Sunday, November 12, 2023

Walking Group?

Hi, I am organizing some walking groups for seniors and I figure that I can probably organize it for other purposes as well like losing weight. I was wondering how much the weight loss community is interested in this concept?

- small groups 5-8 people

- committed for 8-16 weeks

- similar walking ability

- optimized for proximity (in SF, I'm trying to do this within blocks of each other)

- weekly to daily walks.

I guess, I'm not sure if the community is as interested in a group walking concept as seniors are or if there are different incentives. All I'm doing is recruiting people, setting up a kick off meeting, and then setting up a daily scheduling text and then a reminder text.

And I guess as an aside, if anyone is interested in doing this feel free to DM me (especially if you're in SF where I'm currently doing this).

submitted by /u/ricardianrhythm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My partner noticed and complimented my weight loss today!

My partner has always been supportive no matter what size I've been but he's been especially great since I've been trying to lose weight. He eats what I eat, doesn't have snacks in the house or around me, doesn't suggest takeout etc. The only thing is that he's not really mentioned me looking any different. I know you're less likely to notice weight loss on someone you see every day but still. Anyway tonight he just stopped and looked at me and said "wow, you really have lost a lot". So, I know this is a bit silly, but yay!

submitted by /u/HippyWitchyVibes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Regaining lost weight i'm now completely demotivate

I feel like I have hit a wall and I don't know what to do anymore. I step on a the scale almost daily and i'm just watching all this hard work disappearing with every pound regained.

I started my weight loss a little over a year ago at 224 lbs and the start of becoming pre diabetic. A little medical background, I have PCOS so i'm insulin resistant and weight loss is hard to begin with. I have ADHD which means I crave sugar and carbs due to low dopamine levels. i'm late 30's, two full term pregnancies back to back, no gallbladder and a partial hysterectomy. I have some pretty nasty food allergies and sensitivities so my diet is limited.

I'm working with a weight loss specialist but after a year and only 30 lbs lost.. well soon to be 20 lbs as i have regained nearly 10 as of recently I really don't know what to do.

My diet has undergone a drastic change to what it once was. I still maintain the high protein but I can't cut carbs out. I tried that at the start of my weight loss journey a year ago and I have NEVER felt as awful as I did then. I drink pretty much only water with one coke zero for the caffeine during work. I eat about 1100 calories a day maybe less and burn off most of that at work.

my exercise is during my working hours. I'm an expeditor, I move hundreds to thousands of pounds of equipment between labs for 10 hours a day. I average 150K - 200K steps at work every month and that is just the times I have my phone in my pocket (I often don't even bring my phone with me due to the nature of my work)

I was on Ozempic for half a year until my insurance stopped covering it for anything but type 2 diabetes (we were using it as a preemptive strike, which worked.. I never went full diabetic) I have been through so many weight loss medications, topamax gave me horrific side effects, phenetamine i'm on the highest dosage right now and gaining weight. I'm supposed to be on wegovy but good luck fucking finding it!

I just.. I just don't know what to do any more. I just want to get down to 160 and I was so close! I got to 185 at one point but I hit this point where it just stopped completely and now the weight is coming back despite nothing has changed ( okay i cheated a bit cause of halloween but shouldn't be enough to even add a pound let alone this constantly 5-10 lbs bounce I'm doing)

If anyone has any suggestions or where I should turn to next.. I just.. I just don't know any more and I don't know how much more I can beat my doctor over the head with "I fucking told you diet and exercise don't do anything!"

submitted by /u/Director_Tseng
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Rant: I lost weight I don’t have an eating disorder

In advance apologies to anyone who has suffered from, or does suffer from ED this is a rant from my own experience of weight loss (and almost 3 months maintenance!) and the reactions from some on this.

For reference 5ft 1 31F. Have lost approx 40lb from high of 148lb. Maintain between 107-110lb. I am a healthy weight for my height and exercise regularly. I did lose about 8lb and kept it off then took my journey more seriously at the start of the year. Started daily exercise, gradually increased, high protein, low carb diet. Volume eating by stacking all meals with a lot of veg. Started eating breakfast which I never used too, sometimes I have 2 breakfasts. So now eat 3-4 meals a day, I track and it’s healthy, now maintaining I have a pretty even split of macros from protein, carbs and fat. I now average 30 mins exercise daily, mostly weights, and actives rest days I take long walks.

Prior to this I ate a lot of fast food, did zero exercise, and wore loose fitting clothing to hide my insecurities, and I admit I hid it fairly well in how I dressed. I now feel great about myself and form fitting clothes are for me. I’ve worked hard and I want to show it off!

Well here’s the rant.. I am healthy eating. It’s a lifestyle change to maintain this and not yo-yo. I say no to a donut at work because it’s not worth it, I like to treat myself at a weekend, not just stuff my face in the office. It’s not worth it for me to fall back into them habits. I eat, I will just eat my pre-planned meals and snacks which aren’t loaded with sugar and calories. I am not super strict at all I just limit my over indulgence days to avoid gaining it back again. I’m certainly not starving myself. Yet I’m asked if I’m ok and if I have a problem?!

My Granny, who I only see a couple of times a year due to distance, I go and see her and she’s cooked a delicious roast that I indulge in as a treat. With a cheeky bit of apple crumble after. My Aunt then has to tell me granny is so pleased I’ve eaten as Granny is worried about my appetite?!

I lost weight to a healthy level. I have zero plan on losing more and am happily maintaining my weight where it is. Why do people think I have an issue? Does anyone else get this?

I feel good and I look good. I’m the healthiest ive ever been. It just frustrates me people are seeing this as me having a disorder! I don’t get it!

submitted by /u/Consistent-Choice-22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Eating binge after great weight loss


In about a period of 5 months I was able to lose 25-30 kg (80lbs?).(125-> 94kg 6’2)

After a certain point my weight stagnated for a month, then went down, and stagnated again. I decided to eat at my weight and workout because I felt that I needed more muscle.

A month since then I’m binge eating fast food, anywhere from 2500-3500 calories, I burn 2800~.

I don’t know how to stop, I’m hungry to eat and to comfort myself, I’ve gained back 10kg, but more like 5 kg when accounted for water weight.

I know this is common but I just want to stop, I’m afraid of going back to my old weight but i still eat a lot.

I just ordered some fastfood again and I really hate how its going but it’s like my discipline has died

Any advice from experience would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/theowaway953
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When is it time to buy new clothes after/during weight loss?

Hello! I’m a 5’6 female and am currently 227! I haven’t been in the 220’s since over a year ago and I was unintentionally starving myself from nausea. I started my weight loss at 244 under two months ago, so I’ve lost 17 pounds so far. My goal weight is around 180 or 170. The problem is 90% of my pants don’t fit me anymore. Even my leggings I used to squeeze in are falling off me now. I just want to know when do you know it’s time to buy new clothes? Should I wait until I plateau or say screw it and buy a few staples now? I work at a doggy daycare full time so a lot of dogs jump on me pulling my pants down even further. I’m shocked a dog hasn’t pantsed me yet 🥲 It’s quite literally my worst nightmare 😭

submitted by /u/External_Tomatillo46
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss is making me a shitty gf. How can I stop being jealous of naturally skinny boyfriend

Throwaway cuz my bf has my main

So when we and this guy were dating I wasn't expecting anything serious to come out of it. He was way out of my league. I mean, he isn't very muscular, but he is quite lean, and definitely checked every box in the appearance department. Had many women after him and yet he asked me out for whatever reason. I was the funny fat friend. I only existed as a joke for people. I tried to make people laugh so I didn't have to be alone.

We met when I had just started trying to lose weight, at about 310 lbs and 4'11. I resembled the shape of a ball. He was a whole foot taller and maybe half my weight. We went to school and everywhere together. His friends didn't think I was worthy of him. He defended me. He also kept commenting that 'I was eating too little and probably just had a bad metabolism' as I was only getting about 1500 calories a day. He ate whatever he wanted, I'm talking a whole pizza for lunch, a tub of Ben and Jerry's for dessert and then a full course dinner. He played football and was very active unlike me.

After a few months together we graduated from high school and went to college and lived together. I reached 209 lbs. I would say that this is when things started to get really bad. I started to feel very self conscious. I felt like my loose skin was spilling everywhere. I felt hideous. I was fighting with my boyfriend each time he even spoke to another woman and then started searching for whatever silly argument to support the suspicions I had of him cheating. Which wasn't true at all. He was very calm. He let me blow out at him and didn't say a word. He said he would help me save up for a skin removal surgery when I reached my goal weight and always assured me that I would be beautiful in his eyes.

I started fighting with him about tempting me with bad foods. I'm refusing to have sex with the lights on. I didn't want to go on dinner dates because I didn't want to ruin my diet. It was consuming my mind. All I could think of is how I could eat as little as possible. I just wanted to be worthy of this man because I see women all over him all the time, and i felt it was only a matter of time until he left me for one of them.

We had a really huge fight where I ended up throwing away the sweets and chips he bought. He said he couldn't do it anymore and needed some time alone. He hasn't come home since last Wednesday. He is still replying to my calls but says he needs time.

I don't know why I'm writing all this. I guess I could use some advice, some clarity. I know I'm an awful girlfriend, I just can't love myself until I'm perfect enough in my own eyes to never feel inferior in front of these women again.

As of today I am 190 lbs and my goal is 125 lbs after which I will get the loose skin surgery done.

How can I stop being so jealous that my boyfriend is able to eat so much and I can't. My tdee is low due to my height and being sedentary. I didn't eat a calorie over 1200 for years. I miss food.

submitted by /u/Perfect-Screen-9841
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from loseit - Lose the Fat