Sunday, July 7, 2019

No kitchen weight loss?

Hi Everyone! On my previous post I asked advice on weight loss and traveling for work. Now I’m back in need of more advice. So, I recently moved to a new city for work and am looking for a new place to live. In the meantime, my boyfriends family has allowed us to live in their home for a relatively low cost. The problem is their kitchen is always in use and is never clean. That means any cooking would require an hour or more of cleaning just to get some space. They also have Costco sized everything in their fridge so they have very little extra room for anything I want to store. Does anyone have any hacks for limited kitchen space?

submitted by /u/Devilwearspraduh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Advice needed] Lost 70lb, but starting to develop binging habits, how to prevent full out binging?

Long-time lurker, and I did not post on my main account because friends and family know my reddit account and I would like to do my best to remain anonymous.

My starting stats are 20M 230lb 5'7. Since November of 2017 I've been losing weight through stages. Between November 2017 and March 2018 I changed my diet to only having two meals a day, which allowed me to eat whatever I want, but only within two meals, which severely cut down the calories, however, I still was not counting. I got down to 180 and I hovered there for about 9 months and from January 2019 to April 2019 I've lost another 20lb and I am at about 160lb. My goal is to reach 150lb before I can start a muscle growth training regimen instead of the muscle maintenance I am on now. During the past couple months, I have started using MFP after a lull of weight loss due to medical issues and I'm ready to get to my last 10. My current calorie goal for MFP is 1500kcal net, but I do a lot of cardio and weightlifting so I'm always closer to 1700-1800 every day I exercise.

The issue began mid May and I just had another episode today where I did not control my food intake after saying I give myself a pass. There have been 4 or 5 episodes like that since May, and I'm worried they're reversing my progress. This only happens when I go to a restaurant, or a wedding, or go to a special event where I tell myself "Oh one won't hurt" and next thing you know I'm eating 7 sushi rolls with two bowls of white rice with teriyaki chicken capped off with a bowl of ice cream. Biggest issue is I don't feel full until its too late, and I physically find it hard to stand up and its an effort to breath. This needs to stop, and what I'm looking for is that for anyone having any experience like this, what can I do to mitigate these events? I don't find it reasonable to just say miss out on all special events with friends and family for your weight loss journey because that means no longer living life to the fullest, which is what weight loss to me is about.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I am genuiney graetful for any advice you can give me.

tldr: Lost weight on strict diet, recently started binging in social settings, how to stop?

submitted by /u/JohnsonDoer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, July 6, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 07 July 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm determined to feel confident again.

Hi! I've heard a lot about this sub, but this is the first day I've ever actually looked into it. I've been somewhat in denial about my need/want to lose weight, though deep down I've been feeling like I need to for a while now. My stats: F/17/ 5'6"/ SW: 169/ GW: 135

I know I'm fairly young compared to a lot of people I've seen on this sub, but I want to be confident and healthy again before I go off to college and start living on my own. My first issue with weight started when I was quite young and I got mono. I was sick for seven months, and even as a child, ended up gaining quite a bit of weight that's stuck with me up until I was around 15.

That year, I entered an abusive friendship and as a result, would have ~3 hour panic attacks every day (note that I was diagnosed with general and social anxiety as a 10 year old and I've been in therapy and on medication since, so I'm doing okay now) that caused me to lose around 30 pounds in the course of two months without trying. I wasn't in shape, but I looked good, and after exiting that friendship, I was confident in the way I looked for the first time ever.

During that period, I was able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and stay in the realm of ~135 pounds. As I got better emotionally, I started to gain back the weight though, and I convinced myself that I would just lose it again sometime easily, as my weight tends to fluctuate rather quickly. But I had no such luck. I was healing mentally and was still pretty confident, but I kept gaining weight.

The heaviest I had been before my unexpected weight loss was around 155 pounds as a 12-14 year old, and I hated it then. My weight has always been something I've very rarely been happy with, and as a result, I've always had a rocky relationship with food. I've quite often fallen victim to the vicious cycle of trying to restrict calories, getting frustrated, and binging junk.

The past 4 days or so I've been trying to exercise every day and eat relatively healthy and reclaim the confidence I had two years ago, but this time in a healthy way. Even now, I'm not completely unhappy with myself, I probably like myself more than I have in a long time, but I want to get to the point where I can smile looking in the mirror or at a picture of myself again.

Clearly I've also got some mental stuff in play, but as I work on that, I also want to work on my body and get in shape. I've downloaded MyFitnessPal as recommended by a number of people on this sub that I've seen, but I was hoping others could give me some advice at the start of my healthy weight loss journey. I've bought myself a gym membership and I try to go every other day, and try to do some alternative exercise like dance or swimming on the off days.

It's scary for me to post something like this, but I'm excited to reclaim my confidence, form a healthy relationship with food, and get in shape!

submitted by /u/heebiepjeebie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unsupportive family, how do you deal with it?

So I'm 25M, I still live at home with my mum as I've had some serious problems in my life and I am currently studying and my mum is really nice and doesn't expect too much of me. She helps me with money and whatnot when needed (she's somewhat well off) She's just ... deep down a really nice person. But I've noticed over the past few years she's gone from being really supportive about almost any goals I set for myself in life, whether it be getting my drivers license or losing weight, she's really negative and basically tells me it doesn't matter cause I'm not going to make it anyways (paraphrasing as she doesn't put it as bluntly but it's clear what she means)

I've recently started losing weight for real and I feel like I'm making the best progress I've made in years. But all I get from the one person that I expected to motivate me the most is negativity. If I want to indulge in a chocolate bar on a saturday just to give myself a treat that's about 200kcal, she's immediately on me "oh well there goes your entire days worth of calories, might as well give up" or something along those lines. I'm just sick of it, this has gotten progressively worse and I'm just not sure how to deal with it. She has done so much for me and still is, but the way she acts towards my weight loss goals is making it harder.

As I still live at home with no real income, she pays for the food and does most of the shopping and it tends to be unhealthy options mixed with some okey options. Since I count calories I just do my own thing and eat less and then fix something up for myself and whatever throughout the day. I've tried to get her onto the weight loss trail as well, and at first she seemed excited even, she kept saying "when I get my few weeks of vacation I can start" but you can expect what happened when her vacation started "no, I just want to eat what I want, I can just eat less" but she refuses to count calories cause "it's too hard".

I feel somewhat pathetic as it is a petty issue, since I still live with my mum with no job and whatnot but I've psychological issues that I feel have a lot to do with my self image being completely shit due to my weight and I just really want to lose it.

But how do you deal with a family member that supports me with everything other than my lifegoals?

Became more of a rant than I expected, in my head it felt like I was gonna type up a small text about how my mum isn't supporting my weightloss but as I wrote stuff just came out.

submitted by /u/Flurpen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Turns out there is a silver lining to gaining back all the weight I lost...

I have progress pictures for exactly what I'll look like at each weight!

I gained back every single pound that I lost after losing it exactly 2 years ago today. I got serious in my relationship, got pregnant, had a baby, and am now 6 weeks out. I didn't do well gaining weight during pregnancy, and it was hard to see the pounds on the scale. I used this as an excuse to eat even more and more and more until I had gained 70 pounds during the 9 months. I hated looking in the mirror and had no self-esteem and so I would just binge eat at any sign of hunger. Thankfully, I had an easy pregnancy and easy delivery and now I have a cute baby and renewed sense of self.

When I was first losing weight and saw posts about gaining the weight back, I really couldn't imagine having the persistence and willpower to do it again. Now that I'm in that scenario, I feel pretty okay about everything. I mean, I religiously read loseit posts the first time and know how to lose weight. I still have all the stats on my weight loss app so I have an idea of how long plateaus lasted for me, and best of all, I have all the progress pictures from me at just about every weight.

Having a baby might make it a bit trickier, but I've found so far that it's a really good excuse to get outside and go on walks.

I'm a week into this journey the second time round, and I'm feeling confident about it!

submitted by /u/fitflowyouknow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling to do stay strong while my friends continue to lead unhealthy lifestyles

My friends and I all agreed that we want to lose weight, but I think I’m the only one who is actually trying to cut calories and eat healthier. They say they are, but when we hang out it’s always pizzas and chocolate bars and not-so-great restaurant food. I am still really weak to these things and so I always give in and then I feel terrible and hate myself after, and never end up losing on the days I spend with them.

My boyfriend lives abroad and the next time we will see each other in person is July of next year, and I want to be at my goal weight by then! Even though he loves me no matter what, he has always been so supportive of my weight loss and I think surprising him with my success would be awesome to him.

I’ll never succeed, however, if I keep giving in to my friends’ whims because I’m scared to say no!

How do you work up the willpower to say no without feeling like you’re offending your friends? I don’t want them to feel bad about the way they choose to live their lives, I just don’t want to live mine the same way.

submitted by /u/Circephone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat