Thursday, June 6, 2019

Feeling discouraged (loong post)

My weight loss journey started in 2012. at 5' I weighed 146 pounds and had all the bad habits. Was minimally exercising too. Downloaded MFP, started CICO and got to 125 Ibs in about 4 months.

Fast forward to 2013. I start a really intense school program, get really stressed, eating unhealthily to the point where I weigh 105 and feel fat. Food was the only thing I could control. Depression was off the charts, but I didn't recognize that.

2015, I meet my (now) husband. Learn to slightly relax about food, but able to maintain about 110 without major issues. Eating 1400-1500 net calories/day. Tell Mom (a yoyo Dieter herself) I'm happy I've been able to keep the weight off. Her response "so far".

2017 depression comes back. I get on a med (Venlafaxine) that is theoretically weight neutral or even causes weight loss. I have the opposite experience. Don't know truthfully how much was not being depressed so food anxiety went down, relaxed more about eating, idk. Weight has been slowly increasing since. Was eating pretty healthily around 1400 net calories.

2019- I'm 29 years old and the scale shows 132. Downloaded Noom a few weeks ago, weight has not budged. I'm eating 1200 net calories a day and have been able to stick to under 1300 every day. Maybe my baseline lower intake over the last several years has slowed my metabolism, idk. Feeling very discouraged and lost. Don't want to blame the med. It's also the only thing helping my depression. pretty active, worried food tracking may trigger disordered eating again, feeling worse about my body every day. "So far" keeps ringing in my head. I'm so much healthier and more active than I was 7 years ago and should count that as a win, but can't seem to.

Tl;Dr. 3 weeks of cico in someone who has been mindful of calories for the last 7 years, no weight loss, sad.

submitted by /u/DOxazepam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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