Monday, October 14, 2019

Doctor was real weird about my weight loss (+ NSV?)

I went to see a new doctor today for a wellness check. Everything was going great, I’m very healthy, all to be expected since I was mostly just going to establish a baseline with a PCP in my area since I haven’t seen a doctor since I moved a few years ago.

I’ve lost about 45lbs since I started really diligently counting calories in January. I feel great about it and the sort of food choices I’ve been making.

I was expecting the weight comment because I’m still only about halfway to my goal. I really wasn’t expecting his response. (Jokes on me for being honest with my He mentioned that my weight was a “little high” and instead of just agreeing or whatever I mentioned that I’d actually lost 45lbs so far!

He started going on a tangent about how everyone who loses weight just regains it, and commented that I will “bounce back” too. Uhhh??? Dude?? Aren’t you supposed to tell me to lose weight, not try to convince me that it’s pointless?? He even pulled up a bunch of data to support his argument that he apparently just had on hand haha!

The NSV is this: I don’t care! RIP to your study subjects, but I’m different! Dieting is 90% mental, and I know that as long as I focus on making lifestyle changes instead of crash dieting my weigh loss will be sustainable. His weird attachment to his graphs doesn’t discourage me in the slightest :)

submitted by /u/boxpear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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