Friday, September 13, 2019

feel like im.. losing my way a little bit

started struggling recently, and i think im at a point where things have the potential to become unhealthy. not that they are currently, but i know its a slippery slope. i could just.. really use some science, or advice, or words of wisdom.

im over 4 months on testosterone (ftm transgender), and my dosage was upped ~4 weeks ago after i had bloodwork done. i was originally started on a low dose, and its currently more than 2x that. im happy about this; its a positive thing.

but until recently, i had never really experienced an increase in appetite from T like ive heard often happens. i hadnt gained weight since starting T; i had continued to lose (currently down over 30 lbs, 12 left). i was eating 1400 calories/day when i started losing weight, then 1500/day once i started T, around 1550-1600 depending on workouts. sure, i was hungry sometimes; but physically, i felt fine. it never felt like i wasnt eating enough for my body.

the past few weeks, though... have been rough. i started craving meat shortly after starting T (hello cheeseburgers), and its almost a constant. i used to go 4 hours between breakfast and lunch, and suddenly im now hungry an hour and a half later.

ive only stuck to my usual 1500-1600 two days out of the past seven, because 1500 has become.. just too difficult. when i think about getting back on track and back to 1500, i feel utter dread. i dont want to go back to it. thinking about it feels horrible. so the other day, i decided I’d start eating around 1900/day instead and just lose slowly. after all, my body’s essentially going through another puberty and trying to build muscle. i figure that im probably hungry for a reason.

but currently, im laying in bed after eating 2200 calories and over 130g of protein. and i feel nauseous. my stomachs growling. im still hungry.

im just so afraid of gaining weight back. i know that CICO is how weight loss/gain works, and i know that 2200 calories/day would put me at a surplus.

i dont want to gain weight, but im also genuinely hungry. i dont feel like im getting enough food right now. i feel lousy. should i ignore this and stick to the numbers? should i be eating more to avoid feeling this way? are my two options continuing to lose weight but feeling bad, or gaining weight and feeling good? am i hungry because i truly need more food?

i feel like breaking down, to be completely honest. its been a really sudden change, and i dont really know what to do. i was fine for 6+ months eating 1400-1600 calories while working out.. and now, the idea of 1500 calories makes me want to cry.

submitted by /u/cssnm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Over Complemented

I’m look for some validation or perspective on something that happened recently; I’m either correct or I’m over sensitive, not sure which though.

I’ve lost just over 50lbs since March. My weight change is noticeable and the visual changes really help to motivate my self discipline with my diet and fitness schedule. Usually when I come across someone I haven’t seen since I began to lose weight the praise is really kind and considerate. However every so often I run into someone who makes a really big deal about my physical changes; to the point where it’s uncomfortable. I’m fully aware of how big I was and how unhealthy it made me look & feel. “Oh My God!!! Look at you! You look so different now” statement can make me feel vulnerable and shameful. My internal monolog is something along the lines of “Damn sis, thanks for noticing & acknowledging my hard work but it’s not like I was immobile because of my weight”. At my heaviest I was 210-ish pounds and 5” tall, too big for liposuction and too light for weight loss surgery. I try to always respond with appreciation; but sometimes over complimenting my weight loss feels like I’m getting slapped in the face. I was big but not ugly.

Has anyone had experience with this? How did you not internalize this sudo-compliment so it’s not a part of your self esteem?

submitted by /u/dbobell
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Back to losing weight after purposely sabotaging!

I had a bad break up. I lost 10lbs healthily, but I was still obsessed with weight loss and looking good on case I ran into him. Over my summer break, I told myself to relax and stop obsessing. So for a whole month, I ate and drank whatever I wanted (while remaining fairly active but not working out). Eventually, eating started to feel like more of a chore. Granted, I was in a foreign country and wanted to try all the food, but eventually I stopped caring and hated it.

It worked! I only gained 5lbs and have already lost two. I don't over eat or snack late at night like I used to. I'm back to working out, but for different reasons. Also, in September I always give up all sweets (including fruits) for a month and haven't slipped up. The one thing I was lacking, self control, may actually be attainable

submitted by /u/pippyLONGsocking
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How Did You Survive Divorce – Real Tips That Helped Me

This week I received an important question on the @RunEatRepeat Instagram story box… “What helped you get through / distract you from your divorce while training?” Ugh. This makes me sad. I don’t wish heartbreak of any kind on anyone ever. So I answered it in my IG stories – it’s saved in the Sept […]

The post How Did You Survive Divorce – Real Tips That Helped Me appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

UPDATE: Posted here a while back to celebrate 100 lbs lost. Now, I’m close to my goal weight at 193 lbs!

Progress pictures:

Link to my original post:

TLDR: Been obese forever, got cheated on, went through a rough divorce and started a weight loss journey

Hey everyone!

I’ve gotten smaller since the last time we talked! From XXL to L shirts and a size 42 down to 32 in my pants! Even as I type this out I still can’t believe the progress I’ve made. It’s been a long road but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

I maintained the plan I kept in my previous post and it has been good to me. I started upping my calorie intake to around 1,500-1,700 once I started getting closer to my goal and it’s been great. I’m still doing CrossFit too and I’ve gotten better at it! I’m actually completing workouts now and it’s so rewarding.

Life has been fantastic to me ever since I’ve started this journey, even better since my last post. I have a new view on life and how I live it. New friendships have started to be made from this journey and it’s so nice to finally be noticed and appreciated by others.

Thank you all for your kind words and support from this page! I constantly go back to my first post to read the comments for encouragement and they help so much. I mentioned this in my first post and I still stand by it:

Never give up. You can do this and there are people around you who believe in you. I’m one of them.

submitted by /u/dskywalker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone else had people suggest they're losing weight wrong/too quickly/too much?

26F SW 239, GW 170, CW 191

So, I've lost 40+lbs at the point and still going. The whole time I've been open to losing more once I reach my goal, if I decide I'm not happy and want to keep going.

I've been losing 2lb/week on average with CICO and 75mins of daily exercise. I figured this was a pretty healthy way of doing things.

Today I was talking to a friend and said how I may have to lose more weight than planned as I still feel much too large and don't think that 20lb will affect my size enough for me to be satisfied. She then warned me about becoming obsessed with weight loss, disordered eating, and said I shouldn't be less than 170 due to my build (wider hips and large bust) or I'll be out of proportion and look awful. She seems concerned that I'm losing weight too fast and that I'll end up 'too skinny' if I try and pursue a lower weight.

Thing is, I still feel huge. I can tell a difference and I'm happy with my progress so far, but still want to keep losing. I think 2lb/week is about the right speed too.

Has anyone else had this? Is it really so easy to slip into disordered eating? I want and plan to keep going.

submitted by /u/Dominoodles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Top 3 weight loss hacks that work for me

Ive been in the weight loss process for a while now and been low carb AND low fat for a while but I wouldnt say thats what accelerated my progress. I found some ways to control the urge to eat and just wanted to share.

  1. Chewing gum - I heard somewhere hunger or the urge to eat is often satiated by chewing something because your brain thinks its eating. dunno if its true, but works for me.. This one is a GAMECHANGER

  2. Drink lots of water - keeps you full all day, and not a bad thing to be hydrated lol

  3. Go for walks when bored - listening to music while walking is very relaxing and a great way to pass time. NO NEED to do intense activity, its just better than sitting and doing nothing, and youre more likely to snack while sitting on the couch watching tv than when walking

Hope this helps!

went from 240 lbs to 180 lbs, 6ft male

submitted by /u/DJFluffyKitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat