Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The scale isn't moving

February 2018 I'm 265 lbs at 6'2. Bought an elliptical and use it 5 days a week. I'm eating 1500 cals a day but the scale won't move. Maybe it was the donut I had at work when somebody brought a box in. I'm so useless. Why don't I have the willpower to lose weight?

March 2018 I'm at 255 lbs. All this work Ive been putting in is useless. We had pizza day and I couldn't help myself to a few slices. It's bad for me but I can save my lunch for tomorrow. Saves me some money in the long run.

June 8 2018 I'm at 230lbs. I still look awful in the mirror. I use my elliptical an hour every day after work but this weight just won't come off. Why do I even bother.

August 2018 I'm 210 lbs. That guy I visit at work has a bowl of toffee and I eat three or four every day. Is that why I'm not losing weight? I need to stop being so impulsive. I'm never gonna lose weight this way.

October 2018 I'm 195 lbs. Gee, what I'm doing might actually be working. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I've lost 70lbs in 9 months. I'm no longer losing as much weight as I was but I'm so close to my target weight that it should be expected...

Aside from the start and end my weight loss isn't 100% accurate but I'm trying to make a point

Every day I stepped on the scale, and 95% of those days I was disappointed at my lack of progress. I thought it was my weakness and lack of willpower every single time. But the results speak for themselves. I've done 1hr on the elliptical 5 days a week for about 9 months. My job varies from very active to very little activity. But I've still averaged about 2lbs a week. I also work 12 hr days.

When people say weight loss is not linear it's 100% true. Some days you'll eat under your TDEE, work out a ton, and weight 3-4lbs more than you did that morning, or even that week. Have faith that if you're honest with your food intake and doing the work, the rest will come.

I've been frustrated on the scale almost every day, but the results speak for themselves. You WILL lose that weight. But you gotta do the work

submitted by /u/omnicorp_intl
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Don't set unattainable goals

I was over weight for most my life, starting from age 6 and lasting until I turned 17, and I hit 280 lbs as a 5'11 man. I knew I had to make a change, but I also knew that if I told myself that I had to lose it all in a certain time frame, or that I had to lose a certain amount, it would all become too much for me and I would panic, which would inevitably end in me eating away my feelings and giving up for another 6 months, where I would again repeat this process. So the time it finally worked, all I told myself was, "I'm gonna go on a walk today. I don't care about the number on the scale or my diet, I'm just gonna go on a walk". And I did. No plan, no real idea of what I wanted, just a simple walk. And you know what? It was nice, and very relaxing. So I kept doing it. And those walks turned in to walking/jogging when I could, and occasionally biking as well. That turned in to full on jogs with no rest. Which, after 6 months, has turned in to me jogging 4 miles a day. And by the end of my first year of weight loss, I was jogging 7 miles a day, 6 days a week, like it was nothing and my weight was down to 200 pounds. 8 months of the same effort, and adding in a little weight lifting and I am now down to 165 pounds which is where I have stayed for 2 years now. Don't be hard on yourself, it takes time. And don't make weight loss a bigger monster than it really is. Just say, "today, I'm gonna go on a walk", and you will be surprised by what you can do over time.

submitted by /u/Gingersouless123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I overcame my fear of the doctor’s office after starting this journey

So, I’m not far into my weight loss journey, but I had my first physical appointment in 4 years due to my weight.

I’d been avoiding the doctor’s office because I didn’t like being weighed, and didn’t wanna hear any of what the doctor said about my weight either.

I now realize shame over my weight was holding me back, and keeping me from getting my health in check. Now I’ve had my physical and discovered all my vitals are good, and I’m happy!

Tomorrow I’m going to get a blood test, and check out everything else. I’m scared cuz of the needles, but I need to know. I’m really, really happy with myself.

submitted by /u/pray4pal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


I'm a 24 yr 5'7" female. In January of this year I hit my heaviest weight at 210lb. I was waiting for motivation that never happened. What did change something is a weight loss competition at the beginning of Feburary at my work. I put in 20 dollars and started reading these posts. A healthy competition and lots of helpful advice set me in the right direction. Today I recorded my weight at 157lb. My goal weight is 150lb. Ive been stuck at the last 10 pounds for about 2 months now and I could use some advice. How I lost the weight was using the losit app to count calories and I stopped drinking sweet tea and soda. I ramped up my veggie and vegan meals and kept consistent breakfasts. I ate pretty much the same thing every day until I would run out and switch to something else. For example I ate only a pack of yogurt for 4 weeks. Then tangerines for 2 weeks. Overnight oatmeal for a month and a half and then belvita for about 2 months. I increased my water and decreased the amount of red meat I was used to eating. I pretty much gave up fast food all together. Advice on losing 'those last few pounds' would really help me get back to my goal weight. The before is from last October and the now is from this September

submitted by /u/Leeloopanda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] Finally broke the 180 pound barrier and it's all downhill from here!

So three-ish years ago I lost about 31 pounds in around a year and then I kind of stagnated and floated anywhere from 180 - 200 pounds until well three months ago, on a whim I decided that I wanted to spend some time with my nephew and seeing as my brother-in-law already had plans to take him rock climbing at a local gym that day. Like, hey. Perfect. Two birds, one stone. I'll get to spend some time with my nephew and I've got plans for a couple hours in the evening. We got to the climbing gym and as I climbed(easy stuff, v0's and you know a couple v1's) I thought to myself 'well then this is fun, and hard as hell'.

But I was interested, because even though it was hard it was fun. Really fun.I mean, it being fun wasn't the only thing though. Everyone there was built in the exact same way, for the most part. That is to say, semi-ripped arms, washboard abs that kind of thing. I thought, man I'd like to look like, that. And the journey began. I signed up for a membership at the gym(hardly the first time I've done that though. Unsuccessful at getting in shape at two prior gyms.) But this time felt different. So I started climbing. At first, once a week then towards the beginning of the second month I moved to twice a week. Then I threw yoga into the mix one to two days a week. I've lost about twenty pounds since this whole journey started ( I was back up around two hundred at the start of this whole thing) It really feels like I've made a proper lifestyle change and this is a track I shall not be knocked off from. I've improved a fair bit at climbing(now climb v3) and want to be climbing v5-6 by the new year. What i would so to those looking to loose weight and the key difference between this time and every other time I've tried. Is that the weight loss alone wasn't motivation enough . Like, looking better and being healthier just didn't keep me interested . But climbing has the component I was missing. A challenge, something to use all that new found fitness for,and to progress in. So my suggestion. Find a sport and just get as good as you can at it.

Might I suggest climbing?

submitted by /u/Whereismytardis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Knife Skills Class at Sur La Table and the BEST Run and Food of September!

Hello! How’s it going? How was your month … last month aka September aka a few days ago?  Did you make October goals?

I did!

(Read as: I’m going to make them right now in an effort to get it together.)

But before we get into the best run, eat and repeat from September & new month goals… Let’s talk about chopping!

Sur La Table Cooking Class Knife Skills 101

I took the Knife Skills 101 class at Sur La Table a few nights ago!! I don’t remember how I originally heard about it but I knew I desperately needed this class! And I finally have a friend and convinced them to take the class with me!! Boom.

Sur La Table Cooking Class Knife Skills 101

So if you’re keeping track here is the current score on life stuff:

1. make friend – done

2. learn something – done and done

3. maintain friendship – tbd

4. put new skill to use – tbd


Most Sur La Table stores have cooking and kitchen skills classes. There are 2 locations near me in south Orange County and I took the class at the South Coast Plaza location.

South Coast Plaza is a very fancy mall in Orange County with super high end stores that I don’t actually go into because of fear I’ll accidentally wipe my germs on a pair of socks that costs $5000 and then be asked to pay for it or be arrested for being poor or something.


I managed to try and act cool long enough to enjoy a glass of wine at one of the restaurants with before class. And they gave us fancy bread which is important and notable.

Sur La Table Cooking Class Knife Skills 101 south coast plaza

Sur La Table Cooking Class Knife Skills 101 south coast plaza

It’s a good idea to drink before learning how to use super sharp knives, right?

sur la table chopping class

Sur La Table Knife Skills 101

This 2 hour class is $65 per person. It’s a fairly small group – there were 8 people in the class and 1 instructor. And it’s hands-on so we chopped different vegetables using different techniques as we went along. Then, we put it together at the end with a Green Goddess Dip (the instructor made in front of us) and a Roasted Red Pepper Soup.

Everything I know about cooking and food prep I’ve learned from the Food Network. Also – everything I know about eating I learned from Guy Fieri.

guy fieri eating

food network eat

So I really needed this class!

sur la table knife skills cooking class

sur la table knife skills cooking class 101 a


Highlights of the Knife Skills 101 Class:

  • Learning how to sharpen your knife
  • The onion chopping hack that keeps it together
  • Rubbing your hands on stainless steel gets the garlic smell out
  • Me laughing at myself and almost drooling on the veggies I was chopping which we were using for the dip platter
  • That you’re supposed to always hold a knife down and at your side when walking through the kitchen
  • Oh, and say ‘knife!’ when you’re walking behind or past someone so they don’t bump into you
  • Don’t say “KNIFE!!!” when you’re home alone while making a stabbing motion as this encourages an eventual spiral into insanity
  • Don’t arrive dressed like a ninja thinking the class is about fast sword skills
sword fight class


sur la table knife skills cooking class south coast

I liked the class and would definitely want to take another class. I want to go to cooking school now!

Or maybe buy Julia Child’s Master the Art of French Cooking cookbook and do all the recipes and blog about them.

Awww. Someone already did that?! Never mind.

amy adams cooking

The dip and soup were amazing. The soup was my favorite!! And the recipe is in the handout packet we got!

Sur La Table Cooking Class Knife Skills 101 soup

Sur La Table Cooking Class Knife Skills 101 review

I loved it!

It was fun and I learned something and Gordon Ramsey didn’t say I was a crap sandwich or something.

(I don’t know if that actually happened on TV… him calling something that, but I feel like it did?)

Okay wait… I looked it up!

gordon ramsey sandwich


I definitely want to take another cooking class or go to culinary school or maybe enter an eating contest… 

Sur La Table Cooking Class Knife Skills 101 chop

Now let’s talk about the best running and eating from last month! If you want to take a cooking class or get more info check out your local Sur La Table.

This isn’t an ad or sponsored – I just know I’m going to get questions and want to share in case you also want to be fancy and cook-y or choppy. And I looked for a Groupon and coupon code for it and couldn’t find one – but I just saw there’s one for October! Select Classes are only $46 with code: CLASSES46 – See details


So I’m randomly charging my Garmin running watch right now and since it’s here I looked up my mileage for the month. I rarely do this so I’m excited about the timing!

September Running Stats:

Total miles run: 229

Days run: 24

Hours run: 34

Calories I burned: 24,147

Calories I ate: 2,988,248

monthly mileage running

I’m most excited to see I ran 24 days out of 30. I was concerned that I wasn’t taking enough rest days but I took 6 for the month. Boom.


Favorite RUN:

This was a hard call because – I didn’t realize I ran 18 miles on Sept 1st…!

I was talking to Janae ( Hungry Runner Girl ) the other day and talking about marathon training and how not ready I am for my next marathon. I said I hadn’t run more than 16 miles since last year. Well, I didn’t realize I ran 18! Ha! What is my deal? Is it my memory? Am I just a space cadet?? What is a space cadet???

long run for the month (800x505)

(from my instagram not a blog post)

But the winner is the Lexus Lace Up Half Marathon in Irvine – it was fun and my mom went with me and ran the 5K!


lexus lace up results half marathon 5k 10k discount coupon code RER10

And I thought I had a hole in my shoe but I didn’t. Random! But hear that story on Podcast episode 94 – How Runners Can Prevent and Defend Themselves…

Check out the Lace Up Irvine Half Marathon Recap here.

Check out all the new discount codes here.

Favorite EAT:

Yogurtland and Chipotle date!! This is my favorite.

date night food

[  I post eats on Instagram – so make sure you follow for running, eating and life updates.  ]

Favorite post I’d like to REPEAT:

My love letter to my cat Vegas…

vegas is cute

This makes me sad. But it also makes me… well, still sad…

but eventually grateful that I had him and that I have you to share that with. I really appreciate you following along and I feel like we’re friends and it feels nice to have this place to share my life with someone. Thanks.

me and my cat vegas 18


Race Discounts and Coupon Codes

Fall running season is upon us! If you want to run a race this year – register, train, do it!

I have discounts for you on so many fun races!! Tell me if you’re in!

Revel Big Bear – Oct 14

Lace Up Ventura – Oct 21 – code: RER10

Rock N Roll Los Angeles – Oct 28

$10 off with code RERLA10

$5 off 5K with code: RERLA5

* Rock N Roll Los Angeles Race info and Registration *

Rock N Roll Las Vegas – Nov 11

$10 off with code RERVEGAS10

$5 off 10K or 5K with code: RERVEGAS5

* Rock N Roll Las Vegas info and registration *

Lace Up Palos Verdes – Nov 17 – code: RER10

Lace Up Riverside – Dec 1 – code: RER10

Run for a Claus 5K in Orange County Dec 2

$5 off with code : RUNEATREPEAT5OFF

Revel Hawaii – March 9 2019


Check out the Race Discounts Page for more!


If you’re a race director or represent a race or running group and are interested in sharing a discount or promotion code for your run – please contact me for more information.

I love to pass on running or fitness discounts to my virtual fitness buddies! Please email – Thanks!





What was your favorite RUN or EAT from last month?

Are you running any races before the end of the year?

The post Knife Skills Class at Sur La Table and the BEST Run and Food of September! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

I've lost weight before, but my weight loss as of late has been slow- is it due to more frequent lifting?

As my title states, I'm down to about 187 pounds from 265 (lost over the course of a few years). I started dieting and exercising much more seriously in the past month, however compared to the past, I'm having a lot more difficulty shedding the pounds as of late. I'm aware that TDEE decreases and it gets harder, but my calories consumed are still low for a male (1200-1500). I've definitely had water weight fluctuations in the past after lifting, but lately I've been going more consistently to weight lift- is it possible that the DOMS is still causing a water weight increase? It is about to be 2.5 weeks since I started lifting again. I still have some soreness/DOMS after my lifts. Also, one big change I've made is that I'm taking protein powder on a daily basis now as opposed to only on the days that I lift. Is it possible that I'm adding on some muscle? For all intents and purposes I am a beginner to lifting.

FWiW I weighed 190 one day after lifting, and 187.8 the next day. A week later and I weigh in at 187 flat, even though I was hoping for a 2 lb/week weight loss with the calories I consume. I'm also sure that I'm not underestimating the calories I consume, as it's the same foods I used to eat while losing weight consistently, and I'm pretty meticulous about this sort of stuff.

submitted by /u/losingweight121
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