Tuesday, June 4, 2019

How did you set your final goal?

i’m nearing my goal, depending on how i look at it. i can’t decide what weight i want to stop at, or when and if i’ll ever be satisfied with my goal. i’m 5’8 F with a goal of 145-135 (currently 152, started at 191), and i’m just at a loss. i don’t want to be a super toned muscle maniac (props to those who can pull it off), but i also want to drop some of this dough. i can’t decide if i want to keep my curves, but i also have a health condition that only seems to improve with more weight loss, so i’m torn.

what points went into your decision to stop at a certain point? for those who have hit their goal, do you fluctuate or monitor it closely to assure it doesn’t move around? do you plan on stopping short of your goal to reduce more “sag” or other cosmetic things? i’m curious to hear everyone’s experiences.

submitted by /u/girlalien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2QLCeb0

Feeling lost !

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember and earlier this year I started working toward weight loss and getting healthy. I managed to lose 20 lbs which was outstanding because I have never successfully and intentionally lost weight before. Some family issues came up and I completely fell off of my routine. I just kept telling myself that once the issues were over I would get back on the horse. It has been nearly a month now that my life has been back to normal and I haven’t been able to get myself to go to the gym or count calories again. I literally just drove by the gym today with my gym bag in my car. What should I do to motivate myself? It’s very easy for me to go to a negative head space when it comes to getting healthy but I was doing to well and now I’m so disappointed in myself.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

submitted by /u/kriiis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2XuQtUc

I didnt go for seconds and im very proud of myself.

Today we had a family get together in which my uncle cooked hot dogs. I ate one and tracked every calorie in it. I got up, stuffed, but wanting more. As I got to the grill, I was conflicted. "If I ate another one, I would go over my calorie limit". "It's okay it's only one." as I'm barely starting my weight loss journey, it was a bit of a challenge for me, but I decided not to get another, and instead I just sat back down and drank my water. I'm very proud of myself, because I know that if I had gotten seconds, I would have gone full binge mode and ruined my diet once again. But I didn't. im only 2 days into calorie tracking and exercising, but I feel so much better already. I'm also a week binge free!! This subreddit motivates me a lot. thank you all!!

submitted by /u/JojiLin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2JV96NX

Thought experiment: How much would you pay for a pill that magically made you a healthy weight?

My answer: $7-10k

Why I ask: I constantly turn away things that would make weight loss WAY easier because of the cost. But if I rolled all those costs together, they’d cost less than that magic pill. So maybe it’s worth saving up, and using that cash to make my weight loss process easier.

For example:

Fancy healthy salads: For some reason it’s “Healthy, delicious, cheap, pick two”

Kale Chips: Like 5 bucks, but save me from eating 500 more calories in snacks.

Pre-chopped fruits and veggies: Marked up far too much, but I’m much more likely to eat them.

Pilates classes: Super fun, but super expensive.

Everyone’s list is different. But if you’d save up for that magic pill, consider saving up for those healthy (but pricey) habits.

Edit: sounds like everyone disagrees! It's not worth paying a few extra dollars to make eating healthier more convenient, or to try a new healthy activity we might like. Glad we put that one to bed. Carry on!

submitted by /u/Musicmonkey34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Z5HjxJ

No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, just remember to try and be happy with yourself. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

Until today, these past few months I have felt more horrible about myself than I have ever before. I am much lighter from my heaviest weight of 270lbs, but even though I have lost all that weight and "look better" than I did before, I have begun to hate myself more than I ever have in my entire life just because I feel that I am not where I want to be. I have had people tell me how much better I look, but in my head I just feel like they are just lying to me because my self confidence is so low that I feel like I am the ugliest person on the entire planet.

But today I have decided to just try my best to forget about what anyone may think about me (good or bad) and just be there for myself and I feel much better. No matter how many people are there for you, if you arn't there for yourself it doesn't matter. At the end of everything, you have to be there for yourself and try to find some happiness.

I am 21 years old, I am 194lbs, I have stretch marks, some loose skin and many things I am insecure about, BUT IT IS OK. I am struggling to be happy with my self but I am trying, and I honestly hope with all my heart that anyone who is reading this that may be going through something similar to what I am going through, that you try your best to be happy with yourselves if you are not. Everything takes time and you have to take your own time to get through what you are going through.

submitted by /u/iFunnyHistory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2KsE92Y

Started a diet three weeks ago, struggling to see results despite a much lower calorie intake.

So I'm currently at 125kg (275ish lbs) 184cm tall (6'ft) and my SW:128 (280 something lbs?) First goal weight is 95kg and final goal is 80kg. I started 3 weeks ago by basically eating much much less. I used to eat candy on a daily basis, I have a super sweet tooth. I'd have big plates of food for lunch and dinner, but I wasn't eating like super crazy unhealthy food, I just simply ate too much every day.

Realizing that my biggest issue was my portioning and my sweet tooth I decided to quit cold turkey knowing the first week was gonna be bad, I was expecting it so I was in for the ride. Now three weeks later I have very minor sugar cravings that I can withstand easily. I eat between 1000 to 1500 calories a day, I'm doing some minor workout sessions just so I don't go too hard too fast, having done that before, being a complete couch potato and went to the gym with a mate and his friend and the day after felt like I couldn't move due to soreness put me off working out altogether.

But despite all this I'm barely losing weight it feels like. The way I've been eating and working out should result in a much bigger weight loss than what I've seen and I'm kind of clueless as to why that is. It's not to say my motivation has died down cause I tell myself "it's muscles" or "it's your body adjusting to the lower calorie intake" but if that's not it, what could it be? Am I eating too few calories and putting myself in starvation mode?

I'd also like to add that I just recently measured my waist so I'm keeping an eye on that as well from now on.

submitted by /u/Flurpen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2wBBkV8

I couldn't even do 10 minutes of light workout

I'm really upset at myself. I'm and 18 year old male, 6'5" and 300 pounds (overweight) and today I decided to work out. I had to tap out after 3 minutes of jogging and 3 minutes of dynamic stretching. I have never had a proper workout schedule or even workout in general and I'm upset I let it go this far.

I want to be down 30-60 lbs by the end of the summer but I don't know how I'll get there if each workout is as disappointing as this one was. I'm really shocked and upset because I thought I could do at least a 30 min workout without sweating so much and sitting to catch my heaving breath.

I'm trying to save for college so I don't have a lot of money for a gym membership or a personal trainer. I just have a treadmill at home and an empty basement.

I'm not the most motivated person and I'm scared I'll put this off and not follow through. Was everyone as disappointed as I am when they first began their weight loss journey? How did you get past these major road blocks I'm having? Any suggestions or help would be very much appreciated.

submitted by /u/pacomitacomrguapo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2XlWNxf