Friday, October 4, 2019

cooking all my own food: sweets today vs last year

i know that people have mixed feeling here about the idea of cooking everything you eat by yourself as a means of losing weight but i know for certain that last year, around this time of year, i would probably be on my fifth or sixth bag of halloween candy. this year, i haven't had a single fun size chocolate or any other candy. sure, i ate a few cookies today but they at least had oats and fruit and didn't send my blood sugar to the moon and back. it's not a perfect solution but it makes a difference. slow weight loss is often the most lasting and relies on these sort of improvements versus sudden radical changes and rigid self-denial. i'm perfectly satisfied every day with what i've cooked myself and it's taking less and less to achieve this.

submitted by /u/fishnshrimps
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Natural remedies to combat flu season

It’s officially that time of year.

The time of year where you start to notice more sniffles and coughs from your coworkers.  More runny noses and feverish temperatures from your kids. Or perhaps – no shows from your invited list of guests for a birthday party or fall gathering because they’re home sick with the flu.

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

Losing weight without falling back into an eating disorder?:(

TW:ED Right now I feel like I will never lose weight. I’m at my highest weight. I don’t recognise myself in the mirror anymore, and most of my clothes don’t fit me. I’m eating like a pig. But the main thing is, I’m scared of attempting to lose the weight because of my past with disordered eating. I will add a comment explaining it, I don’t want the post to be too long. Basically, I lost around 25 pounds very quickly, developed BED, and during my 2 month long vacation gained around 30 pounds eating like a pig. Right now, I don’t eat as much as during that time, but still eat a lot, I would say around 3000 calories a day. And I hate looking in the mirror, I became overweight and I hate it. I just want to be at a healthy weight. But that period of starving myself/binging/purging/starving was so terrible for me physically and mentally, that I really really don’t want to fall into that cycle again. And because of that, every time I try to eat healthy now and lose weight/work out, makes me scared that I am eating too little (even though when “dieting” I eat around 1500/1600), and that it will trigger my binge eating. So I end up eating more, but then I get so discouraged because when I go on the scale after 2 weeks and see that I’ve only lost 1 pound, I feel like this will take forever and I already cry almost every morning when I dress up because nothing fits me like it used to. So losing weight so slowly is pointless to me, and I start eating lots of food again. All the time I have thoughts of doing a crash diet just to lose the first few pounds quickly, and then switching to a high restriction diet and just lose more slowly, when I’m quite comfortable with my body and can handle such slow weight loss. But I am scared that if I do this the same thing will happen again, I will gain everything right back and more. Right now I really hate myself so much and don’t want to gain even more weight. But I don’t want to go back to the old me that was scared to eat one apple, or spending 3 hours in the bathroom trying to purge my huge McDonalds order. I don’t know what to do I really just want a healthy relationship with food and with my body and not be overweight :((((

submitted by /u/roseplants
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I Created Milestone Rewards for my Goal

Hi there! First time posting here.

I created Milestone Rewards for my weight loss goal and wrote my goal down for the first time. Tired of telling myself I will lose weight "when life settles down a bit." Ain't no chance of life settling down and I'm just going to do this!

For some context, my weight has always been all over the place. It's been especially bad in the last three years. Going into 2017 I was 180lbs, chasing this same goal of 170lbs. I fell off the wagon during the holidays and never got back on. I'm currently 235lbs, 5'9", and 26 y/o.

I've had good success in the past with an IF routine of 24hours/24/hours and Whole30 diet with some liberties taken for long-term sustainability. I've never done Keto but am looking into it.

Here is my Goal:

I will weigh 170lbs. (~77kg) by March 1, 2020

And here are my Milestone Rewards:

215lb. - Dinner Date

200lbs. - Solo Day Trip

190lbs. - New Tattoo!

180lbs. - 2 new pairs of pants and 2 new shirts for work

170lbs. 2 more pairs of pants and 2 more shirts + a fancy haircut and beard shave.

I will be posting to r/progresspics and will be updating this post. Thanks for the motivation! :)

submitted by /u/rawbee3d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

In desperate need of a weight loss buddy

Hey, peeps!

Last autumn I lost about 20 pounds, but since then the only thing I have lost is motivation. Actually, I have just lost and gained the same 5-10 pounds for a year (not included the first 20). All of my friends are skinny af, and I don't really feel comfortable talking about my weight and weight loss with them. I really need a weight loss buddy, someone to hold me accountable, because I'm amazing at talking myself into eating crap "just this once" or "one last time". So if someone out there is in need of weight loss buddy too, please dm me and we can cheer for each other! I'm super nice, I promise.
Oh, and I'm 26 F, 5,5', 225 lbs.
Hope this is allowed! (and if it's not, I hope someone dm's me super fast)

Also, all of you are doing great! Keep it up, folks, you're amazing and you inspire me so much!

submitted by /u/welldangdoubledaddy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 years and still struggling, advice?

I’m nearing my twentieth birthday in less than a month. I’ve been trying to lose weight and become ‘skinny’ since I was 10 at least. From a young age, I suffered from stress eating and lacked any motivation to do physical activities like sports or other kinds of exercise. I routinely switched from diet to diet to diet. About 5 years ago, I stumbled onto low carb and decided to stick with it. At my lowest, I had gone from 290 to 190. Currently, I am about 220 (20M 6’). To be honest with you, I do not know what my goal weight should be, but I tend to just work toward a clothing size and a flat stomach. At first, I didn’t want to be overweight my senior year of high school. Then I didn’t want to be in college. Then I said I wouldn’t be by my twenties. Now here I am.

Anyways, I have a bad habit of going up and down on my weight. Each time I seem to have an amazing streak of weight loss and exercising and good dieting, something happens that sets me back. Right now I am in my sophomore year of college. Over the summer, I lost nearly 30 pounds in recovery from my weight gain freshman year. Yet once again, like last year, I am failing to constantly eat healthy and exercise. I live off campus so it is easier to diet, but I still find myself stopping at fast food restaurants when I’m stressed. That happened this week. I have been ‘casually’ cheating this entire week because this weekend I will be cheating a lot with my family who are visiting (terrible mindset, I know). I have avoided weighing because I do not even know how much weight I have gained (I feel like I have gained a lot but I don’t truly think I have).

Any tips for getting around these bumps and tribulations, especially combined with the added stresses of college life? I walk about 1-1.5 miles home usually 4 days a week, and when I am doing well, I workout 3-4 times a week. 2 at the least if I am working out at all that week. I also always take the stairs now and park further away from the entry of stores, little changes in life like those. I don’t buy unhealthy food to have at home, so when I cheat it is almost always at a restaurant or a convenience store. Obviously the first piece of advice would be to avoid going to those places, but that’s hard to do sometimes as I’m sure many of you know haha. I mainly just am wondering how any of you are getting through/got through college losing weight even with all the added problems? Please enlighten me.

submitted by /u/braeho
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Vacation advice?

I just hit the two week mark of CICO/watching my macros and I'm feeling really great! I've even made it through the first big food holiday of the season (Rosh Hashanah) and while I definitely overate, I maintained an overall weekly deficit and it wasn't the end of the world. But now I'm starting to get nervous about an upcoming vacation and I'd love some advice about how to stay on track.

Next weekend, I'm going with my mom and younger sister to a resort in Mexico to celebrate my sister's birthday. There's going to be lots of delicious food and drink--neither my mom nor my sister have what I would consider to be super healthy eating habits and I know that I'm likely to overeat with them,

I'm a little bit concerned about getting off track while we spend the weekend together celebrating. I also don't want to limit myself or be "weird" around them!

My mom, who is my best friend, has a history of crash dieting and has always spoken really negatively about her body, which I think has heavily influenced my own resistance to weight loss/tendency towards binge eating in the past. They're both also a little bit more visibly "big" than me (because I'm a good 8-12" taller) so I worry that being too conscientious around her and my sister will make them feel bad/make me feel guilty (no need to comment on how messed up this is, I already know and I'm in therapy lol).

I'm trying to think ahead about how to have a good time in moderation. Luckily, we are preparing to shop at a market near the resort so that we can do most of our own cooking for the weekend, and I think the menu will be pretty seafood and vegetable heavy. I'm also committed to enjoying a few drinks, but will switch out my usual IPAs and fancy cocktails for vodka soda (for both efficiency and calorie's sake!) I've noticed that it only takes one drink to get me tipsy now that I'm drinking less and trying to stay in a deficit. The biggest problem will be the inevitable nightly desserts and snacks, but I can indulge if I have the calories and decline if not--hopefully without making it a "thing".

What other steps should I take to make sure I don't go overboard next weekend? Is it overkill to bring my portable food scale and measuring cups? My mom will probably insist on doing a lot of the cooking, but I think I can probably discreetly and politely measure my portions either before/after food is prepared. I assume the resort has a gym, so maybe I should also plan to do some cardio in the mornings before we get going for the day?

I want to enjoy myself but I don't want this weekend to be the thing that knocks me off my game! Any practical advice is welcome 🙏🏼

submitted by /u/bubblebubbeleh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat