Monday, October 7, 2019

Advice on how to get started on fitness and weight loss?

Hey there! I need some advice :c

I rarely move my body; because I draw a lot, I always sit in front of my computer and not move much

I have insomnia too, so I get very very little sleep (0-4hours of sleep a day) and I know it may be bad for my health and fitness. I also get really hungry at 3am :(

I have poor stamina and recently took up dance as a hobby to motivate myself to exercise! I'm that kid who had to retake fitness tests at least 3 times back in secondary school haha.

I'm 158cm and 55kg, some people around me are starting to comment that I'm fat and overweight T___T

Do you have any advice on how I should start off with being healthier? Can you please share your diet plan or give me suggestions on how I should customize my diet? Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/breadg0ddess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know what else to do. Advice/Motivation appreciated

TL;DR - I have tried everything to lose weight that I can think of. The only thing that has ever budged the scale has been CICO at <1200 calories and even then I can't get under 128 and I lose maximum 0.25-0.5 lbs/week. I work out an hour per day 5x/week including OTF.

I'm 26, 5'0", 137 lbs as of this morning. I've been trying to lose weight for about two years now. My goal is 115 but my vanity goal is 100 lbs. I've tried CICO mostly but for my height I have to eat max 1200 cal/day and when I do that I eek down about 0.25-0.5 lbs per week and then stall out around 128 before the insane stringency it requires to eat less than 1200 per day wears me out. There's so little room for error that you can never eat out if the menu isnt on MFP or have dinner at someone else's house. About three weeks ago I caught the exercise bug and have been working out about 1 hour per day 5x/week including OrangeTheory twice per week (I take about 20% off their estimated calorie burn cause their's no way). That's more for the love of it than for weight loss but I'm nervous to work out that much AND calorie restrict and it's hard to even accurately know how many calories you've burnt. I've tried 16/8 IF but I just end up brain-dead all morning and don't lose weight. I've tried Keto but I hated eating such fatty foods and my cholesterol shot up and I didn't lose any weight The only thing that may have worked was doing Optivia 5+1 for a month which maybe got me from 155 to 135 when I first started trying but I hadn't owned a scale for a while at the beginning so I'm not actually sure where I started. I quit cause I'd gotten the supplies from my sister and couldn't afford to buy them myself after I ran out. I know that something I could do differently would be to give up weekend drinking (usually about 2-3 drinks daily Fri-Sun). But I also struggle with the idea of having to live within such strict boundaries every hour of the day. Everytime I go off a strict diet and eat like a normal healthy person (mostly healthy home-cooked meals, around 1500 cal/day) I balloon back up to the high 130s. I dont know what else to do. The most strict dieting I could possibly do results in the most tiny, spotty weight loss that inevitably just reverses itself. I'm so beyond frustrated.

submitted by /u/IndifferentPatella
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Clothes no longer fit me.

So in my last post, I described my entire weight loss journey but now Ill tell you the aftermath. I now have 0 articles of clothing that fit me well. I am the healthiest Ive been in 8 years and the confidence I feel is outstanding. I am a little tired due to the diet but something just keeps me going. I have a higher want to keep myself groomed like I want my beard very sharp now. Want to work on my hair and skin. Its just a roller coaster ride. I dont feel down anymore. I just love this. Its a like a high in its own. Just today, I got like 8 compliments on how Ive lost all this weight and people are asking me tips and Its amazing. Its just amazing. Love you all. This group has been a major help.

submitted by /u/WolfBiter771
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone feel like their body feels/looks foreign to them?

For reference: 26F, 5'3.5"/161cm, SW 215lbs/97.5kg, CW 167lbs/75.7kg, GW 145lbs/65kg

I've been either chubby or fat my whole life, even as a kid. Finally I've found something that works for me and I am thrilled, don't get me wrong there. I've lost almost 50lbs in the last 6.5 months but lately I keep getting freaked out by my new appearance. Some days I feel like the same person I was months ago and can't see a difference, but other times I catch my reflection and I'm like "Who is that? Whose legs are those?" I keep feeling my body because I can feel things I didn't before, like my hip bones or my back without any fat rolls. It's a little unsettling because I'm doing this to feel comfortable in my skin, and while I don't plan to stop getting in shape, I am starting to wonder when this will happen. Does anyone else feel like this, or dealt with this on your weight loss journey? Any advice? I'm starting to think I'll need to see a therapist about these issues (body dismorphia, perhaps?) TIA

submitted by /u/laurenzel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

11 Diet Tricks and Treats for a Healthy Halloween

In some ways, Halloween is the toughest holiday to navigate when you’re dieting. While most seasonal festivities involve food, this one involves candy, one of the most irresistible sugar delivery systems ever invented. It’s sweet, delicious and almost addicting. With so much candy around, you need diet tricks and treats to stay on plan.

You can avoid candy the rest of the year (if you exert willpower in the supermarket checkout line) but on Halloween, you bring tons of it into your house to give away. Then your kids bring more.  You may try to limit yourself to “just one,” but that gives way to “just one of each” and before you know it, those bite-sized morsels turn into unwanted pounds.

If you don’t have trick-or-treaters at home, you could skip the holiday altogether. Keep the porch light off and hide in the dark. Better yet, leave it off and go out to dinner until the ghosts and goblins are back home in bed. If there’s no way out, you can use these creative diet tricks to help you get through the week safely. You’ll see that we’ve paired each trick with a Nutrisystem treat.  The first trick will tell you why!

Your Ultimate Halloween Survival Guide

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Here are 11 diet tricks and treats to keep you on track this Halloween:

1. Don’t deprive yourself.

diet tricks

Trick: One of the worst things you can do is avoid your favorite treats. When dieting is all about “no,” you’re more likely to fail, says a 2016 study by researchers at Baylor University. Their research found that successful dieters are the ones who focus on the healthy foods they can eat, not the ones they think they need to avoid. Even Nutrisystem sweets are healthy for you—portion-controlled, low in fat, calories and sugar. When your cravings get too big to resist, don’t. Just choose a satisfying sweet that won’t break your diet.

Treat: No need to wait till the Girl Scouts show up. Nutrisystem’s Thin Mint Crisp Bar is chocolate through and through. Fudge morsels on top and a thick ribbon of milk chocolate, all paired with the cool taste of mint for only 150 calories.

 2. Buy candy the day of Halloween.

halloween candy

Trick: Tell the truth— Have you bought Halloween candy weeks in advance and then had to buy it all over again because you and the entire family wiped it out? Try to keep candy in the house for the shortest amount of time possible. In fact, if you can, buy it on Halloween. It’s likely to be on sale then too.

Treat:  Now that you’ve saved calories and money, indulge in Nutrisystem’s delicious, crunchy Chocolate Brownie Bar. It’s filled with cocoa crisps and covered in dark chocolate flavored coating. Best of all, it’s only 150 calories and contains a whopping 10 grams of protein. No candy can say that!

3. Pick candy you don’t like.

diet tricks

Trick: When you’re candy shopping, be sure to stay away from your favorites. Choose candy that the kids love but you don’t. If you love chocolate, choose fruity and sour gummy candies. Are you a sucker for hard candy? Buy sticky taffy or toffee.  Purchase the sweets that you don’t like (but they do) and you’ve kept yourself away from temptation.

Treat: If you’re a chocolate lover, you can feel free to indulge in Nutrisystem’s NutriChocolates! They’re a fun treat that can replace any unhealthy chocolate bar. You can even melt them to create chocolate covered fruit and nuts.

Printable Recipe Book: 12 Healthy Halloween Recipes

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4. Don’t let yourself get hungry.

diet tricks

Trick: Candy may always be tempting. However, you may be less likely to give in if you’ve eaten plenty of healthy, fiber-rich meals all day before you’re faced with bowls and bags of sweet treats. Don’t save any calories for Halloween candy. Make sure you feel too full to eat anther thing.

Treat: If you do have a little room left, Nutrisystem’s Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies are bite-sized treats that go great with a glass of skim milk. At only 150 calories, they’re packed with protein and fiber to satisfy your sweet tooth.

5. Be the parent (or grandparent) who goes trick or treating.

trick or treating

Trick: Turn your kids’ trick-or-treating into a little exercise for yourself. Walk the neighborhood with them and while they’re at the door getting treated, do a little jogging in place.

Treat: For a great post-workout recovery treat, grab a Nutrisystem Lemon Cooler Cookie. These zesty, sugar-dusted cookies are only 140 calories and can squash an lemony candy craving you may have.

6. Stash the stash.

halloween candy

Trick: Have someone else in the household hide the Halloween candy so temptation is out of sight and out of mind. Just don’t ask the kids to hide it because you may never see it again. And don’t go looking for it!

Treat: You won’t care where the candy is when you know exactly where you’re keeping your Nutrisystem Milk Chocolate Flavored Pretzels. They have the sweet and salty taste you love with only 130 calories. The extra protein and fiber make them ultra-satisfying.

5 Healthy Halloween Swaps for Every Kind of Candy Craving

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7. Chew gum.

chew gum

Trick: Chewing gum is a great way to fight temptation. A study published in the journal Appetite found that chewing gum is a simple way to modestly control appetite. In their research, people who chewed gum ate 68 fewer calories at lunch. Sugar free gum is a Free Food on Nutrisystem, so feel free to chew away those cravings!

Treat: Toss your gum away for a few minutes to enjoy Nutrisystem’s Snickerdoodle Cookie. It’s a soft-baked, whole grain cookie dusted with cinnamon, the spice of the season. With only 130 calories, it’s sure to spice up your Halloween.

8. Freeze your kids’ candy.

diet tricks

Trick: Keep both you and your youngsters from eating all the candy in one sitting by freezing their Halloween hauls. Parse out a few pieces they can eat each day. Not only are you eliminating temptation for you, you’re give your kids a great message about not overeating sweets.

Treat: Something you can eat frozen is our Ice Cream Sandwich. With vanilla flavored ice cream between two chocolate cookies, it clocks in at only 130 calories. You can even throw it in the blender to make this Ice Cream Sandwich Shake! >

 9. Don’t hand out candy.

diet tricks

Trick: You can buy pencils and stickers or a bulk pack of Halloween toys from your local party or dollar store. You can also try online shopping for fun Halloween trinkets. Zero fat, zero sugar and zero calories!

Treat: While you’re rocking your new Halloween spider ring, dig into a Nutrisystem Chocolate Brownie Sundae. You’ll be scooping up decadent fudge ribbons and brownie chunks throughout creamy chocolate ice cream. Bye, bye chocolate cravings!

Candy Craving? 7 Delicious Bars for a Healthier Halloween

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10. Craving candy? Brush your teeth.

diet tricks

Trick: Diet tricks can seem difficult. However, some are as easy as brushing your teeth (literally)! Have you ever tried to eat or drink something sweet after brushing? If you have a candy craving, the magazine Popular Science recommends brushing those fangs. They explain that one of the chemicals in toothpaste, sodium laureth sulfate, temporarily squashes sweet taste bud receptors so candy doesn’t taste so yummy after you’ve brushed.

Treat: Don’t brush before you’ve treated yourself to our Chocolate Cupcake! At just 150 calories, it’s full of luscious, chocolatey goodness that you can feel good about enjoying.

11. Keep giving out candy after Halloween.

diet tricks

Trick: The last but certainly not the least of our diet tricks involves giving. Many organizations have started accepting donations and buying leftover Halloween candy to send to American troops. They put the candy in care packages and send them to troops all over the world. You can even create your own care packages and hand them out to those who are in need.

Treat: You’ve done a good deed. Treat yourself with a Nutrisystem Butterscotch Cake. Drizzled with icing, this slice contains only 140 calories.

How to Have a Healthy Halloween Party

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The post 11 Diet Tricks and Treats for a Healthy Halloween appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

It’s Soup Season! 5 Simple Soups for Your Fall Menu

The air is getting crisper, the leaves are getting redder, which means it’s time for all kinds of awesome things: Tailgate parties, apple cider, sweaters, pumpkin spice everything and our favorite—soup. Soup season means a delicious bowl of warmth on a brisk day. And soup can do much more than fill your seasonal cravings. It may help you eat less at your next meal and stay fuller for longer.

In one study, researchers had study participants eat a low-calorie broth before having a lunch entree. Those who ate the soup ate 20 percent fewer calories at the meal compared to when they’d had the same meal without the pre-entree broth. And other studies have shown that slow the time of “gastric emptying”—that is, soup stays in your stomach longer than other foods, so you feel fuller for longer than when eating a solid meal.

Pumpkin Palooza! 10 Pumpkin Recipes You Need in Your Life

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So fill your bowl and start with these five favorites for soup season: They’re simple to make, they’ll fill you up, and best of all—they’re delicious.

1. Zuppa Toscana Soup >


Calories per serving: 184

Counts as: One SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and half a Vegetable

One of our soup season favorites: This soup has all the flavors of the Italian restaurant favorite—sausage, garlic and creamy broth—with fewer gut-busting calories. But the best part: It makes six servings, so if you prepare this hearty, chunky dish once, you can eat lunch all week. So break out the crockpot, chop some potatoes and kale, and make it!

2. Chicken Parm Soup >


Calories per serving: 227

Counts as: One SmartCarb, two PowerFuels and one Vegetable

If you love the flavors of chicken parm—and who doesn’t—you’ll love this soup season classic: All that mouth-watering chicken-cheese-tomato flavor packed into a low-calorie, belly-filling soup that takes just four simple steps to prepare. If you can saute an onion, you can make this soup in less than 20 minutes and have six servings of hearty lunch to last all week.

Our Top 6 Fall Produce Picks

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3. Loaded Potato Soup >

potato soup

Calories per serving: 315

Counts as: One Nutrisystem Lunch, one PowerFuel and half a Vegetable

This isn’t some thin, flavorless, unsatisfying “diet” soup: It’s a creamy, hearty, flavor-packed and satiating soup that’s worthy of being called a meal. Using the Nutrisystem Loaded Potato, one of our most popular lunches, the recipe thickens things up with milk, adds flavor from chicken broth and spinach, and a delicious garlic kick. It takes just five minutes to make, but you’ll enjoy the meal—and feeling comfortably satisfied and full—long into the afternoon.

4. Creamy Sweet Potato Soup >


Calories per serving: 259

Counts as: One PowerFuel, one SmartCarb and two Extras

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggested that soup empties out of your system slower than solid meals, keeping you fuller for longer, one result was extra-surprising: Thinner, creamier soups actually stayed in the gastric system longer than chunkier broth-based foods. So while you might think a more liquid-based soup wouldn’t fill you up, it may actually fill you up—and keep you full—better than other lunch options.

This creamy sweet potato soup combines that smooth, belly-filling property with other satisfying features: There’s the hearty flavor of sweet potato, of course, but also fiber from both the tubers and cannellini beans. Insoluble fiber, the kind found in both of these foods, slows the rate of digestion so you feel fuller, longer. So fill up on this orange bowl—perfect for fall.

5 Veggies You Have to Try Roasted

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5. Easy French Onion Soup >

soup season

Calories per serving: 240

Counts as: One PowerFuel, one SmartCarb, one Vegetable and one Extra

A salty, beefy, onion-flavored soup topped with melted cheese for just 240 calories? Seems impossible, but it’s not. The granddaddy of decadent soups can be yours in less than an hour with this simple recipe—six ingredients simmered together and topped with two slices of light Swiss. It’s a classic flavor that you can feel great about all fall—and winter—long.

The post It’s Soup Season! 5 Simple Soups for Your Fall Menu appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

[NSV] how about the pants

I posted this picture last week as part of 1 year difference. Today i want to tell you the history of the pants I'm wearing.

I normally wear overalls as my daily wear. I know it's not a popular fashion choice but I don't care. I usually have a couple pairs of regular pants to wear and of course a suit for wedding and funerals. But any other time I'm wearing overalls.

About 9.5 years ago I was looking around on Facebook at a post made by somebody I knew in high school. There was a reply to the post by a woman I had a crush on in high school, so I sent her a friend request. She accepted the request and we started chatting and eventually made arrangements to get together when I got back to town. So I had a date with my high school crush. The problem was my overalls. I had been gaining weight and the only thing I had at the time was overalls to wear. I didn't want to wear overalls on my first date, so I found a Wal-Mart some where that I could get into with my big truck and went pants shopping. Of course the problem was the size of pants I needed, Wal-Mart doesn't stock clothes for fat men like me. But I did find the pants in the picture. They were the biggest size they had in stock and I could get into them. They were real tight on me but I could wear them if I had too. So I bought them and made several more stops at stores looking for something better but no luck. So those are the pants I wore on my first date with my wife. The first date went very well and we made arrangements to go out the next night. But the next day at lunch I was with one of my brothers and his wife headed to go eat somewhere. I told them about my date and my sister in law wanted to meet her. So on a whim I called her and asked if she wanted to get a quick lunch with us. She said yes and I went by to pick her up. I was wearing overalls at the time. It turns out she loves the co7 entry look of men in overalls. She thinks they look cute. So I went back to wearing overalls and these pants got hung up in the closet. Where they stayed for 9.5 years. And I continued to gain weight.

So now for the present. I waa 80 pounds into my weight loss journey and all my clothes were baggy and I look like a bum. But I generally don't care. Baggy clothes are comfortable. And since I want to lose another 80 pounds or more, and I'm a cheap bastard, I don't want to buy new clothes, that will soon become baggy too. But I had the family reunion coming up and I didn't want to look like a bum. I was going to look for a new pair of overalls, when I thought about these pants in the back of my closet. I pulled them on and I could wear them. Not only could I get into them, but they weren't too tight. I fact they were slightly too big. I had to search around to find my belt. And with the belt holding them up I had pants to wear to the family reunion.

submitted by /u/otr_trucker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat