Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I'm trying to heal - and my body is next. Advice?

Let me start with a few details here. I'm male, 20 years old, and my broke ass is about to finish my third year of college. 6'1, 305 pounds, so far no major health issues. I want to get down to 210. I mostly want to lose weight for health reasons (heard too many stories of heart disease) though looking good for the ladies won't hurt either. I'm not looking to get shredded or be super thin, but I want to at least be seen a 7/10.

However, while this is by no means an excuse, I've struggled with severe depression and self-esteem issues for the past 7 years. I can't look in the mirror without hating what I see. Since I discovered and started therapy I've begun to heal, and I've decided that I want to lose the weight.

I understand the health benefits of cardio, but I DESPISE cardio. I also very much enjoy food, so I don't want to get on a strict diet (though knowing when to stop eating is one of my biggest issues, as well as less soda). I also don't have access to a gym, nor do I want to obtain access to a gym.

What can I do to achieve my goal? I've never been a 'weight loss' guy before this, so I don't know what exactly to do.

submitted by /u/Spriiiiing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing motivation

I’ve lost 27 lbs since the New Year and while I should be proud of myself, all I can feel is discouraged since I was steadily loosing two lbs a week in the beginning months and now it’s slowed down. I currently weight 217 lbs and I won’t feel happy until i finally hit onederland again. Am I being unreasonable? I’m trying to stay motivated but i really wanted to hit 199 by the summer time and I’d have have to lose 2lbs a week until July 1st to hit this goal.

I’m sorry I’m just venting but weight loss can be so dang frustrating! :( I feel like I should still Be loosing at a faster pace because I’m still very much overweight (F/26/5’6’’) I think most of my frustration lies in the fact that I lost 30lbs three years ago and then gained it all back plus some extra. So even though I’ve lost I’m still heavier than my lowest three years ago and I don’t feel proud of my progress :(

submitted by /u/KrisPBacon0905
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why can you do this?

It's so easy to come up with excuses for why we can't eat healthy and exercise. I'm going to think positive, here are the reasons I can do this.

Feel free to comment yours!

  1. My new job has a gym
  2. I have friends who I can go to gym classes with.
  3. These gym classes are near my house.
  4. I can afford healthy food
  5. My SO supports my weight loss
  6. It's coming into summer! Lovely weather to be out walking.
  7. I know how to do it.
  8. I take ages to get going on a goal but when I'm in the zone, there's no stopping me
  9. I have lots of freezer space
  10. I need to save money and sleep better anyways, home cooking and exercise help with this big time.
submitted by /u/isayweloseit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My previous personal relationship hindered my health physically and mentally, now it’s contributing to my newfound determination.

I was in a toxic relationship off and on for 4 years. It was something I never thought I’d do.

When we met, I was well into my fitness journey. I had gone from 179 (weight I kept from my last pregnancy) to 143. At 5’4 it was still a bit overweight but I had been pretty toned at this point and looked slimmer than the actual weight.

Then I met this guy. Swept me off my feet. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could before he’d leave for weeks at a time (musician). This meant lots of partying, lots of dinner dates, lots of Netflix.

Things started to get toxic when it started becoming an issue of me going places without him. An issue of me talking to any man, you’ve heard the story before.

So I gained all that weight back. He would criticize any food I ate, he’d poke fun at my femininity. I started hiding the fact that I’d eat candies at work, or grabbing food from the drive through in secret.

It took me two years to get from 180 down to 155 and fluctuating. All the result of getting dumped by him. But he’d come back around and tell me he was proud of my weight loss but then trying to micro manage me like I was a child. I ate my feelings. I’ve been up and down.

Now that he’s gone, I have more determination than ever to be better than I was before. It’s kind of a fuck you to him. But a blessing to me that I don’t need his validation for me to complete my own journey and do it my way.

I’ve learned a lot. I’m still heartbroken sure, but I lost time I can’t get back, I’ve lost some dignity, self respect and trust. I lost my own journey in health and in life. I stopped living for me. It’s not going to hold me back anymore, I’ll cry at the gym if I have to.

Also, I’m gonna look great when I get to Croatia in July/August.

submitted by /u/saviour__self
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am disgusted by myself

Hello guys! So as many others I am quite overweight (5'11, 125kg, male) and this isn't the first time I am on a weight loss journey. 5 years ago I went from 135kg to 97 thanks to the help of my friends, but in 2016 I stayed at home until 2019 and gained all my weight back and I'm desperate because it seemingly takes forever to lose it again. Since sunday I don't have a car anymore and I can't even walk 10 minutes without sweating like a pig. Usually I try to stay motivated but things like this really kill my mood. Sadly I don't have any pictures with my highest weight (lost around 15kg this year) to compare, only got some when I was thinner...sometimes looking at my old self even makes me cry because it feels like I wasted 5 years of my life. Beside that I'm struggling with everything else in life and I'm not sure how to cope with that all.

This probably gets posted several times a week, I just wanted to rant after my recent walk. :(

submitted by /u/Putensteakburger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accurate TDEE Calorie Calculator?

I'm doing the best I can when following CICO, and though I've been losing weight steadily now that it has slowed to around 2lbs a week, I want to insure I'm doing the absolute best I can.

Currently I follow the guidelines set forth by MyFitnessPal, which also happens to have nearly the same calories provided by Lose It app. I don't count or eat any of my exercise calories that the app offers up, but I enter in currently as a 5'6" 36 year old male at 312 pounds, 49.2 fat percentage and a sedentary lifestyle. I work in an office, but sedentary isn't necessarily true as I do Tae Kwon Do three days a week and have slowly added physical activity every other day. Still, I like having the exercise as a bumper for the day, so I don't factor it into my TDEE.

I wanted to insure that my apps were right so I also ran several calorie calculators today and got a variance that was surprising to me. Some of these calculators said with a 1000 calorie a day deficit (for 2 lbs a week) I should be at 1700, some said even lower between 1500-1600, and a couple of crazy ones said I should be below 1,000. I have no intention on following the latter, as I've read numerous times an adult male shouldn't go below 1500, but I also want to give myself the absolute best chance for sustainable weight loss.

Am I missing something? Should I follow the apps recommended calorie limit? The TDEE online? Does anyone know of a super accurate calculator? I'm aware nothing is going to be 100% accurate as it varies greatly due to a wide range of variables on every person, but surely we can get close here.

Thanks for your help as always team!

submitted by /u/mailorderninja
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm not a 'volume' eater. Anyone else?

There's a school of thought towards weight loss which recommends replacing high calorie density foods with low calorie density foods (swapping white rice for cauliflower, as an example) in order to achieve results by allowing a person to fill their stomach the same amount (or more) but for less calories.

But for me this is uuuuuuuseless. Because I don't like to fill my stomach. I like to satisfy my craving beast. I can sit down and eat a huge bowl of steamed vegetables the size of my head and I'll still be climbing the walls afterwards, desperate for a scoop of ice cream or some avocado toast. It doesn't have to be junk food, but it needs to be calorie dense and tasty, with protein and fat, like a spoon of peanut butter or a protein bar, to trigger my satiety level to stop eating. In fact, if I eat too much food by volume, for example a pint of soup, I'll actually feel hungry soon after because my stomach will feel stretched out.

Diets that say "you can eat as much of this as you want!" don't work for me when the thing is not the thing I want.

I'm having some real weight loss success at the moment by eating small portions of stuff I crave and enjoy, like protein shakes and bars, (taste like candy bars/milkshakes) avocado on a toasted English muffin, individual slices of pizza from the deli, etc.

I'm about 10 pounds overweight and I luckily don't suffer from terrible hurdles like binge eating disorder or food addiction, for context. However it's clear the thing that trips me up isn't my stomach, it's my tongue.

Anyone else not a volume eater, and how does that affect your weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/tokyo2saitama
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from loseit - Lose the Fat