Sunday, June 18, 2023

How much weight loss does it take it affect your period?

So I’m having a mental breakdown here over this. I feel stupid, but I think it plays into my fear of now being 30 and feeling like everything is over.

Anyway, I still technically have a little more than a week until my period is due to start. However, tonight I noticed some light spotting. It could just be spotting; however, my periods usually start out pretty light so I’m freaking out that it’s a very early period.

I know that weight loss can affect periods, but I don’t feel like I’ve been losing that rapidly—maybe half a lb to a lb a week. Is that really enough to affect it? I suppose my number of calories could be doing it: I try to stick to around 1600, but that seems normal for someone my height and my activity level. I did skip a period once when I was in college and losing weight, but I assumed that had more to do with stress from exams than the weight loss. I don’t know, I’m just upset over this.

I am probably going to see a gynecologist regardless because I have a lot questions/concerns regarding my reproductive future and weight loss affecting it and whatnot. But I’m just in tears over this tonight worried I’m already menopausal and idk it’s upsetting me.

submitted by /u/HummingbirdsAllegory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much can I reasonably lose in one year given I have a median caloric deficit?

I'm in no rush to lose all the weight I've gained over the years. I'm 31, inactive, sedentary, a former athlete, and injured, but I believe that eating right and trying the right activities can get me to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle where I don't backslide as often, and I opt for the most optimal solution for myself.

I managed to lose about 70 pounds last year by just dieting. I was kinda strict about it, going at 2000 calories on days when I would track my meals, and having little to no junk food. I believe my ability to stick to what my dieting coaches told me to eat led to better weight loss adherence, but this year, I gained about 40 pounds back after introducing junk food into my diet regime and binging a lot. I won't go into binging details for the sake of focusing on more important details.

But anyway, if I had stuck to a diet where I was 20/80 and more flexible with junk food, do you think I would have been able to lose more weight over time? I hit a plateau in the summer at 276 pounds, and I wasn't able to lose anymore no matter how many small adjustments I made. I figure it was a "physical activity" plateau, or maybe it had to do with a caloric deficit losing its efficacy over time, but simply put I was at the same weight and the scale wasn't changing. Maybe my waist was, and I do need to start looking at things like body mass and waist size maybe, but the scale read the same number time and time again.

Any help is appreciated. I am 31, male, 5' 11", 325 pounds. Sedentary on most days but lightly active on some.

submitted by /u/EducationalWay7175
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, June 17, 2023

I dont believe in myself [Rant but any help appreciated]

I (25F) think that’s my biggest problem in this journey.

I’ve been trying to lose weight for FOUR YEARS. Actually, four years and a half. In this time, I managed to lose and then regain and lose again a few kgs, and now I’m right back where I started.

I know part of the reason I haven’t seen much progress is my binge eating problem. Extended binges the week before my period.

I lost all confidence in myself and have absolutely no reason to believe in myself. Whenever I try to tell myself this time will be different, the rational part of me screams that it won’t. My track record shows I can’t.

The only times I managed to lose weight in these years were the few times I got very sick. Eating in a calorie deficit has never ever led to sustainable weight loss for me. I know it’s not because “my body is broken”, it’s just that I end up so so hungry that I overeat and ruin my progress. But if I try to eat more to avoid hunger, I’m back to maintenance calories.

So I have no reason to believe I can lose weight. Yet I keep trying. I want to live life in my happy, healthy and confident body again. I want my energy and effortless life again. I need something that makes me believe in myself but I can’t find it. I think of a life without binge eating and it sounds totally unrealistic for me. I can’t imagine not ever binge eating again.

Every time I try to tell myself I can do it I feel like I’m lying to myself. Been there so many times before, I know how it ends.

Now I’m 17 days binge-free. Haven’t lost any weight. I need more time, but I would want to see some progress month to month.

I don’t want to give up.

submitted by /u/unforgivengworl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing Water Weight is underrated!

I wanted to offer some positive strokes to the newer folks who have just begun their weight loss journey.

We all want to celebrate that whoosh of weight loss in our first week. But then some killjoy inevitably comments that really it’s mostly water weight.

I know, thanks. I don’t care.

I LOVE being able to button my fly to the top on those tight jeans .. that slide over my hips just a little easier. I love seeing a bit of contour in my face .. seeing that number fall on the scale.. knowing that I actually do have agency in improving the shape of my body.. confidence that this could pay off if I stay at it.

And I hate the feeling of being bloated- hard to describe exactly what makes it so uncomfortable, but I notice the difference when I’m drier and properly hydrated.

I wonder if other folks get a kick out of the water weight loss and just allow themselves to celebrate without judgement.

submitted by /u/Endless_Yuck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating problem

Eating problem

20yrs , female. Good day everyone, I don't really know how this works or if it'll get traction but I'm hoping someone can help me find out why I just can't stop eating. I'm currently on a weight loss journey and I have list some weight but very little and I know this is attributed to eating lesser calories but on some days I just can't seem to stop eating. Sometimes I eat and I'm full but then I'd have already eaten something else before I realize I'm not supposed to eat that. Does anyone else have this same problem. Please what should I do?

submitted by /u/Excellent_Garden_912
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Brazilian male 39 years old 6'1 (1.86m) and 491 lbs (223kg).

Hi guys. So, that's it. I have 491lbs and started this week my journey of weight loss. I did bariatric surgery in july of 2010 with the same weight of today and had lost 271 lbs (123kg) in 18 months. But I re-gained all that anount again along the years. I'm scared and sad, but will try my best once again to get back control of my life.

I've started a diet based on fruits, vegetables, tuna and chicken in june 13. Every week I'll check my weight and share the progress with you all. I wish all the best to any of you. I will wrote down every advice do you have, this is so much important to me. Excuse me for my bad english, hope you all understand what I have said. Thanks

submitted by /u/Due-Ad8782
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Facial sagging after weight loss

I'm 29M, SW 125kgs, CW 102kgs, GW 80kgs.

I'm losing weight at around 1kg (2.2lbs) a week. I'm REALLY looking forward to the face gains, and getting my jawline back, and some face definition and skin tightness. Most of the weight loss pics I've seen show very positive facial results.

But reading so much about 'ozempic face) has got me really worried. Is there any way to know if I'm gonna get this or not? How can I avoid it?

So far I haven't seen much sagging. I've got nasolabial folds and marionette lines, but those came about sure to my high weight, and I was expecting them to get reduced with weight loss. I've lost the initial 20kgs over a period of about 1.5 years. Typically I lose 5-6kgs over a couple of months, followed by few months of maintenance, post which I get into the next weightloss phase.

Key questions:

  1. What's the right weightloss speed to minimise sagging? Right now I'm at 1kg a week, and I would love to stay here (just to get thin as quickly as possible). Is this too fast?

  2. Apart from slow weight loss, hydration and moisturizer, what else can I do to ensure healthy skin? Worth exploring collagen creams/other products?

submitted by /u/uduw8wnbruxn2n2hz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat