Friday, October 6, 2023

What are the best methods to lose weight with an injury?

So I started on the weight loss journey a few years back. Took me awhile to get into a good routine and then I started focusing more on heavy lifting rather than weight loss. Long story short, I ruptured a disc in my back (surprisingly not from the weight lifting) And since then I’ve been out of the gym. I’m working with a chiropractor and trying to get it fixed but unfortunately the immense pain I have daily doesn’t go away. It’s chronic and it hurts. With that being said, I’m not cleared to go back to the gym and to be honest I’m afraid to until I’m better.

Because of the injury I’ve been mostly sedentary the past few months and I gain weight fast so I’m back where I started, if not worse and I hate it. The pain I have is in my lower back and shoots down my right leg. I can’t sit or lie down comfortably. Luckily the pain diminishes a bit when I walk. What are some things I can do to stay active, healthy, and progressing towards some kind of weight loss? I feel defeated, being thrown back to square one with this and I have no idea when I’ll be better. I want to make any kind of progress.

submitted by /u/NewLife_ForMe666
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 months in - no weight loss

Hi everyone,

3 months into my weight loss journey but don’t see any difference on the scale :( I’m wondering whether my calorie intake is actually my maintain calories. Any ideas?

Starting weight - 61.1kgs End weight - 60 kgs Timeframe - 3 months Workout- 4-5 times a week weight training with a personal trainer Calorie intake - 1900 calories Job - sedentary / desk

I tracked calories on my fitness pal and used a food scale. Ate clean 90% of the time and logged alcohol / drinks (once a week). Getting back from vacation soon so wanted to know if I should drop my intake to around 1600?

Thanks in advance!!

Edit: I’ve definitely noticed more muscle mass on my body but I’d like to see the fat peeling off a little bit faster.

submitted by /u/vanillaunicorn1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling with weight loss

Struggling with weight loss

Hello, im 23F and my weight is 72kg. I want to lose weight so much bc Im not really confortable with my body shape. I also lost 6kg 2 years ago.

The problem is that my diet is not really bad, I don’t eat a lot of sugar, I eat healthy etc. But, I am someone who is hungry through the day but I usually take coffee instead of snacks. not a lot, like 3 or 4 coffee (cappuccino) per day.

My breakfast is a cappuccino only, I can’t eat something else bc I love this "morning coffee moment”. So I cherish it. But through the rest of the day, I try so hard to eat healthy but even with all this efforts I can’t loose weight. I don’t eat chocolate, sodas, juices. Same for biscuits, fast foods, etc. My digestion is also good, maybe a little bit of bloating but that’s it.

I try to workout once per week also, but I still can’t loose weight.

submitted by /u/Gullible-Clothes-700
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My BMR seems low?

Hi all. Long time lurker here. I've had a long weight loss journey and have lost quite a bit of weight so I can have a surgery here in the UK.

I'm a 5"9 and a half trans female. So sex assigned at birth is male, gender female. I've been on HRT since I was 17 and have no T in my system. Currently I weigh 81kg.

So basing my BMR off of my smart scales and the body comp machine at the gym (I'm aware they aren't fully accurate). My bodyfat is between 22-29%. From multiple comparisons where youtubers have compared smart scales and body comp machines with dexascan. The BF% is never really more then 10% off.

Regardless. Both the machines I'm using are throwing out a BMR of 1400-1550kcals. With a muscle mass around 50kg (allegedly). To support this when I eat over 1400kcals a day I don't seem to lose any weight and in the most parts I gain weight. I've been silly with my diets in the past but have done refeeding cycles to try and get my metabolism back up a little bit.

It just feels like a really low calorie intake for someone my size? I do workout everyday (45 minutes of LISS or 20 minutes of HIIT, + weights focusing mainly on legs, bum and core. So my intake should be nearer to 2000kcals...but again. When doing this intake, I feel sick with the amount of healthy food I have to eat. And I always seem to maintain or gain weight.

Anyone have any input or advice?

submitted by /u/ImmediateDamage1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If I know I can't help myself from snacking, should I just adjust what I eat for the rest of the day?

In the office of my job, we have a huge candy bin that gets stocked every week along with a small hamper-sized storage bin filled with mini chips, cookies, etc. It's a gift and a curse and, because I work overnights that consist of sitting down for about 6-7 hours of my shift, I get bored and when I'm bored I snack. I've determined this as inevitable because even when I bring my own, perfectly weighted and portioned dinner that should be filling, I can't help but grab candy.

I know it wouldn't make me the healthiest, but in terms of strictly just weight loss, should I just incorporate what I know I'm going to binge on into my budget instead of just continuously disappointing myself when I do indulge because I've already hit my budget with other foods?

submitted by /u/haultop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone taking saxenda?

I was prescribed Saxenda a while back and haven't made it through all four of my pens. I read online that you need to discard pens after 30 days even if they still have liquid in them. Why is that? Even if I took it every day at the recommended dosage, I would still be wasting pens. My doctor never shared that with me so I have been doing it every other day and upping my dosage every week but it's been well over 30 days and I have still been taking it. I haven't had any bad encounters with it but upset that I'm wasting my money on prescriptions I'm unable to finish.

Update: I still have 2 pens that I have not used and I want to know since they haven't been used, can I still use them as long as I do it within 30 days, or is 30 days of when the prescription was filled? I'm trying to take my weight loss journey seriously and Saxenda has really been helping i don't want to stop if i don't have to.

submitted by /u/Outrageous-Roll-9044
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Skinny shamed by some douchey gymrat type after losing weight?

Why do people do this? I put effort into becoming thin because I was obese,and I'm expecting most people would be supportive but I literally end up getting shamed by some random stranger I never met online who looks like he's on steroids?

28M,I am 6'1" 145 lbs right now,BMI 19.1:don't call me anorexic because if you do then you're exactly the type I'm complaining about:yes I'm very thin,but I'm not underweight,and I feel more confident and attractive at my current weight than when I was borderline obese at 230 pounds (BMI 30.3).

So basically the story here is,I was always a very thin lanky guy but during COVID I gained a LOT of weight from binge eating all day and I reached 230 pounds at one point,so I decided to start dieting eventually and after a few months I slimmed down a lot to 145 and am now skinny again like I was pre-COVID.

So I posted pics of myself before and after on Facebook to share my success:it was noticable I went from fat slob to pencil thin. Most people were praising it and saying congratulations etc. and I'm happy about that...

...but I suddenly saw this absolute rando out of nowhere jump in the comments that I never saw on my profile before,I don't even know how he found my post but anyways:the dude's pfp is him 'flexing' and it's obvious he's a generic gym rat type.

He wrote something along the lines of:

'Lmfao youre a scrawny lil shit thats no improvement. I would break you in half like a twig lol you fucking anorexic giraffe you should either begin lifting and taking protein to become JACKED or delete this post and stop bragging about becoming a pathetic lanky ass fuck.'

...why? Why would you just jump into a random stranger's post on social media and then insult them without any provocation? I was literally just thinking 'I'm happy now because I've lost weight so I wanna share my success'and then I see this bs?

I still haven't responded to him yet so I wonder what y'all think I should say. Aside from that,let me ask:has anyone else experienced something like this post-weight loss? I.e. people shaming you for improving? Discuss.

submitted by /u/Big-Winter-6678
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from loseit - Lose the Fat