that is the cheapest way to loan.)
  3. The results, I know I won't all of a sudden have the perfect body, but I will maybe shake a little less? I have a lot of loose skin around my lower abdomen and my boobs which makes sense as that's where I was the biggest and lost the most weight. I don't want to go through all of this and be disappointed I did it. But I know I have no way of knowing the future.
  4. The actual surgery, I have never had surgery or been sedated. I am a little scared something might happen, I know realistically changes are low, but it is a surgery purely for esthetic reasons (maybe somewhat for my mental health, but I probably could get used to it).

I have struggled with this plan for about 3,5 years now. Last year I decided I would do it, but then I went abroad for an internship and finding it job was more important when I came back. But the idea has never left my mind. I think the fact that I keep coming back to it, without any actual reason to (nobody talks about it or focuses on it). I won't lie I sometimes think it's part of the reason I haven't found a partner yet, but I know that could have many reasons. None of my almost relationships have ever said anything about my body being ugly, but I guess in my mind it might be a contributing factor.

The biggest reason I want to do it, is because I worked very hard to loose weight. It was a by-product of depression and mental health struggles and I feel I can reward myself after all the hard work by finally getting rid of the last remnants of that old me. Besides that I feel like I never had a young body, it looks jiggly in all the wrong places and I have gotten to an immensly low bodyfat percentage and it was still like that.

I am wondering if anybody can tell me about their own experiences: good or bad?

BTW: I am 156 cm, so 83 was a very high weight for me and it did stretch my skin a lot!

submitted by /u/DowntownReading9371
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Tips from someone who has lost 70lbs

I want to preface this with the fact I am taking mounjaro 2.5 to help my insulin resistance (I have PCOS) but that’s all. Also if you think drugs are the easy way out, I would like you to apologize to the 2 pairs of yoga pants that I shart myself in on the drive home where there was no where to stop. (Perks of mounjaro combined with living in a rural farm town)

  1. High protein. My personal goal is 1lb of protein per lb of goal body weight, so 140g protein for 140lb goal weight. I typically average 170g per day though. Protein will help your overall body composition as well as it digest slower so you stay fuller longer. I eat the same meals pretty much every day, only rotating dinner daily, but I also have sensory issues so this is 100% ok for me. Fairlife protein shakes are the best, hands down. But outside of that, all of my protein comes from real sources, not whey or other processed items.
  2. Don’t cut out carbs. Carbs are so important, they burn as quick fuel and are a great tasting. Potatoes are a fav in my house because you can eat a lot of potato for the calories. I eat a quick a quick simple carb 30 min before a workout and feel like I hit it so much harder with it. I also run a soft pretzel food truck and have been able to lose this much, so I think that’s a huge feat.
  3. Zero sugar soda. This is super controversial but the studies show that it does help with weight loss and those drinking it saw better weight loss and more weight loss retention in the long term. Personally my favorite zero sugar are the A and W and Dr Pepper, but my all time favorites are the Barq’s and Mr pibb, I just cannot find those in my area- so I’m SOL.
  4. Move more. Find something you enjoy and move a little bit more every day. I hate cardio, but my toddler loves walks. So I push her in the stroller and we go for short walks. I try to jog a bit too and she loves that. But for me, heavy weight lifting is my passion. So, that’s what I do 4x per week. I also love weight lifting because you build muscle which ups how many calories you burn and therefore ups your TDEE, meaning you can eat more and still be in a deficit.
  5. Weigh yourself daily but don’t fret daily. This is weird, I’m aware. But I think daily weigh ins are a great way to track progress and not freak out. If you only weigh yourself 1x per week, but the day you weigh yourself the following week you have water retention or are going to start your period or whatever else, so you weigh in heavier, you will feel defeated. A daily weigh in helps track the overall trends. My renpho scale was super cheap ($30?) on Amazon and it is Bluetooth so it tracks everything.
  6. PICTURES. Take naked progress pictures. You will see sooo many changes you never even thought of when you do this. (There is a way to hide images from your typical camera roll on iPhone, so not anyone can see them if they glance at camera roll)
  7. Measure. This is also key, the scale is not the end all be all, so measuring core pieces of you (neck, waist, hips) will be huge indicators of success as well.
  8. Keep “big clothes”. If you are anything like me, the moment something doesn’t fit, out it goes! Because it feels SO good, but if you keep them and try them on later, that feels even better. I have a pair of size 18 jeans that were starting to get a bit tight before I started losing weight. I now try them on monthly just to see how far I’ve come.

If you have any questions or would like guidance, I would be happy to help however I can!

submitted by /u/weakveins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stuck and looking for a kick in the butt

Hey everyone. 33 year old, M, 305 lbs, 6'0.

Feel like I'm stuck in this endless cycle of try to get healthy and eat right, be successful for about a week, lose a pound, but then I get a combination of awful cravings and frustration over how long weight loss is taking and tell myself "oh what the heck, a little won't hurt", then go back to eating absolute garbage for a week or two, gain another 3-4 lbs, rinse and repeat. I had a huge burst of hope because my doctor was going to start me on Wegovy, but now for the last month my insurance has been putting a stop to it every time they try to push it through, even when given more information and symptoms for a prior auth... So I've kind of become a bit hopeless and I guess I'm just looking for some advice on how to re-motivate myself before I kick the bucket early.

I've severely struggled with weight my entire life. My highest weight ever was 410, when I was 19 years old. I've had moments of success where I've lost tons of weight (once went from 370 to 210 in the span of 9 months when I was 21), but recently I have been getting "stuck" , and definitely feeling like my metabolism has aged. I also have OCD and ADD, although only the OCD is treated.

I obsess over food constantly, definitely a slave to it. Even when I'm dieting, I'm always thinking about my next meal and how much I'm "allowed" to eat.. dieting is not a natural thing to me whatsoever. I have a huge appetite, too. When I eat "only" 2200-2400 calories in a day, I'm usually pretty hungry. My body usually is content with around 3600, but even then I always have "food noise" in my head, and I could EASILY go for 4000+ if I allowed myself.

My most recent success was going from 290 to 220 from August 2019 to May 2020 and that was done through Intermittent Fasting... But then I had a dreaded lockdown mental health crisis, got put on Mirtazapine and Seroquel (two HUGE weight gain medications), and I gained 100 lbs back in 6 months. Ever since then, whenever I try IF I completely fail. My cravings get so bad and I end up binging really hard. I can usually only stick with it for about a week before screwing it up.

Trying to lose weight on Seroquel was damn near impossible. I would do 18 hour fasts, eat in a calorie deficit, exercise, and I would only lose like 1 lb a week tops... I'm off it now (I take Buspar and Trazodone which as far as I'm aware don't have huge weight gaining claims) but it seems like my metabolism almost got 'stuck' in that mode.

I do exercise a good amount, I do 20 minutes of max incline treadmill at 4 MPH a day, and also take about a 30 minute walk around my neighborhood with my son. I also work a physical job where I'm usually moving around a decent amount. I can't really do much more since I'm a full time worker and father of a 1 year old, so it all has to be up to my eating and controlling my huge appetite.

The health issues are also here as a result of my obesity. I have pretty bad vericose veins, often get tendonitis in my ankles, lots of neck strain, borderline high LDL (124), and sleep apnea (although admittedly that is mostly due to my deviated septum, but the weight doesn't help). That's not even to mention all the ever present self esteem issues.

I'm really not sure what to do. Any advice and uplifting or butt-kicking motivation would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Jorin0L
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weve Got This

I started my weight loss journey in 2020, pre-pandemic, like so many of the rest of us. I had a BMI of 46. I lost 25 pounds before the lockdown started and then gained it all back. In December 2021 I started my journey again by joining a specialty gym and then incorporated CICO. I’ve had my setbacks. I stopped exercising for a few months, stopped counting calories, etc. you all know the excuses and things I’ll spare telling you. Those excuses ended once I was honest with myself about how unhappy I was and a terrible crying meltdown. I got back to the gym last December and have made it a priority. I do my best to CICO and make good food choices. I try and limit alcohol. Some days I succeed and some I fail, even with my best plans and intentions, I’m still human. I’m currently down 56 pounds and weighed in with a BMI of 35.0 this morning. I know there’s a lot of opinions on BMI and I don’t think that it’s completely accurate for my body type, but there’s no denying that I was unhealthy and obese prior to making these changes. Getting to under this level feels like some kind of “medical” milestone and I’m using this for celebration of the journey and continuing motivation to just do better.

Just for reference, I am a 42 F at 5’3 with a starting weight of 256 lbs. and current 197 lbs.

You’ve motivated me when I was losing hope and you’ve reality checked my expectations. I am in the thick of this journey with a lot of the rest of you. We are all in this together and I’m rooting for you.

submitted by /u/mila52963
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from loseit - Lose the Fat