Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thoughts on the “never be hungry” approach?

My story: I’m still near the start of my weight loss journey and trying to figure this stuff out. Generally speaking I have cleaned up my diet over the past couple of months but still eating three-ish meals a day plus the odd snack (~500cal deficit). However I occasionally end up slipping back to unhealthy eating/bingeing like I used to (usually it’s if I don’t have a meal prepped in advance and just want something “easy” but mostly it seems to be hunger that I’m misidentifying at the time as a craving for pizza/chocolate/whatever).

I’m definitely getting better at resisting these urges, but yesterday I read that some people choose to basically graze on healthy food all day so that they never actually feel hungry.

My question: Is this a quick fix that will actually help me stop bingeing on food OR does it actually take the focus away from self control/eating mindfully and potentially cause more issues down the line?

Grateful to hear anyone’s thoughts and/or experiences! Thanks

submitted by /u/uncagethecolours
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can’t lose weight on deficit

I’m 6’6, 20 years old and have weighed around 220 the past couple months. I lost over a hundred pounds over a year ago, and use to be overweight and lazy my whole life. Now I go to college and lift heavy weights intensity 3 times a week, and 3-4 times a week I also play basketball for an hour or two (shooting around/drills). I am also active outside my workouts walking all over campus, and getting about 8-10k steps on weekdays.

I was consistently losing weight at the start of this semester with a scale I was using, but it eventually broke and I got a new one. On this scale however, I have not been able to consistently lose weight, and have stayed around the 220 pound area for a while even though I am in a deficit.

I have measured my TDEE on multiple websites and use the low end I have found which is about 3,050. Currently I eat about 2,400 calories (600 cal def) and measure almost everything accurately (my college provides nutritional info on everything as well).

The only thing I could think of that is masking my weight loss is how much sodium is really in my food, or just water fluctuations. I drink a lot of water every day (probably too much lol), but I’m not sure if that would really stop me that long. I know about the “woosh” thing but I have never really experienced it myself. I’m just sick of the way I look and want to drop down another 20-30 pounds.

submitted by /u/xcaptainmurphyx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

9 Warm Weather Activities that Torch Calories

Summer has to be the most active time of the year, with so many chores to be done and opportunities to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. While you’re busy taking advantage of the season, you can also burn off excess calories, helping to speed up your progress toward your weight loss goal. Here are nine popular warm weather activities that kick up your metabolism while you go about your days—no visit to the gym required.

1. Mopping the Floor
The minute the weather turns warm, cleaning tops the “to-do” list in many homes. When you get out the bucket and mop, and move at a steady pace back and forth across the floor, you’ll torch calories plus tone your arms and strengthen your core muscles as your metabolism heats up.
Calories burned: 330 per hour

10 Reasons to Go For a Walk Today

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2. Dusting and Vacuuming
Wiping down your furniture, shelves and decorations gets rid of dust and potential allergens. It also keeps you moving around, bending and stretching as you go. Pushing the vacuum not only removes dirt and other debris from your carpets and floors, it activates your back and leg muscles and cranks up your internal calorie-burning engines.
Calories burned: 160 per hour

3. Ironing
Smoothing wrinkles and pressing creases into your clothes and linens is steady, methodical work you do while on your feet. That effort leads not only to a pile of well-maintained laundry… it can lead to a pile of sweat as well! Try ironing a week’s worth of clothes all at once, then hanging them where they can’t be wrinkled again. You’ll be be thanking yourself on those busy weekday mornings, and your waist line will thank you, too!
Calories burned: 150 per hour

How to Spring Clean Your Way to Weight Loss

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4. Painting Walls
When a room in your home needs a fresh coat of paint, there are many tools to work with and tasks to do, from moving furniture to reaching with the roller brush. All of those add up to significant calorie-burning that helps you end up with a fresh look, too.
Calories burned: 350 per hour

5. Mowing the Lawn
Walking back and forth as your power mower cuts the grass keeps your yard looking neat and your body, trim. You don’t get the same benefit from a riding mower, but you can really amp up your calorie burning by using a mower powered only by your legs.
Calories burned: 330 per hour

8 Reasons Your Pet is Good for Your Health

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6. Gardening
Digging, raking, pulling weeds and other gardening tasks get you outside in the fresh air and sunshine and fire up your metabolism as you beautify your yard.
Calories burned: 340 per hour

7. Washing the Car
Sure, you can go to the drive-through car wash, but rinsing, scrubbing and drying your own vehicle is pleasant on a warm day and it burns calories while you’re at it. Vacuum and polish the interior to get the maximum benefit.
Calories burned: 330 per hour

7 Morning To-Dos to Help You Lose Weight All Day

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8. Visiting the Playground
Taking the kids to play on the swings, sliding board and jungle gym helps them burn off energy and stay active. The little ones will love for you to join in and you’ll remember what fun it is to play as you turn up your metabolism.
Calories burned: 300 per hour

9. Riding a Bicycle
Pedaling around on two wheels with the warm breeze in your face is a simple joy that can bring you back to carefree childhood days. Skip the skintight clothes and hunched over posture and just ride for fun (with or without kids). While you pedal and smile, your body torches a whole lot of calories.
Calories burned: 400 per hour

*Calories burned are the average for a 155-pound person, based on a report from the Harvard University School of Public Health.

The post 9 Warm Weather Activities that Torch Calories appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Stalled at 215 for 2 weeks.... Stuck

5'10 M started at 265 down to 215. I look and feel way better. However, I have been solidly planted between 214-216 for 2 weeks. I have been keeping my calories between 1600-1800 a day (Yes everything is weighed and accounted for). I also work out , cardio and weights, 4-6 times a week. I have started running again started jogging again over the past three weeks, but I would think that this would make the weight come off even faster. I have increased and decreased my water intake. I have increased my sleep. I am down to 1-2 drinks a week. I just cant figure it out. I know it is a plateau and i will break through it, but sometimes you just need to vent and my wife is sick of talking about diet/weight. Thanks for reading my little spiel and best of luck with your weight loss journey. Advice would be appreciated, but not essential as I know if I trust the process the weight will come off.

submitted by /u/BourbonFisherman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stunt in Weight Loss

So I've been on a weight loss journey since September last year and gone from 230lbs to 185lb. I'm (30F and 5"4). I'm really happy with things are going, but would lose another 30lbs or so.

In the last 6 weeks or so I've hit the point where I'm fluctuating between 184-186lb on a weekly basis, not eating any different but have started a new job. I walk about 6k a day and eat roughly 1300 calories with a bit more to offset the walking I do daily.

Although I've maintained my weight which is great. I'd like to lose more, is there any suggestions to help? Or has my body reached the point where it requires a lot more exercise to lose weight. As in, I've reached the point where just eating less and well is not enough anymore?


submitted by /u/Emmzyne
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 Month work challenge complete.

Back in January my supervisors started a 3 month weight loss challenge. They of course named it the biggest loser challenge. Our buy-in was 50$ and a total of 11 people participated.

I started at 364 pounds... big. Im a big guy. In my first two weeks the water weight and my diet change had me down 20 pounds. My boss however had managed to lose 37 pounds. It made me more motivated to keep going.

I continued... and found out my boss was eating cheesecake and cheating on her diet. Even more motivated to win.

The end of the contest was yesterday... 1/4/19 - 4/3/19. I successfully won the contest. 67 pounds down.

Im gonna tell you guys... i never wanna be 300 pounds ever again. So i started a new challenge at my gym. Looking to change my diet up a little bit more. And im gonna keep pushing to look and feel as good as ive always wanted to.

Side note... i gave the second place person their 50$ buy-in back. They kept me going. They challenged me to be better and do better. I figured that was a decent way to say thanks.

submitted by /u/Minigunner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight BUT CANNOT SEE IT

Hi guys, I’m a 5ft 2 lady who has gone from 149lbs to 132lbs in around 3 months but as the title suggests I cannot see this in the mirror at all. My goal weight is 119lbs. I’m currently a size 10-12(UK) and would like to be 8. Is this a common problem most people trying to lose weight encounter and is there anything else I can do to try and visualise my weight loss? I’ve tried progress pics in the past but for some reason I hate taking them. My main issues are my thighs (which are very muscular, I have serious quads which I have always hated and always had even when I was previously around 120lbs) and my breasts (32F/G) which on my short frame give me neck and back ache. Both these places I cannot seem to see ANY weight loss and I’m finding this very discouraging. Any suggestions or helpful tips as to why this is the case/ how to get past this would be very very welcome.

submitted by /u/MazJan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat