Sunday, April 7, 2019

Not losing weight with daily exercise?

I recently got back into trying to lose weight and am feeling stuck.

I have been doing daily exercises (21 day fix videos) and participating in a little to no carb diet (roughly 1600 cal a day).

It’s been two weeks and I’ve lost about 1 pound, which is still progress.... but I can’t tell if I’m not losing because of muscle gain, water retention, or both, or maybe even something else? I am definitely more tone, but I feel like I’m bulking up more so than slimming down.

I’ve read online that it could be both and to continue for about a month or two before the weight truly starts to come off. So I guess my question is, is this true? For those of you that added a lot of exercise to your weight loss program, did it take a while to see results?

submitted by /u/freezeepops
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Having Trouble

Hi! This is my first time posting here so forgive me if i sound a little bit nervous in the way i type ^.^' So all my life i've struggled with my weight, and i've struggled with the concept of exercise or doing anything to change it. I guess what i'm trying to do by writing this post is to get some support and ways to stay motivated on my weight loss journey. I absolutely hate any form of exercise except maybe for yoga and swimming, but I don't want to swim because i hate the way my body looks in a swimming suit, and for some reason it's really hard for me to be motivated to do yoga. I'm at a loss on what to do with myself anymore. Every time i try to do something about my weight, i just relapse and go back into my bad habits. does anybody have similar experiences, and if so, how did you get out of it?

submitted by /u/Tsakirama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stop Waiting to Try to Look Good

I've shared my story a few times, but I'll quick do it again--was overweight throughout my childhood and into my early twenties when I actually nearly became morbidly obese (5'6" and 240 lbs). I lost 106 pounds over the course of a year and a half and became a gorgeous 134. I loved myself, I loved how I looked, and I loved dress my new body. And then, I broke up with my pseudo-boyfriend and I turned back to food for comfort. I regained forty-five pounds over the next two years and now, I'm at 180 and I'm trying again to whittle down my weight.

I've spent the past two years being disgusted with myself. I hated looking in the mirror. I hated the way my clothes looked. I punished myself by wearing my fat clothes. I felt like an eyesore, and I didn't put any effort into trying to look good. I stopped wearing almost all make up. What's the point, I thought as I looked in the mirror at my body. Nothing will make that look good.

I don't know what changed in me over the past two weeks, but all of a sudden, I was sick of it. I was sick of feeling disgusting and dumpy all day long. I was tired of feeling like I looked awful. I noticed the days when I wore clothes that I liked and I had put some effort into grooming myself, I felt better and happier and more in control. I've been working hard on my weight loss for the past three weeks (twenty-four days of NAILING IT!) and I decided to reward myself with some new clothes. Part of me snarled viciously "NO you don't deserve those, wait until you lose weight and THEN you can buy some, stop enabling your gross fat body!" But I ignored that voice. I had worked hard, I had earned this.

I went to a clothing store. I have spent the past few days studying fashion trends, looking at people whose fashion I admired to figure out the kind of things I like. I grabbed some things to try on and then, I stood in the dressing room, staring at myself and trying to decide if I looked fat. Then, I realized something. I am what I am. I am the size that I am right now, and there's nothing I can do about that right at this moment. This is the body I'm living in, and it is what it is. I decided that I was going to buy things that I liked, things that I felt confident in, and that was that. For the first time in my LIFE, I went shopping BY MYSELF and bought the things I liked, not what other people liked and not what I thought would make me look thinnest.

Today, I went to church. I wore an incredibly cute jacket, a white t-shirt, a pair of straight-legged jeans and black ankle boots. I wore a long necklace. My hair looked awesome. I looked freakin' amazing. I felt amazing. I didn't obsess over how tucking my shirt in my jeans made my stomach look big when I sat. I felt powerful, I felt attractive. I had more people greet me this morning than ever before, and why? Because I was attractive this morning because I TRIED. And all of a sudden, I am now excited about working harder on losing weight because I care about myself, I like myself, I take care of myself. I am what I am, and I like who I am and how I look--which is why now I'm driven to look even better.

Don't wait until you are the perfect size to care about yourself. Do it now. You are who you are right now, and the sooner you love who you are, the sooner you will want to become even better.

submitted by /u/CaptElizabeth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss done! NSFW?

Hey guys!

So long story short, I used to weigh about 270-275 pounds, I've been overweight since 3rd grade in elementary school. Due to the risk of diabetes and multiple warnings from doctors, I finally decided it was time to take action. This all occurred over the course of 4-6 months, I don't remember the exact time span unfortunately. My secret? I used Nutrisystem, lmao. Sorry for the shirtless pics, the only Pic I took of myself when I was overweight that I feel would be a good photo would be the shirtless Pic thus I had to do another shirtless Pic in order to have a good comparison. I now weight 170 pounds, I'm 6 foot tall.

Beware! Lol.

submitted by /u/Lunacyx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight is great but.. (just ranting)

I don’t think I’ll ever be truly happy with myself until I get a rhinoplasty. I have a huge nose and it’s only going to get worse with weight loss and that’s something that’s always enabled my gaining again. I know it’s a stupid excuse but it’s just the truth.

I’m not over exaggerating about my nose, I see people look at me differently and it’s been said to me pretty bluntly by many people growing up. I’m not crazy but I am extremely insecure.

I’m not going to let it stop me this time though, I will lose weight and I will get a job soon so I can save up for my second big goal, which is to get a nose that actually fits my face!

submitted by /u/WaterIsTheBest
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSFW [M36] 6’1” SW 237 CW 160 GW?


I know the boat looks messy, but do not judge me too harshly. I am in the middle of some major maintenance and half the boat is disassembled, including several of my storage lockers. I did not previously have a refrigerator and I am installing one now, among many other things. I am looking forward to opening my diet variety.

I was thinking about losing another 5 pounds, but a few people have told me I should think about gaining a few pounds. I have been consulting with my doctor and have his approval on this weight loss. In fact, my bloodwork improved so much that he was quite interested in my diet. I had improvement across the board, the most significant being my total cholesterol dropping from 239 to 160. My doctor was going to put me on medication when I crossed 240.

I tried a lot of different diets and the one that worked for me was a kind of raw-pescatarian-paleo diet with caloric limitation of 1600 calories a day for 17 months. I also eliminated my intake of everything with added sugar or sugar substitutes and reduced my drinking to one night per week, no more than 6 beers or one bottle of wine. I usually do not drink my full limit though. I had a lot of setbacks in those 17 months, it is so nice to finally be where I am now. The biggest differences I have noticed are a massive decrease in my alcohol tolerance, a decrease in my tolerance to cold temperatures, and a perception that people seem more respectful and pleasant to me.

Most of my exercise is based around low intensity cardio. Typical workouts include 6 mile light run on sand/hills, 30 minutes open ocean swim, or 2 miles of kayaking. I live on a boat in Panama and do not have access to a gym. I do have some gymnastics rings I hoist up the mast for body weight exercises. Moving forward, I am still debating on focusing on endurance training or strength training. Another unbelievable change has been a decrease in my resting heart rate. My previous rate was usually in the high 60’s, but has dropped to 42 average.

So, what should I do? Drop a few pounds more and try to have six-pack abs for the first time in my life, build more muscle, add some fat back, or something completely different?

submitted by /u/CruisingAlaya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I guess I have a “Dad bod” now.

Kind of sounds insulting right? But it was absolutely the biggest compliment I’ve gotten in awhile

I have just hit 65lbs down. Nothing fits. So I went to a very schmancy place that before the weight loss would not have been available to me. I walked in and asked to try something on, they asked me my size, and I defaulted to my usual response when I’m somewhere high end with European sizing: “let’s start with the biggest and figure it out from there”

The sales associate looks at me funny and says “I don’t think you’re anywhere near our biggest size. Let me sort you out.”

She came out with the equivalent to a Medium and it fit! (hallelujah chorus angels) I responded “that’s great! As a big guy you always fear the dreaded thats our biggest and it doesn’t fit. “

Sales associate replied “Big guy? I think the most we are dealing with is dad bod. You look great!”

I shrugged on the outside. But on the inside I felt like I had just done cocaine. I was hyped.

I bought the shirt mostly for the memory of the interaction and how I felt.

submitted by /u/DooWahDiddyDoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat