Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Can you lose the weight you've gained from antidepressants (while still on them?)

Hello all! I have been on Lexapro since March of this year and overall this medication has helped me so much. I can actually function around people rather than having crying fits and absolute extreme anxiety. I used to be in panic mode 24/7, no matter what I was doing. One thing has been making me feel pretty down lately. I have gained some weight on Lexapro. I'm 5'1 and have went from 119 to 141 pounds. I can't wear most of my clothes now. I wanted to ask if any of you have experienced weight loss on an SSRI? I noticed that Lexapro made my appetite increase, I'm not sure if it actually slowed down my metabolism. I went and bought healthy food at the grocery store, so it's a start. I know that I need to consume less calories and have recently started that, I will also be incorporating cardio as well. I just wanted to hear your stories on if you guys have lost weight while on Lexapro or another SSRI? :) Overall, Lexapro has changed my life for the better, just wanting to be physically healthier too! Thank ya'll so much. :)

submitted by /u/weirdone1989
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VIQ0xv

Monday, October 14, 2019

Losing weight before New Years

Hello y’all!

Just some info: I am 19 years old and I weight 201 pounds and I am 5’8. I eat 1400 calories a day and walk 9000-10 000 4 days a week

I read somewhere that New years was close (time passes by quick!) and I realized how great would it be if I lost weight and felt good in 2020!

So I am officially starting my weight loss journey. I have been on and off with my journey. I hope I can stick to it! It’s really easy to gain the weight and really hard to lose it. And I think I’ve been noticing that lately.

I think what I am going to do this time is NOT tell people I am trying to lose weight or that I am on a “diet”. I feel that it puts extra pressure on me.

But I was wondering how much weight can I possibly lose before January? I know I have to start losing weight first to think about this but is it possible to lose at least 20 pounds? Or am I dreaming too big? If you need any additional information let me know!

submitted by /u/salsa4U
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2IM6IXJ

Never Have I Ever Game For Runners Round 2

This weekend I had my first DNS due to injury. DNS = Did Not Start... as in, did not start a race. It’s runner language for not showing up or starting a race at all. Which is better than a lot of other options like… DNF = Did Not Finish or CUFPCM22 = Curled Up […]

The post Never Have I Ever Game For Runners Round 2 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat https://ift.tt/2BekMF3

Doctor was real weird about my weight loss (+ NSV?)

I went to see a new doctor today for a wellness check. Everything was going great, I’m very healthy, all to be expected since I was mostly just going to establish a baseline with a PCP in my area since I haven’t seen a doctor since I moved a few years ago.

I’ve lost about 45lbs since I started really diligently counting calories in January. I feel great about it and the sort of food choices I’ve been making.

I was expecting the weight comment because I’m still only about halfway to my goal. I really wasn’t expecting his response. (Jokes on me for being honest with my doctor...lol). He mentioned that my weight was a “little high” and instead of just agreeing or whatever I mentioned that I’d actually lost 45lbs so far!

He started going on a tangent about how everyone who loses weight just regains it, and commented that I will “bounce back” too. Uhhh??? Dude?? Aren’t you supposed to tell me to lose weight, not try to convince me that it’s pointless?? He even pulled up a bunch of data to support his argument that he apparently just had on hand haha!

The NSV is this: I don’t care! RIP to your study subjects, but I’m different! Dieting is 90% mental, and I know that as long as I focus on making lifestyle changes instead of crash dieting my weigh loss will be sustainable. His weird attachment to his graphs doesn’t discourage me in the slightest :)

submitted by /u/boxpear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OOwIFQ

Minors posting in this group

Hi all,

Love this group - super motivating, supportive folks. But one thing really troubles me - giving weight loss advice to kids/people under 18.

We see it everyday. At least a few kids post trying to lose weight. Sometimes, it's more than a few. We want to help, because, of course we do. But, we shouldn't.

It's dangerous and unhelpful to give advice to kids who want to lose weight beyond this: "Speak to your parents and doctor and share your concerns. Ask them to get you qualified help." Sure, we all love CICO (me too!), but lots and lots of evidence shows that kids who begin dieting without a Doctor's guidance are vastly more likely to develop eating disorders AND become obese.

Even comments on their weight being fine, they will grow, etc - let's just not do it. We can be supportive without giving tips or commenting on their current weight/height/BMI.

Are you with me?

submitted by /u/simaeich
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VGSjRF

Lost over 60 pounds, just want to celebrate with someone

I went from 260 to 200 in 7 months after a pretty big lifestyle change. I left a toxic situation and became a travel nomad. Shopping for clothing used to a challenge because plus sizes were hard to find in different parts of the world. Now less so. It really hit me that I lost weight when I was trying on clothing at H&M. Even size XL was big on me. I never even bothered with the Young folks section (divided) because it only went up to a size L. Well, I tried on a bunch of size L jackets and they actually fit with room to spare. It hit me that I had lost enough weight to fit into these places I used to automatically overlook. It's inspired me to continue my weight loss journey. I went from a size 24/22 to a size 12 and it's amazing. It feels like it just happen overnight.

submitted by /u/lostandfound3324577
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VFmysp

Have any of you lost the weight without ever gaining it back?

I struggled with weight loss for a long time. I'd lose and then gain some back. Not usually the entire amount, but some.

I see a lot of posts across platforms about people who have just started, have made it to their first goal, or who have yo-yo'ed and are starting again.

I'm curious if there's anyone out there who lost the weight and never gained it back, even after several years.

It seems to me that changing habits is a skill, and it takes time to learn that skill. Failure, to some degree, is inevitable.

I'm curious about this because, if it's true that regaining weight is inevitable, maybe knowing that would encourage those who have just gone through the cycle for the first time. I think they often feel like personal failures, like they are deficient somehow.. and I sort of want them to know that it's okay. This sort of just takes time.

I'm probably 10 years in from the first time I tried dieting. I had always been heavy before. Now I don't really diet anymore. I eat pretty low carb naturally and my food cravings are nowhere near what they were in the past. I gained some in the last few years and I've been slowly losing it just by naturally undercutting, with very little effort (much slower this way but that's fine). I feel like I've made it. Food no longer dominates my thoughts.

So if you're still struggling.. even after years, maybe that's okay. Maybe that's how long change really takes.

submitted by /u/Shitty-Coriolis
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