Friday, June 7, 2019

A little background on the progress I have had. Since June of 2018, until the end of December, I lost 30 pounds. From January of this year until now, I am not losing any weight.

If I do, I drop a few poiunds and bam! they come right back. I swear I look at food and gain weight. It’s super frustrating. So now I’ve been plateauing for several months now and my motivation is going down the shitter. I want to lose another 15 pounds, my final goal weight. Nothing seems to be working or maybe I’m not committed enough as I once was. I do cardio and some weights at least 3 times a week, but shoot for 4 times. I tried to watch my calorie intake, intermittent fasting, even went to the doctor. So here I am, stuck. Any suggestions on getting my motivation up and how to restart this weight loss.

submitted by /u/iamrubi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 08 June 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

140lbs this morning [SV]

365 days’ difference

Hey everyone!

I started my weight loss journey back in 2015. I was able to get down to 143lbs before I went to rehab for alcoholism, and gained all my weight back. April 2017, I was 225lbs.

A year ago, I decided to take a picture and forgot I still had it on my phone. I don’t remember what my weight was at that time, I apologize.

But last week I saw I still had that picture and decided to take another one today, 1 year after. My scale this morning said 140lbs.

I stopped drinking Dr. Pepper. I drank two 24oz coffees a day, which helped kept me “regular.”

I stopped eating food from work (a pizza restaurant) about 6 months ago, which has helped with the plateau phase because I was stuck at 160lbs for ages.

Usually, I take about 12,000-20,000 steps a day, depending on the workday, which is really the only exercise I was doing. Just moving around at work instead of sitting in the office.

It hasn’t been easy, and lord knows I’d love to eat all the Ben and Jerry’s, especially with summer coming in hot. But learning to say no to cravings has been worth it.

Thanks for reading, hope this was long enough so my post doesn’t get flagged again by the AutoMod.

submitted by /u/Tru-Queer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gut health and its impact on your metabolism

Gut health continues to be on the forefront of conversation, and rightly so considering its growing correlation to the functionality of almost every system in the body. While many are aware of the buzz gut health has created, of the estimated 60-70 million people who are affected by digestive diseases in the U.S., a large majority of people in this group continue to go undiagnosed. If you’ve become accustomed to indigestion, poor energy, immune health, bloating, stubborn weight loss, skin problems, inconsistent bowel patterns and mood issues as a regular part of life, there’s a chance your digestion is at the root of the problem. If gone unchecked, it can manifest into a slow-moving metabolism, hormonal imbalance, difficulty losing body fat and other health issues.

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

Finally starting to see some face gains, 75lbs down in about 5 months and no longer constantly sweating!

Hey everyone! I've been following this sub since I started around new years. It's all been CICO and intermittent fasting/OMAD. Over the last month the weight loss slowed to 2 pounds then I hit a plateau, I did a 48 hour fast and it fixed the plateau and I felt great so I started fasting MWF and it's boosted my weight loss back to how it was in the first couple months. I eat the exact same thing every single day, I eat six low calorie burritos and a pound of cheesy broccoli and it's between 1200 and 1400 calories depending on how much of the ingredients I use. I weigh every gram of everything that goes into my mouth. I also drink pretty heavily every Saturday with friends, I'll have about 15 shots and I chase it with water and I won't eat anything that day. I've recently stopped drinking all together though because classes have picked up a lot. I have not noticed a change in weight loss. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Face gains:

submitted by /u/Chiefertoons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to accept I'm a new, smaller, dress size.

I started my weight loss journey size UK 14 (EUR 42/US 10). I quickly moved down to a size 12 and started being able to fit into some size 10s before an injury flare up resulted in gaining some (most) of the weight back, putting me solidly at a size 12. I've recently starting losing weight again and I'm approaching the point where I'll to be able to fit into size 10 clothing again.

But even when I was able to comfortably fit into size 10 and now size 10 almost, but not quite fitting and my measurements matching size 10 on sizing charts, I still feel like I can't possibly be that size.

I see people (both in real life and online) who are size 10s and they all look way skinnier than I am. And then I see people who wear bigger clothing sizes who look to be more like my size. And I feel like all the size 10s I've fitted into (including the size 10s I bought the first time round and continued to wear) can't actually be size 10s and they're just vanity sized.

Does/has anyone felt like this, like they've somehow cheated their way into fitting into a smaller size? Or they're lying to themselves about what constitutes clothing fitting? How did you manage to convince/persuade yourself that you are actually that size?

(I didn't have this issue with being a size 12, just with being a size 10.)

submitted by /u/randomnessdoubled
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Weight was easier to lose than the emotional baggage

I am at the lowest weight in my life, since Richard Nixon was president. Right now I am about 158 pounds, down from a high of 400 pounds. People think i am some kind of weight loss guru and I am not. I can tell you what has worked for me, but it will not necessarily work for everyone, because there is not a one size fits all method to losing weight.

What did work for me is changing my attitude. I have been fat since I was twelve and I am sixty now.

My whole life I heard about what a great life I would have if only i lost weight.

"You would have such a great figure.

"you would have to beat the boys off with a stick."

I was promised a world of rainbows and sunshine, but the reality was I was a miserable fat person and when I lost weight I was a miserable and unhappy, except i weighed less. I finally figured out why, because all those admonitions about losing weight had a subtle, but very clear message, "We will not love you if you are fat."

As a morbidly obese person, I was bullied so much I went around with my hand poised to make a rude gesture when (not if) someone said something rude to me, like, "She her, she gave my dog VD." I was refused service at resturants and denied employment. I had a temporary job once and when I got there, the client took one look at me and canceled my job.

The worst thing that happened is having two ladies from my church come up to me one Sunday and utter the words I dreaded most, "Can we talk to you?" they talked to me about my weight and how I should do something and they wanted to help. I didn't expect them to do anything and when I asked for help they told me they were too busy.

For me what they were telling me, they wanted me to get lost.

I didn't leave then, but it made going to church agonizing. I could no longer sit in church and listen to the sermon.

But i did lose weight, eventually, but compared with letting go of the hurt, losing the weight was easy.

I was walking up the stairs the other day and I remember how hard it was when I weighed four hundred pounds.

What worked for me, was recognizing that losing weight to be socially acceptable was futile. Being diagnosed with diabetes actually turned out to be a good thing for me, because I changed my focus to improving my health and it made all the difference in the world.

I did start going back to church after being absent for several years. But not the one where I was asked to leave. I love my new church, but it's sad for me to think that as a morbidly obese person, the body of Christ failed me. And I don't know if I can ever get over that.

submitted by /u/BBFan1958
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from loseit - Lose the Fat