Thursday, June 6, 2019

I’m officially done trying to lose weight

Because I hit my goal weight today after a month of plateauing!!! I no longer have to lose weight and can focus on maintaining. :) Seeing the “you hit 100% of your goal” on MFP was probably one of the most satisfying things of my life.

I never thought I could ever have the willpower to lose weight and always told myself “if I feel healthy, it’s fine.” I hated BMI. I envied other women who were “naturally thin” (which obviously I know now is not a thing). Thanks to you guys, my whole mindset changed. I actually understood weight loss. I know nutrition. I know what it means to be healthy.

And to all the people in my life who told me I was getting “too skinny” and “didn’t need to lose weight” or to “eat a cheeseburger” and that I’m anorexic, screw you! I am right in the middle of healthy weight and nowhere near underweight. I feel at my healthiest now and your opinion of me does not matter!

Anyways, just had to share. Thanks for listening and thank you all so much for everything!!!


submitted by /u/13eautiiful
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why is my weight loss stalling?


Since October, I have lost 25kg down from 100 to 75. (Wo-hoo! :D)

This has been a combination of gym 3-4 times a week (circuit style classes for ~40 minutes) and jogging 3-4km 2-3 times a week. Also, keeping my diet to 1,500kcal and minimizing carbs (basically cut out pasta, white rice and bread, most of the carbs come from fruit). Also eliminated processed food/highly sugary food. (With the occasional 'cheat' when I'm out with friends)

However, recently:

a) My weight loss has stalled. I only lost 1kg in the past 3 weeks whereas first I was losing ~1kg/week;

b) I am feeling more hungry/tired.

Not sure what's going as it was going grand up to now? I appreciate my BMI (I am 183cm) is totally healthy, but I still have a lot of abdomen fat I'd like to get rid of.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/dashma942
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where to go

I am so torn. I feel like my weight loss journey is not really a journey because i go up and down 5 lbs over and over and that's about it. Part of me says that i'm unhealthy and need to act and get to a better weight. Other days i feel totally content with my body weight and just want to be more active. My BMI says I am obese, but most people i have talked to tell me that i am not overweight. I'm 25F, 5'5", and 180lbs. I go to the gym 3 days a week pretty consistently, did low carb for awhile but didn't feel it was sustainable long term, portions are small because eating too much makes me have terrible diarrhea. Generally, even when my carbs are high, i rarely go over 1,800 calories. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? I just want to be healthy and happy and i don't really know what that looks like.

submitted by /u/baileywino
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Grateful for Accountability

I've been struggling with weight loss for years. Part of it is my mental illness, part of it is my picky eating, and a lot of it is my sugar addiction (and lack of self control.) I do a full workout 2-3 times a week, and have been logging my meals as honestly as I can, and it's helping.

But I'm grateful for friends. Yesterday there was cake in the office. I'm pretty new here so I didn't know where the cake was. My friend/co-worker wouldn't tell me. I have a friend who had a major health incident where he almost died. He works out almost every day. He holds me accountable. I ran into my personal trainer while working out yesterday. He added an opening to his schedule to get a session in for me this week (he had to cancel our already scheduled session). He holds me accountable. And gives me "homework" workouts to do. And if I don't do them on my own, I hear about it.

Everyone has their own means of doing this, but accountability is my big one. I no longer work in an office that has bagels and donuts and pizza constantly, and twenty-five cent sodas a mere 50 feet from my cubicle. We do donuts in the office once a month for birthdays, and I'll treat myself to that but that's it.

Learning to make sugar a treat instead of a main food group is a challenge, but having friends help me avoid temptation helps.

I say this as I'm drinking a Coke, but it happens. I'm not perfect.

Down 7 lbs in the last 8 weeks or so, so it's helping.

submitted by /u/icanhaznaptime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Q&A on Intuitive Eating & Binging, Tips for SUMMER Running and more!

New Q&A from your instagram questions on my skincare routine, tips for SUMMER running, will intuitive eating make you binge, would I adopt and more! You can watch it here and get more information.

If you have a question leave it in the comment below, email me at or leave it in the Instagram story box!

June Q&A instagram story video 1

what's your skincare routine

What’s your skincare routine? You’re always glowing!

I use a wash from Aveeno and a scrub once or twice a week.

And I recently started using fancy (read as: kinda pricey) face products like a night cream, eye cream and moisturizer.

I also love a good sheet mask and eye mask!!

Check out what I’m using lately in my Skin Care I Love page on the Run Eat Repeat storefront. 

Have you done a running streak?


Will intuitive eating make you binge


Will practicing Intuitive Eating cause me to binge on my favorite foods and overindulge?

For those unfamiliar Intuitive Eating was first explained thoroughly in the book – Intuitive Eating.

It’s the concept of getting rid of all the food rules and eating according to your body’s hunger, fullness, needs, wants for a healthy balance.

Check out the book here:

Will you marry me? Yes? No? Maybe?

The instagram story poll I took said… No.


running anxiety and how to self talk

A running related anxiety you’ve had and your self talk around it?

You can’t do this. You are going to have to quit, because you just can’t…

My self talk depends on how I’m feeling. In the past I’ve told myself – something positive. Or sometimes I just get really honest and say – what’s the worst that’s going to happen? You quit? You have to post that you quit and tell everyone? Meh. That’s not a super big deal.

What’s your favorite distance to race?

Half Marathon!!

How do you fuel during a long race? Is there a specific snack that you like to use?

Yes – I love Clif Mocha gels and Margarita shot blocks.

The Clif Mocha gels have caffeine and taste like dark chocolate.

The Margarita shot blocks have extra sodium.

What were you going to mention about Laguna Hills?

I woke up at 3:30am before the race – it’s super close to my place so I didn’t have to wake up that early. Anyway. Woke up because I had cramps and a period situation. So I had to wake up and wash my sheets.

amateur hour

Do you think it’s too late to get into the blogging game?

No – do it!! Do whatever you want! Start here. Today is your starting line!!

Any tips for Spartan Race aspirants?

I don’t really know anything about Spartan races. But my tip would be to Be Tough and Be Brave! And train hard!!

Have you ever thought of adopting a baby now or in the long run?

Yes, I’ve thought of it. More than that I’ve thought about being a foster parent. But I’m not sure I’d want to do it without a parenting partner.

Oh and ‘Parenting Partner’ – I got that phrase from Valerie Landis from the Eggperience website and I love it. (She talks with woman who have frozen their eggs and she interviewed me recently. You can watch the interview here.)

Today I wouldn’t want to parent solo, but I’m open to change – especially changes for the better within myself!

How do you deal with depression when nothing seems to get better?

Get help from a professional. Go to a therapist and psychiatrist. Talk it out with a therapist and ask about medication. Keep going until you feel better and then… go some more. Do all the self care things too. But if you’re struggling – you don’t have to tough it out. 

If you’re really struggling and thinking about self harm or suicide please ask for help.

You can text the Crisis Text Line or call the suicide hotline.

Crisis Text Line number (800x800)

How do you deal with running in summer heat and humidity

How do deal with summer heat/humidity and keep a good base mileage?

Check the weather and plan your running schedule around it. Run your longest/hardest runs on the coolest days.

Run during the coolest part of the day (that it’s safe to do so).


Dress appropriately.

Be flexible. Factor the weather into your training and effort. If you are running in extreme conditions it’s more of a challenge so it might be okay to cut it short or hold back on pace.

Know yourself. Know if you’re being a baby about something versus when your body is telling you it’s struggling. Be smart and consider your long term goals. If your body needs to stop for water or you need to hold back on the pace – do it.

Get more here:

Summer Running Tips as told by gifs

and try this Summer-y Oats in a Jar Recipe

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for check-ins, updates and to ask your questions!

The post Q&A on Intuitive Eating & Binging, Tips for SUMMER Running and more! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Explaining weight loss to unsupportive friends

Hello! This might be a ramble, but I'm wondering if anyone here can relate to friends becoming a little distant during weight loss efforts.

I'm a few months into my journey and have been struggling with how to explain my adjustments to some of my friends, who are so lovely and body positive (and some have long histories of ED's), but I can see the face scrunching and side eyes when I turn down ordering dessert or order club soda instead of a cocktail. At first, this hurt a lot, but I try to empathize with where they are coming from. From the outside, it looks like I've done a 180, going from the person who knew how to throw down and drink people under the table on a Tuesday, and always encouraged ordering an extra side of fried pickles or dessert. It hurts to think that our friendship could be compromised just because of different foods and drinks. So I brainstormed some phrases to keep in the back of my mind to make these interactions a little less awk.

Some context: I gained weight after I quit smoking last July and let myself eat whatever I want through the first few months of trying to stay away from cigarettes, which was extremely difficult even after I cut down to just a few per week!! Then I went through a double whammy of a breast cancer scare and having back surgery in November– as in, I had my biopsy the day before my surgery. I tried to downplay how much the prospect of breast cancer scared me, playing it off confident that it would be fine, but the reality is that I had my first biopsy at twenty. Fucking. Five. I'm expected to have mammograms for at least a few years– most women start in their 40's. All of this threw me off, and I realized how many changes I needed to make.

Between the stress and having limited movement for a while, I gained another 10-15 pounds in a couple of months. My weight gain wasn't natural– I'm on the taller side and have curves + a bigger frame overall, but this extra 30 pounds didn't sit well or suit me at all. I felt it in my joints, in my movements, and couldn't stop looking at how much bigger my thighs and belly became. My attainable goal is to get back to a weight I was very comfortable with while I was still a smoker, but also see how long-term lifestyle changes can help change my body over time without always being on a diet or constantly checking my calorie/step counts.

I'm planning to have a couple of conversations with my friends very soon, and here's what I think I'm going to say:

  • "My health ups and downs last year have convinced me that I want to try a few lifestyle changes. I'm currently in the process of building better habits that will last over time– I won't be ordering salads and grilled chicken forever, just until I get on the right track with my weight and relationship with food."
  • "I'm dieting and working out to help get down to a weight that I'm comfortable with and that fits my frame– I'm not trying to get skinny or ripped, just a healthier version of myself."
  • "I'm working on eating healthier so I learn how to stop treating my body like a dumpster and make mindful choices. The way I used to drink and eat is not sustainable in the long term, and I'm talking about effects beyond just my weight."
  • "Let's face it: I will never eat or drink alcohol the way I used to, because it ended up not being good for me at all. But I still want to enjoy our dinners and happy hours together."
  • "I'm tracking food to help encourage me to choose more nutrient dense foods, and experiment with how it makes me feel throughout the day." (<-- coming from someone who thought they could never live without 11am and 3pm snacks!)
  • "I figured out that my brain doesn't respond well to alcohol anymore and I need to limit my drinking. But we can still go to happy hour and you can enjoy drinks in my honor. I support you doing whatever makes you feel good."

If you have advice from similar conversations, please feel free to leave that here. I'm not nervous to talk to my friends, but even knowing if anyone has gone through anything similar will be a great relief. Thank you for reading. <3

submitted by /u/femmepyre
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling discouraged (loong post)

My weight loss journey started in 2012. at 5' I weighed 146 pounds and had all the bad habits. Was minimally exercising too. Downloaded MFP, started CICO and got to 125 Ibs in about 4 months.

Fast forward to 2013. I start a really intense school program, get really stressed, eating unhealthily to the point where I weigh 105 and feel fat. Food was the only thing I could control. Depression was off the charts, but I didn't recognize that.

2015, I meet my (now) husband. Learn to slightly relax about food, but able to maintain about 110 without major issues. Eating 1400-1500 net calories/day. Tell Mom (a yoyo Dieter herself) I'm happy I've been able to keep the weight off. Her response "so far".

2017 depression comes back. I get on a med (Venlafaxine) that is theoretically weight neutral or even causes weight loss. I have the opposite experience. Don't know truthfully how much was not being depressed so food anxiety went down, relaxed more about eating, idk. Weight has been slowly increasing since. Was eating pretty healthily around 1400 net calories.

2019- I'm 29 years old and the scale shows 132. Downloaded Noom a few weeks ago, weight has not budged. I'm eating 1200 net calories a day and have been able to stick to under 1300 every day. Maybe my baseline lower intake over the last several years has slowed my metabolism, idk. Feeling very discouraged and lost. Don't want to blame the med. It's also the only thing helping my depression. pretty active, worried food tracking may trigger disordered eating again, feeling worse about my body every day. "So far" keeps ringing in my head. I'm so much healthier and more active than I was 7 years ago and should count that as a win, but can't seem to.

Tl;Dr. 3 weeks of cico in someone who has been mindful of calories for the last 7 years, no weight loss, sad.

submitted by /u/DOxazepam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat