Wednesday, June 5, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 06 June 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unhealthy Relationship With Food

Hi, long time creeper first time poster. I just started getting serious about losing weight when I realized I am the heaviest I've ever been. 20 years old 5'8 230 lbs (obese) female. Goal weight is 160 (normal weight for my height)

I've struggled with my weight for practically all of my life; I've been bullied about my weight by my peers, family, and most of all myself. I overeat a lot because I turn to food to cope with my emotions. Sometimes when things get really bad I physically cannot stop myself from eating and eating and i end up crying while shoving my hand back into a bag of cheetos. I'm disgusted at myself for being obese and the only thing that makes me feel better is shoving my face full of more foods that will make me even bigger.

Recently I downloaded the myfitnesspal app to try and count/track my calories and it's telling me I should be having 1350 calories in a day. It's only been a week and I find myself entering stuff in and being absolutely obsessed with getting the "calories remaining" counter down to zero. I'll eat and as I'm entering stuff in I'll be like "I can't wait to eat dinner I have so many calories left!" My mind is even more on food than it used to be because I have a visual and virtual reminder in my pocket.

I'll see stuff in the grocery store and I find myself wanting to buy (and eat) and entire thing of mini cupcakes, which I would never think about before. I just think I'm too weak to ever lose weight and I'm destined to be the fat girl forever. Theres really nobody in my life that can/want to keep me accountable and are willing to help me in my weight loss process and I was wondering is any of this normal? I dont have many people who might have gone through the same thing.

submitted by /u/Klarinette18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

BMI vs Hip to Waist ratio?

Hi all.

20 / Female / 5’1” / 117 lbs

Hips: 35 in Waist: 30 in

BMI: 22.1

I’m a “skinny fat” person. My teenaged metabolism finally slowed down (cursed day) so recently I’ve been eating healthier and exercising daily for the past month or two.

My BMI is 22.1. I’ve been using that as a measurement of how well the weight loss is going as well as my actual weight (-10 lbs this past month or two woohoooo) but after some internet browsing I’ve come across the “hip to waist ratio”.

My hip to waist ratio is 0.86 which according to the Internet is really unhealthy and is related to all sorts of terrible medical conditions. I read that if you’re female and above 0.8 it’s likely you have excess “visceral fat” aka fat inside your guts (?)

My question is this: what is the best measurement of health/weight loss? BMI? Weight? Hip to waist ratio? Which one should I trust? Just confusing because my BMI is healthy yet I am apparently obese in my abdomen.. if anyone could explain all this in simple terms I would appreciate it.

Does your hip to waist ratio go down as you lose weight? I ask this because I only have 10 more pounds to lose. My hips and waist carry SOME weight (chub I can squish) but kind of just seems like muscle/bone/body mostly. Are some people born (not born but you get it) a .07, some people a 0.8? Or does it fluctuate with weight loss, even a weight loss as small as 10 lbs?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/summerdepressi0n
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - Went dress shirt shopping for prom, found out extra slim shirts were the only shirts that fit me, as well as finding out that people I know from grade 8 literally think I am a different person!

Prom is going to mark the 2nd summer I have ever been a healthy weight.

I started my weight loss at the beginning of last year, at 270 pounds. Through intermittent fasting, CICO and getting my walking game strong I now sit at a solid 185~ pounds.

I started with intermittent fasting to get my eating habits under control to move on from me constantly stuffing my face and eating as an activity, not for sustenance. I moved to CICO after I felt I had developed stable eating habits and shifted myself away from that. I integrated the walking into my routine during may of last year and resolved to not buy a bus pass for myself, and to walk the 10km collectively to and from my school/work.

I had to get my prom suit custom made (thank fuck for indochino, tbh) because I am 6'4" and pretty skinny now, which didn't help my dress shirt struggles. I had to jump from store to sore, because a lot of stores cater to big and tall people, not just tall. The lady working at the store I bought my shirts from had a bit of a hard time because of how slim I am now! There was also her saying that I have the smallest shoulders she has seen in a while, lol.

Timeline, for those interested. Christmas 2016 on the right, about 16~ years old, vs. me right before I got my scholarship, 18 years old. Didn't realize how much hair I have now, even if it's a little insane!

All of this combined, as well as the fact that I don't go to the main high school here (I go to a weird alternative high school, but not for problem students if that makes any sense) but people that I knew but haven't seen or talked to in Grade 8 literally thought or think I was a different person. A girl I used to work with knew current me, and knew of me when I was a chubby 13-14 year old who did cringy yoyo tricks for a talent show in grade 8, didn't realize the two were the same people. She literally said "That was you? That was really you? I don't believe it." which seemed to be a common sentiment with people.

It's so weird saying this, but I never thought being forgotten and/or mistaken for someone else would feel so good.

Also, apologies if this is a tad all over the place. Just excited.

submitted by /u/KellieRSH
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel accountability here. I like it.

There is truly something amazing about this sub. I know I haven't formed a particular bond or friendship with anyone from the sub but just signing up on the 30 day accountability and saying "Here's my goal, and I am going to do it!" and seeing people post alongside you makes me feel that I am being held accountable.

Like when I'm about to try and binge or skip my stretch, or default to my lay about attitude, I see a bunch of usernames with stick figure bodies (varying boldness of lines mind you :P ) waving their fingers at me.

Today I was going to sit on my computer all day, but I sorted out my finances, spent time with my dog, and prepared my meals. Let me tell you all something.

The procrastinating I have been prone to doing caused me so much stress. It's so much easier to get your shit done in however long and not have to worry about it for the day, week, month, or forseeable future. I would put things off like no one's business. Daily posting on this thread reminds me of what I am doing too.

I made a goal to lose 10 LBS this month. I've eaten well for 3 days now. I'm almost in tears because I've never had a streak. I eat well, have a cookie the same day, but it's okay because I ate well all day mentality. I am realising a lot about myself and my previous attempts at weight loss because this time it just feels different. No more "I want to lose weight." It's now "I need to lose weight."

I felt VERY SICK switching my diet cold turkey. Today was strange. I wasn't hungry at all, barely drank water. Now I'm finishing dinner and my stomach feels fine. I don't know why I didn't feel hungry even though I was supposed to eat. I also didn't feel full mind you.

I'm happy and I celebrated by treating myself to a video game. I played a few round of a game with my friend. I didn't use food and it was rewarding. I'll be celebrating again at day 21, and day 30, and day 365 :D

Out of all the change, the accountability feels like the biggest thing. The support. The reading of eveyone's post who have similar struggles.

I feel accountable, and supported and it's nice. So thank you all.

TLDR: I like the community.

submitted by /u/Oxbowtimothyhay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any suggestions on how to convince my SO that hiring a personal trainer for a few sessions is worth the money?

I’m 25lbs into an 90lb weight loss journey and it’s become quite apparent that I need to go to the gym. I attempted to start couch to 5k a few weeks back and couldn’t make it a week without some issues with my knees and shins. If I want to become more active I’ll need to build myself up slowly.

My SO was okay with joining a gym but balked at the “high” cost for a few training sessions. Before your can meet with a trainer the gym requires a fitness test which costs about $75, plus monthly membership fee and fee for each session and you’re realistically looking 200+ over the next month.

I haven’t been to a gym in years, I’m very out of shape and I want a trainer to help personalize a work out for my goals and show me how to stretch and exercise properly so I don’t hurt myself.

submitted by /u/notmyaltacount
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone experimented with making the same meals everyday? Not just meal prep but actually (almost) the same thing.

I used to not eat breakfast. I forced myself to begin and I ate the same thing everyday. Shredded wheat with grapenuts, berries and almond milk. That packs quite a nutritional punch and got me thinking that if I did the same thing with my other meals I would be set!

So I make a kale and avocado salad that I love. One bunch lacinato kale, one avocado, juice of a lemon, nutritional yeast, and one cloves of garlic microplaned. With this and cereal I have most of nutrient and vitamins for the day covered with very few calories and quite full.

As a snack some smokehouse almonds throughout the day.

For dinner- rice and beans. Always brown rice. The beans are the same but seasoned differently. So black beans with tomato, cilantro, lime, etc. “Mexican “ Curry chickpeas another day , American chili another, split peas and hot sauce.

So the bean part would taste different but this would always have the same number of calories, around 1300 or so. I would get all the nutrition I need and at quite a calorie deficit so weight loss would happen rather quickly, but healthy too.

Anyone have experience doing something like this?

submitted by /u/FlapjaxIsDead
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from loseit - Lose the Fat