Tuesday, June 4, 2019

How to Up Daily Calorie Intake Without Guilt?

Howdy y'all!

This is my first post in this community but first, I would like to start off by thanking everyone for the inspiration and showing me where to start just through my lurking of threads and comment sections. CICO has worked fabulously for me!

I am a 23 year old male, 211 pounds, 6'0 tall. My weight-loss journey started the week before Easter, seven weeks ago, after I realized I was at or near my heaviest weight in my life at 234 pounds. I have managed to lose 23 pounds in the past seven weeks, something that I am quite happy with (though I'm sure at least a few to several pounds is water weight!) and am already seeing positive health results from changing my lifestyle. I have a rather large build and if I had to guess, my happy medium and weight loss goal would probably be to get to 175 or 180. I am almost half way there!

However, I realize that three pounds a week is not a sustainable weight loss regimen or something that I want to keep up as slower weight loss is associated with keeping the weight off and I recall from a couple years ago that my gallbladder may have a bit of sludge or small stones in it, and I understand continuous drastic weight loss would be a risk factor for developing further issues. As such I would more like to aim for 1.5-2 pounds of weight loss a week while working a pretty active job as a park attendant. As such I have been trying to raise my daily caloric intake from 1500 to 1750 or 2,000. I can certainly eat that many calories (hunger is no issue here, ha!) but I find myself getting paranoid or feeling guilty for upping my count.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips on avoiding the guilt or getting into the correct mindset so I don't feel this guilt or like I'm reversing progress as I know my current mindset is quite toxic and could lead to issues or eating disorder down the line, and I certainly do not want such a thing!

submitted by /u/AspiringMES
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Z58t7X

Legs just won’t slim down!

Hey all! So, over the past few years, I have lost around 65 lbs. I’m a pretty tall gal (5’10), hovering around a size 6-8 right now, and have always carried most of my weight in my butt/thighs/calves. I’ve seen a serious reduction in fat around my stomach, my upper body, and my face, but my legs just won’t budge! I feel like I have the same calves and thighs I did 65 lbs ago and I don’t know why. I’m at a point where I look super disproportionate (my legs are quite a big larger than my upper body) and I wanna do something about that. I know you can’t spot target fat, but I’m curious if anyone else has experience with this. I’d say I’m 15-20 lbs from my ultimate goal weight, but I’m pretty happy with how my upper body looks right now after my weight loss. I do Orangetheory about 4x a week and power yoga 2x a week, so I’m very active. One of my huge goals for myself is to feel comfortable wearing shorts again (something I haven’t done in like 6 years!) but even with my considerable weight loss I still hate how my legs look :( Any tips or stories?? Thanks all!!!

submitted by /u/oliviav12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Z1v4lQ

Losing weight fast makes you gain it back?

I am a 5'3 woman with a weight of 141 lbs, and I'm planning on losing 1.5% - 1.8% of my bodyweight per week. I can do this on a 1200 calorie diet.

There are articles that stress the importance of not losing weight too quickly because it will all apparently come rolling back. But these are articles by the same writers that talk about starvation mode and the like, so I'm not too sure how confident I can be about their advice. If you do believe it to be true, how so? How am I going to gain it all back by losing 1.8% of by bodyweight per week, as opposed to 0.8%?

Have any of you lost weight at the rate I wanted to lose it at? What did you experience?

It would help if you have any links on studies that show that quick weight loss (1.5% - 1.8%) leads to regaining.

submitted by /u/Throwawayduhh1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2MuJaL9

Why can‘t I lose weight?

I am a 16 year old female. I'm about 5.4 feet tall (165cm) and at the moment I weight about 130 pounds (58-59kg). I don't tink that I do much exercise. I walk about 9-10 000 steps a day, do some squats almost every day (to keep that booty growing) and play volleyball ~5 times a week for ~3 hours. I'm trying to control what I eat (I try not to eat sugars although I buy hematogen a few times a week), I don’t eat pies, cakes, noodles, buns (stuff that contains a lot of carbs) and I try to minimalise my portions. For breakfast I usually eat homemade banana-strawberry-vanilla soya milk smoothie, and one bigger and one smaller meal for dinner and supper. I have been doing this for a couple of months now and I lost about 13lbs (6kg) so far. I certainly haven't gotten fatter, in fact, my belly is smaller, I don't have any back fat anymore but my tights and arms still feel pretty big at the moment. What can I do to improve and make my weight loss faster? Am I doing something wrong? Bikini season is here and I just want to have a body I am proud of...

°English isn't my first language so I apologise for my mistakes. 

°And no, I don't have the ability to go to the gym. I was a professional horse rider but a year ago I had to take a break. I will start taking riding lessons next week so that's another sport that will maybe help me improve my current condition.

submitted by /u/avototo13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bwrtm3/why_cant_i_lose_weight/

Sticking to nutrition goals when your partner eats poorly?

I've gained quite a bit of weight in my adult life (stopped sports, started a sedentary desk job) and for the past year or so have really been struggling to lose weight and yo-yo-ing pretty consistently.

I've recently gotten back into athletics which is great, but of course we all know you can't out train a poor diet. I've always struggled with self-control with food, whether it be portion sizes, junk food, snacking etc., and have always had a rocky relationship in general with food with an on and off relationship with binge eating.

I live with my significant other of 5+ years who knows about my struggles with weight loss and food, and is also overweight himself. However, my big struggle with yo-yo-ing comes back to my self control issue, which is heavily, heavily tested by my significant other. While I'm trying really hard to home cook healthy meals, and eat healthier and appropriate portions - I'll come home to takeout I would obviously much prefer to eat...pizza, Thai, burgers, you name it. I'll always be fine, while annoyed to start, but then eventually I feel like I just fold and eat poorly for another period of time.

I've tried talking to my partner about this, and while he says he understands, nothing really changes. I just feel frustrated and defeated, and am wondering if anyone else deals/has dealt with this kind of situation, and what I can do to try and make my health journey easier in this regards?

submitted by /u/carefreekoala
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Z7S1DQ

How long are you lasting?

Background: I'm two years in, down 50+ lbs - sometimes losing the same few pounds, but differently due to exercise (example, I was the same weight last year and ecstatic to fit into mens XL shirts and women's L shorts, now at the same weight, I fit into size men's S shirts and Medium/Small women's shorts.) The plan previously was to get to medium then go on maintenance for a few months, then get to small. Instead, I got to medium and kept pushing hard until my body was like, eh, no. I got the flu, lost 10lbs, gained back 20 during recovery and I decided to slow down a bit. Which put things in maintenance, as I tried different things to make a new cutting meal plan.

I got a plan I could enjoy and started my cut in late Feb, and I've lost 18lbs so far. The plan was to lose 20lbs by August, each month adding a new element to keep things moving.

The last two weeks I've stalled, so I had a refeed day yesterday. I notice I tend to break plateaus by drastically upping calories for a day or two. I want to keep going through August, to see what kind of weight loss can be achieved with this meal plan that has been working the best I've seen of all I've tried thus far.

After August, I plan on going on to maintenance through October, go super aggressive in November to prepare for the five pounds people seem to inevitably gain in December. In January, start again with this same meal plan I'm on, but switch up my workout mix through March, after which I'll review and figure things out from there.

I remember a time when I was meal to meal. Then day to day. Exercise wise, it started a few minutes to a few minutes, then workout to workout, then week to week, then months at a time. Nutrition only recently started to work for me week to week. Then I notice I could go month to month, and now I'm thinking ahead to March of next year, which is nine months from now, and a year since I started my new meal plan. I can't even begin to explain what a mental shift this is from the days of meal to meal.

How long are you lasting? Hour by hour? Meal by meal? One workout at a time? One athletic season at a time? If you go a long time, where did you start?

submitted by /u/WonderWomanIRL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IhlIf8

[90 day challenge] Day 4: 142.9 lbs

Hi everyone, my weight loss is slowing down, I said on my last entry how today is a holiday for me and I’m not going to be able to keep up with my diet today. My goals for today is to not eat any sweets.

Current progress: 142.9 lbs, BMI: 25.3

I’ve been eating roughly 1000 calories each day so far and that’s been working fine for me, it fills me up but today I’m probably going to reach 2000 calories really quickly.

I think I should clarify so there’s no confusion, my goal weight is just what I want to achieve overall. If I don’t get to it by the end of 90 days it won’t be discouraging, but I do want to get to 120 at least by then.


Starting weight: 146 lbs|Goal weight: 110 lbs|Current weight: 142.9 lbs

submitted by /u/mlmo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2HUtKvl