Thursday, September 5, 2019

Annoyed by my slow progress

Ok so I am proud that I’ve dropped from 247 to under 210. That’s 30lbs basically.

What I’m not happy about is my remaining body fat. I want to be 190 by December 25. I really WANT this.

How bad do I want it? Because I keep overeating anyway. I exercised enough to where I could probably be losing about 0.5lbs/week but I’d love to lose 1.5lbs per week or even 2.

Why am I not sticking to it?

I don’t know. I like Buffalo Wild Wings. I like beer. It’s a once a week thing. Also, I overindulge in treats sometimes.

I just want to stick to a consistent diet that results in a speedier weight loss. Even if I eat 100% healthy foods, I overeats those. I’ll boil eggs and eat all of those lol

I want to be the smallest I’ve ever been (I’ve been 194-200 before without muscle, I definitely have more now). So I’d love to feel that small except with more muscle!

Any advice for how to not overeat???? This is soooo annoying for me. I use food to cope it seems.

Idk I want a thick ass, slim waist. I’ve got the thick ass, my waist is just not where I want it. 😢


submitted by /u/arcane_eccentric
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The best weight loss planning tool that I've found.

My evening habit has become reading journal articles on weight loss and sports nutrition. Buried in one of the articles were various formulas that have been created to account for the fact that fat loss is a nonlinear process and that the "3,500 calories burned = 1 lb of fat loss" is vastly oversimplified.

The article linked to a source, which in turn linked to this Body Weight Planner, which is a product of the National Institutes of Health (part of the U.S. Dep. of Health and Human Services). Congrats, US taxpayer, you've already covered the cost of making this.

I've logged about 80 days worth of data around my my weight loss. When I plug in my numbers and backdate everything, this planner very accurately aligns with my historical data. I enabled "expert mode" and toggled all of the "advanced mode" options and was able to dial in my body fat % (via a DEXA scan) and my activity level (based on my heart rate data).

submitted by /u/IronCurmudgeon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I walked outside in a sports bra. I won’t let myself be ashamed of my loose skin.

Long-winded rant ahead.

I have lost 89 pounds in almost 13 months through healthy eating, calorie deficit, fasting, and mild exercise. Went from 230 pounds to 141 pounds. I still “cheat” here and there, like I did tonight, but I am strict with my lifestyle (I don’t like calling it a diet, because this is my life from now on) 95% of the time.

Here is the darker side to it. I am healthier than I’ve ever been. I am more confident. I feel like I can do just about anything I want. I have a pending start date for a full-time seasonal job at an Amazon fulfillment center and I know I will be able to do what is required because I’m fitter and won’t be out of breath after five minutes of lifting boxes. I have more options for jobs, clothes, and even relationships. This all came with a small, vain price: loose skin.

I am only 18 years old, yet I have plenty of loose skin, mostly on my belly. I like to joke around and pinch it and call it “dough.” I do that so no one (my mother, bless her heart) points it out first. Yes, I have loose skin! It’s saggy on my belly, wrinkly on my inner thighs, and just loose on my arms. I can wear crop tops but with high waisted shorts because the loose skin kind of flops over low waisted shorts and looks like I’ve just robbed a bakery of their bagel dough and stuffed it in my shorts.

I’m insecure about it because I’m 18! I’m vain and just wanna look like the other girls my age; that was half the reason I decided to lose weight in the first place. And plus, if I want to have a romantic or sex life, what girl my age is going to see the loose skin and still find me attractive? Nobody wants to see loose, saggy skin, even if it was caused by a good thing. So I should always have it covered.

Yesterday I said “screw that!” It is hotter than hell in Houston this week. For the first time ever, I went to the park to walk. I’ve been in my head for the past couple days because there was an error on my first drug test for Amazon, therefore I had to take another one and lost the shift I signed on for. Yeah, I’m a little stressed. So I decided to take a walk in the park to lose myself.

I drove there, parked the car, and took a walk on one of the quieter trails. At 3 pm. In the summer. In 103 degree heat. I was wearing sports shorts and a crop top with a sports bra underneath, and I had water with me, but good god, was I drenched after walking for thirty minutes. I went back and sat at a covered picnic table and drank some water, but I was SWEATING like never before.

I decided that was enough; even the runners left because it was too hot. I had walked a mile and cleared by head, I considered that a victory. I got back in the car with the AC full blast on me from both vents and it still wasn’t enough. My shirt was soaked. I had to take it off. I was in the car; it’s not like anyone could see my loose skin, right.

I drove home just like that. When I parked, I realized I had two options: put my wet, sweaty shirt back on and wear it soaked, or get out of the car in front of my neighbors who were outside, shirtless with my loose skin showing. It was scorching hot and so I said “who cares” and I got out shirtless. I’ve never shown anyone other than my mom and Reddit what I look like with my loose skin out in the open like that. I always keep it hidden because I’m so insecure about it.’s just skin. That’s all. I know it’s not pretty or attractive, but it’s just skin. And it’s skin I’ve “earned”, so to speak. Sometimes it feels like a punishment, but most of the time it just feels like something that comes with major weight loss.

I got up early this morning, put on my sports bra (shirtless), shorts, tennis shoes, and a light jacket. I went back to the park and I was determined to do the entire perimeter since it was only about 78 degrees. Eventually, at my 3-mile mark, I was very sweaty and the sun was beating down. Parents had to completely cover their babies in strollers and some people even took off their shirts. And there I was. With a jacket. I unzipped it just enough where the stuff in my pockets wouldn’t fall out. I let myself sweat out that way for the rest of my walk. When I finished and got back to my car to rest before heading out, I was HOT. I was like “why am I making excuses and reasons to NOT take my jacket off?”

There is no rule at the park that says you have to have a shirt. So really, nobody was stopping me from taking my jacket off but me and my insecurities. It’s high time I sucked it up and make a choice: sweat like a dog and get dehydrated, or take off your fucking jacket in this 85-degree heat. Who actually CARES if you have loose skin. Who’s really gonna be sitting there watching everybody else saying “that one has loose skin, that one shouldn’t wear that in public, that one’s shorts are too tight.”

And even if they did. . .so what. I’ll tell you, I was so thrilled to see people out working on themselves, getting healthy, spending time with their kids, having fun, that I didn’t even care what they were wearing or how their bodies looked. Because it’s simply no one’s business. We’re all trying to get somewhere in life. I’m at the finish line, and my only consequence is having extra skin. I’m really so tired of hearing people (my mother) commenting on it, saying I NEED a tummy tuck or plastic surgery to fix it. I don’t NEED anything. It’s not life-threatening or a medical condition. This is all mind over matter. Once I stop being so afraid of what people could POSSIBLY think of it, I’ll live a better, stress-free life.

In the future, if my skin doesn’t tighten at all or I start to really hate it, maybe I’ll consider surgery. Right now I have the benefit of youth on my side. Maybe my skin will shrink a bit with exercise. Maybe it won’t and I’ll be stuck with this. Maybe I will have only the skin on my belly removed. But that’s no one’s business or choice but my own. I’ve been pressured by more than two people to get removal surgery or a tummy tuck. I’m not putting myself through that if I don’t need or want to. I’m not obligated to alter parts of my body for ANYBODY except myself. My mom didn’t make the choice for me to lose weight. I did. Strangers at the park didn’t make the choice for me to exercise there. I did.

I have to own what I have. It was hot by the time I was done walking, so I completely took my jacket off and chilled under the shade in just my bra. And lo and behold, not a single person gave me a second glance. They were, ya know, minding their business. It really is all in my head. And even if someone did say something or looked at me funny, I’m not breaking any rules or hurting anyone. Just keep on moving with myself.

On another note, I was so happy to see all types of people with all types of bodies walking and running today. If you were one of them, good for you! If you just started exercising and can only do a little right now, keep it up! Even if you can run 5 miles every single day, good for you! I just checked my health app on my phone (I know they aren’t always accurate but it’s all I have right now, anybody recommend a Fitbit?), and my rough estimated walking distance for today is 4.4 miles. I broke a barrier today. I have every reason to be proud.

Keep your head up.

submitted by /u/CeCesReesesPieces
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling Defeated by Depression

I've been trying to lose weight for years, and I feel like I've tried everything: counting calories, fasting, vegan, low-card, etc, etc, etc. I've had limited success with all of them, but my problem isn't with any weight loss strategy, it's that I fundamentally have a bad relationship with food. I'm depressed and eating is one of the few things that makes me really happy. It's an emotional outlet, it's a source of joy, it's a way to blow off steam, it's "self-care," it's everything. I'm so sick of it. Right now I don't have access to medication or counseling. I feel so hopeless and stuck. I'm not sure if this post is for the sake of advice, venting, or seeking similar stories, but I welcome any of the above. Thanks

submitted by /u/depthroaway10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I created a thing to visualize non-scale goals related to weight loss. I'm a visual person and this has helped me improve and meet more goals. (5'1 F 160lbs)

I have been stalled for a couple months now and decided to start tracking some of my goals to see why I hadn't lost any weight in a long time. I've been hovering around 165lbs since May and couldn't seem to get below 160. I created this to visualize the areas that needed improvement. My goals are:

  • Eat less than my TDEE, even if just 1 calorie under. My goal deficit is 500 but for this goal as long as I come in under my TDEE I'm good.
  • Take a 15 minute walk in the AM and PM at work.
  • Eat 0 snacks. Which just means don't eat outside of meals.

Since I started tracking this way, I've lost a few pounds and can see that one of my biggest downfalls is snacking and weekends. This month my goal is to have way more days with 0 snacks and more exercise on the weekend. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/beautifulsymbol
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't understand calories

Long time lurker, first time poster. This sub has been incredibly motivating in the past. Thank you everyone for posting and helping each other out. I'm here with something that I just do not get.

The consensus on most subreddits dedicated to weight loss are that you should never eat less than X amount of calories a day or week. Currently I'm trying to lose weight (day 4/61) and my calories, if counted, are about 1000 a day. I'm 187 cm (6'1) and started last monday at 97 kg (214 lbs). I work in an office job and have recently stopped playing sports (but I do play drums about 4-5 hours a week). With all of this information, people would say I am eating too few calories and that this will result in a giant list of bodily malfunctions.

The catch being; I've done this before for 10 straight weeks. This was last year and I went from 104 kg (229 lbs) to 92 kg (202 lbs). A friend of mine even went above and beyond and lost 18 kg (40 lbs) total in those 10 weeks. Sure we were hungry, but we persisted. During those 10 weeks we never really felt tired, we never felt like we were fainting... The only "bad" thing is that our hands were cold as ice. Also, we went back to eating regularly but there wasn't really a case of a jojo effect. The 5 kg I've gained since has been building gradually for 8 months (and I know what caused it).

My question is, why shouldn't I eat just only 1000 calories a day if it's effective for me? If it has worked before, why not again? I get that I weigh less but would 12 kg in total really be enough to negatively effect my body?

submitted by /u/Holy-Cornholio
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 Tips to Lose the Baby Weight for Good

When you’re expecting, everyone comments on how adorable you look. Then your bundle of joy arrives and the pressure of losing baby weight sets in before you’re even wheeled out of the delivery room.

Every day we see magazine covers and social media images of svelte, bikini-clad celebrities showing off their rock-hard abs just days after delivery. This can leave you feeling like you should be strutting out of the hospital in your skinny jeans, erasing all evidence of the remarkable, nearly year-long transformation your body underwent.

It’s important to remember that if you didn’t gain the weight overnight, you can’t expect to lose it that fast. In fact, according to, you should plan to return to your pre-pregnancy weight about six to 12 months after delivery. Why so long? The Mayo Clinic indicates that you can expect to lose about 13 pounds during childbirth. However, the American Pregnancy Association recommends that most women gain more than that when pregnant.

Here’s a breakdown of their pregnancy weight gain recommendations:

  • 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy (BMI of 18.5-24.9).
  • 28-40 pounds if you were underweight before pregnancy (BMI of less than 18.5).
  • 15-25 pounds if you were overweight before pregnancy (BMI of 25-29.9).
  • 11-20 pounds if you were obese before pregnancy (BMI over 30).

Choose This Not That: The Mom’s Guide to Snacking While Losing the Baby Weight

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), data reveals that nearly half of all pregnant women gain more weight than is recommended. It’s no wonder it can take a while to shed the baby weight. The good news is that losing baby weight isn’t impossible. Sure, it might feel that way when you’re in survival mode adapting to life as a new mom. However, you can start losing the baby weight if you follow a few simple guidelines.

The important thing to remember is that slow and steady is the best approach. According to, it’s recommended to wait six to eight weeks before actively trying to lose weight. This allows your body time to recover and to establish a stable milk supply if you are breastfeeding. After that, strive for a weight loss of about a pound to a pound and a half per week. This is a rate that is both achievable and sustainable long-term. As always, speak with your doctor before starting a weight loss program to ensure it fits your specific needs.

Loving Your Postpartum Body: 8 Tips for Feeling Your Best Post-Baby

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Here are five tips to help you with losing baby weight for good:

1. Make it Easier to Eat Healthy

losing baby weight

If you want to lose the baby weight while staying healthy and strong for your little one, you must eat a nutrient-rich and well balanced diet. That’s easier said than done when you’re tending to a newborn 24/7. In the first few months after having a baby, getting to the grocery store and cooking a healthy homemade meal can feel like a distant dream.

If going food shopping is impossible, it’s a great task to give a friend or family member who has been asking how they can help. Send them to the supermarket with a list of healthy, prep-free snacks like veggies and hummus, berries and string cheese or English muffins and avocados. Find a few simple slow cooker recipes that can be tossed in the crockpot and forgotten about until mealtime. The leftovers will be a lifesaver on days that you’re too busy caring for your baby to worry about assembling a meal.

Make it even easier on yourself by considering a meal delivery service that will send healthy meals to your home. This will mean no shopping or cooking is necessary. Nutrisystem programs are a great option because you’ll get healthier meals and snacks that are portioned for weight loss right to your door. Make sure to reach out to our Weight Loss Counseling Team if you’re breastfeeding. It’s convenient and will help you lose the baby weight, a win-win.

6 Slow Cooker Recipes You Need to Try This Season

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2. Move More

losing baby weight

Once you’ve got the diet down, consider squeezing in some physical activity each day. Easier said than done with a needy newborn, we know. However, if you make a daily stroller walk a part of your routine, you can burn calories with your little one in tow. Other options? Pull up a workout video on your computer or TV that you can do while the baby naps. Try to join a “Mommy and Me” workout class near you. We also have some easy ideas for working out when you’re busy with your baby. Check them out here! >

3. Track Your Calories

track your calories

A new study out of Duke University shows that people who track what they eat via a Smartphone app have great success at weight loss. Download an app like NuMi and digitally record your daily intake! It’s a great way to hold yourself accountable and will help you get a realistic picture of how much you’re eating.

Keep in mind that if you’re exclusively breastfeeding, you’ll need to eat more than you did before you became pregnant. Your body needs about 300 to 500 extra calories each day says the American Pregnancy Association. Talk to your doctor before you start cutting calories to ensure you do so without compromising your milk supply.

12 Reasons Downloading the NuMi App Will Help You Lose Weight

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4. Don’t Pick

losing baby weight

A handful of crackers here, a scoop of ice cream – the calories can really add up. When you’re constantly tending to someone else’s needs, it can be much easier to pick all day instead of eating real meals. Those sneaky calories can pile up fast and make losing baby weight difficult. Try your best to keep mealtimes intact, even if that means you need to change them up to coincide with nap-time.

It’s also important to make sure you’re only eating when you’re hungry, not because you’re exhausted, bored or feel like you deserve a treat. If you find yourself heading to the pantry for a snack between meals, ask yourself if you’re eating out of hunger or another reason. Boredom, loneliness, stress or exhaustion can all lead to grazing. Not sure if you’re actually hungry? Click here to find out. >

5. Breastfeed

losing baby weight

The decision of whether or not to breastfeed is a personal one. There are plenty of reasons women decide against it. If you do decide to breastfeed, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics indicates that it can burn up to 500 calories per day and ultimately lead to weight loss in many women.

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that breastfeeding helped women return to their pre-pregnancy weight by six months postpartum. Another study in the International Journal of Obesity (that included nearly 750,000 women) found that those who had breastfed their children had a lower BMI at 50 to 64 years old than those who did not.

One word of caution: While breastfeeding does burn calories, it can also cause a tremendous increase in appetite. If you’re not careful, you could end up overeating and making it difficult to ditch that pesky baby weight. Always make sure to speak with your doctor to ensure you are properly eating for your specific needs.

5 Reasons Baby Weight is No Match For Nutrisystem

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The post 5 Tips to Lose the Baby Weight for Good appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf