Thursday, November 7, 2019

Did anyone else become more self-critical after losing weight?

Hello everyone!

It's my first time posting here and I hope I'm doing everything right.

I'm 1.76 m (5'9") and currently 82 kgs (180lbs), down from > 100 kgs (220lbs). I lost around 20 kgs (44 lbs) over the course of around 2 years. The first 10 kgs were mostly from being very stressed during my master's degree abroad and I would not recommend that at all. The second 10 kgs were all calorie counting, eating below my TDEE and exercising and walking a little bit more. The main part was adjusting how much I eat though, without a doubt.

And while I love being healthier, fitter, more active and attractive in my opinion, I can't help but notice how I've also gotten even more critical of myself. I find myself admonishing myself when I'm even 10 calories over my budget, criticise myself when I miss a single workout in two weeks, and all flaws on my body stick out to me even more.

Did anyone else experience that? I think it partially has to do with me realising just how much power and influence I have over changing myself and improving and healing my body. On one hand, that results in me admiring my progress and newly reached goals. But it also makes me more critical when I slip up and when inevitably my weight loss slows down a little. My next goal is 75 kgs, and then see how I feel and how I like my body. But I almost feel as if I'm standing in my own way with how strict and sometimes self-critical I am.

Did you also struggle with this, and what helped you deal with it?

submitted by /u/thththrwwayyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New gym routine- jump in or ease into it?

Background info: I'm 22 and live a fairly sedentary lifestyle during the school year- I'm a college student and babysit 5-10 hours per week. During the summer I work at a summer camp and for the first few weeks it's pretty exhausting for me, but I get used to it fairly quickly (I've worked there the past 4 summers and I love it).

I've been trying to lose weight since February of this year. Started at 265, didn't do much over the spring/summer besides switch to a lot healthier options of food and lost about 20lbs between that and becoming more active over the summer with my summer camp job. Weight crept back up 5lbs in the fall, and I began working out at home, and since then I've lost another 15.

A few weeks ago, I got a membership to a local gym and began to go a few times per week, my goal being to go on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. However I struggle (mostly due to anxiety and other things that "come up" that I use as excuses, but I know I could work around) to go most of the time when those days come around, and have only gone about 2/3 of my planned days. Basically I'm wondering if it's worth it to force myself to go on my planned days to create the habit, or if it would be okay to ease myself into it by going 1-2x per week for a while instead

tl;dr- I've made decent weight loss progress at home but would like to add going to the gym. I struggle to go on the days I plan to due to anxiety, should I force myself to go or can I ease myself into it?

submitted by /u/keeko4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lifelong struggles with weight. I want to change, but it's hard, and only getting worse.

I (27F) am 5'5" and currently about 230, which is my highest ever. My lowest was about 185, and I was pretty happy there. I have a body built for curves, that generally only gains bulky muscle, never compact muscle, and I haven't been what anyone could call "skinny" since I hit puberty. I've never had success with calorie counting really - MyFitnessPal would only budget me around 1400 calories/day, and I have never found a way to make that at all satisfying or sustainable. Twice in my life I've managed to drop about 30 lbs in 6 months and then just plateaued, but even that took hardcore exercise several times/week as well as strict calorie regulation. And, somehow, I would never ever get that dopamine hit from exercise that might make it at all enjoyable or worth it.

One of my big struggles is motivation. External encouragement is really counter-productive for me, and I've always found weight loss communities/discussion really triggering for my depression. I know that's a whole other issue, but it does make it hard for me to reach out for help, or dive into communities that others might find really helpful.

I don't really know what I'm asking for here. Maybe there are others out there who have had similar issues who can relate, maybe you have some really helpful tips for how to dive in, I don't know. I guess that's the point. I have no idea where to go with this. I'm planning on starting WeightWatchers with my best friend in the new year, but I am already dreading it so much. I just don't want to be where I am now.

submitted by /u/concreteunicorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone use swimming for their workout?

I started swimming on Monday to become more active. I really enjoy it. Yesterday I swam half a mile and my body felt like jello after! I'm just wondering about possible pros and cons of using swimming as your workout? Is it an effective exercise? I honestly don't know too much about fitness, but I know I enjoy swimming and it definitely makes feel something haha.

I am combining this with 16:8 intermittent fasting and a healthy diet, because I know most of weight loss is done in the kitchen. Do you think these things combined will help me lose weight?

I've been struggling to lose weight for a couple years now, but I'm feeling really good and motivated about this plan. For some background, I'm currently 265 pounds and my goal is to lose around 100 pounds (for now). Im just asking for opinions out if pure curiosity and also to hear other people's stories! If you'd recommend a different workout, I wanna know! If this is what you did to lose weight, I wanna know! I love hearing success stories.

Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/aphr0ditekaytee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Went from 309 to 185. Now at 215 and very pissed at myself.

If you look through my post history you can see my weight loss journey. Well since then I have made bad decision after bad decision and gained back 30 pounds. I don’t have a good reason for it nor did anything bad happen to me to get me off track I simply got back into old habits.

It’s honestly pretty scary how easy it is to totally fall off the wagon and almost watch yourself crash and burn while knowing you shouldn’t being eating this or that. It really didn’t sneak up on me gaining this weight back I knew everyday what I was doing and just couldn’t stop myself. I lost all my discipline that got me to a healthy weight. I would wake up with every intention of getting back at it then just a glance at something unhealthy it all went out the window. I’m sure a lot of you can relate to this, literally going through the drive thru at a fast food joint and saying to yourself, man you don’t want to do this it’s not worth it. But your body just keeps on driving, and ordering, and eating.

I know I’m going to be battling this for the rest of my life but I just can’t believe I will lose and undo everything I worked for. I don’t really have a point to this post I guess it’s just more of sitting here and writing it all out and I hope it will help me to do what I know I need to do. I so badly want to get back to being healthy and being 185 lbs and stay there forever. I know I can do it, I just have to fight for it.

submitted by /u/code_name_Dutchesss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What Am I Doing Wrong?

I started my weight loss journey in June, at 216 lbs. It's now November and I've only lost about 25 lbs total. I'm fluctuating between 192 and 195 every few days for the past six weeks, with little to no explanation why. I should be at most 180 lbs by now.

5'1" female, 29 y/o, 194 lbs today, but I was 192 lbs yesterday. I KNOW that I didn't eat 6400 calories yesterday. I count and track.

I'm eating around 1500 calories, which is below my RMR. I weight train 3 times a week, and I've gotten a lot stronger since I started... But I just can't seem to shed lbs.

I'm not sure what it is I'm doing incorrectly. I've slimmed down and lost a few inches off of my waist and butt, definitely, but the scale is still not moving in the downward direction. I know it's probably impossible that I've replaced fat with muscle.

I want to meet my goal weight (120) by June 2020 but I'm beginning to think that it's impossible since the scale hasn't budged and doesnt seem to be budging.


submitted by /u/Wallhammer4581
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those who started slightly overweight or at the upper end of healthy, how did you choose your goal weights?

I’ve seen a lot of posts talk about setting their weight loss goals to be at the upper end of a healthy BMI. While that’s very reasonable for many, that’s where I started my journey, and I knew it wasn’t normal or healthy for me to be 150+ lbs.

I was "healthy" by BMI standards, but I was very sedentary (relative to a few years ago), and drinking more than I should. My journey can largely be considered vanity weight (especially to a lot of posters here who have 100+ lbs to lose and life-threatening conditions to battle). I have a relatively small frame and basically weighed around 120-130 lbs until college.

I initially chose 125 lbs as my goal because it was approximately the weight I had been at for most of my life. Now that I’m literally within 1 lb of my goal, I find myself wanting to get to 125 merely for the sake of saying “I did it”, which really isn’t a good reason (I already feel great, love the way I look in clothes, etc.).

So, for those of you who started slightly overweight or at the higher end of healthy, how did you choose your goals? Did you ever re-evaluate? If so, when/why? How did you decide if or when you wanted to shift over to toning/recomping (I switched from cardio 5x/week to strength training 3x/week and cardio 2x/week about 2 months ago)?

submitted by /u/lunaneko_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat