Tuesday, April 7, 2020

My friend asked me if I’ve ever considered lap band surgery. It never once crossed my mind. But I looked it up and it looks like I might qualify.

Self-explanatory title. I’ve been doing really well with my eating and working out lately so when my friend asked me how I’ve been lately I told her about it. She replied by asking me if I have ever considered lap band surgery.

At first I was taken aback and my initial response was no, I’m not sure if I’m fat enough or desperate enough for that. A pretty defensive and judgmental response if I do say so myself. But I looked it up and it looks like I might qualify simply based on my BMI which is over 45. I’m a 5’5” 269 (formerly 275) pound female with a solid 120 pounds to lose.

The thing is, I’ve never wholeheartedly given more than a month of real effort towards my physical health and weight loss in the last 7 years which was the start of my weight gain. After a month, I backslide. I feel like this time is different though. Something clicked in my mind and I’m pleased with my progress so far.

I’m looking for any kind of guidance and first hand experience with both surgical and non-surgical weight loss of around 120lbs. I’ve read a lot of success stories on here and I’d love to learn more about how you got there. Motivation and constructive criticism would also be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/YouShouldWalk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2x2A1Tm

Cheating means you’re on a diet

Unpopular opinion, or maybe it’s a request to change my mind: if you say anything like you have a “cheat day”, you are on a diet and your weight loss will not be sustainable long term. I hear some people say “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change” and then use the word “cheat”. How do you cheat on a lifestyle?

My perspective comes from years and years of amazing weight loss, followed by even more amazing weight gain. Many diets, fads, quick losses... going back to the Atkins days. Now, almost 3 years into a 100+ pound loss I am maintaining.

What do you think? Can your weight loss strategy be something you can “cheat” on and still be successful?

submitted by /u/DeusRx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/39Y6RlK

I acted in a weight loss commercial full of lies

I wanted to post a little tidbit about weight loss products and how they're marketed.

I'm an actor and long-time loser! 3 years about 60-some lbs off, a good bunch of inches too. I owe all of my progress to the learning that happened on this subreddit, and the support and accountability that let me feel successful even when I was eating over my calorie goal or down and out with injury.

Recently I accepted the role as a weight loser for a commercial advertising a fancy scale. If you're a new loser or are looking around for some great tools (water bottles, new scale, meal replacements/plans, measuring devices like calipers and tape) here's some advertising red flags; some more obvious than others:

Being told it will help you lose weight AND keep it off: There is no tool in existence that can force you to have discipline (that I know of), you find that within yourself, motivated by the tools, community, and individuals you keep around you.

The person on screen has never used that object before, even if they take a selfie style video saying they did: It is extremely common practice for people who are influencers or actors to be paid just to say that they "...used this thing, and it works amazing!" It is catered to look that way, and it's a total lie every time. They may have been shipped the product days before and take a bunch of quick shots of using it, trying to make it look as good as possible. I have taken these kind of jobs for dating apps (I have a spouse), scales (use a normal scale and measuring tape), VPNs (I had never even heard of that VPN until the day I shot the video). If your clips aren't good enough and they don't use it, you might not get paid.

Weight loss on screen is all clothing, photoshop, filters, lighting, angles, and facial expression: I had a string of radiohead songs playing as motivation while I sat pretending to be depressed and afraid for my health in the baggiest things I owned, just to get shots that showed the how fat and sad. But then, I changed into a tight dress and smiled and they turned up the light and BAM apparently I lost weight! I even had my REAL weight loss progress pics used in the commercial with my permission. Yes, even those photos are likely not taken for that product. My before and after photo was all me using CICO, not some fancy scale (for the record my scale is $15 from a walmart). I bet you even weight watchers and gyms do this.

Products have a bunch of unique, fancy features shown off: Personally I don't want or need my bone density every morning along with my weight, though some do I suppose. The product I used was incredibly inaccurate on my actual weight, TDEE, BMI, and estimated required weight loss by varying percentages. I was baffled. It is telling if a product does a lot of fancy or different things, it could be garbage at even its most basic function. How the heck does it know my bone density from my weight? The product just used my stats to run averages I suppose.

So why did I do the commercial? The easy answer is I didn't know I was selling a scale until I got there, I just knew they needed an ambiguous body shape (not quite fat, not quite thin, chubby as a good descriptor). The less honourable answer is I'm an actor, it's my only job, this is how I survive.

TL;DR: If you see an ad for a product that does lots of fancy stuff, and says it will make you lose and maintain weight loss, it isn't necessarily true, even if it's a video testimonial with before and after photos.

Anyone else acted or modeled for weight loss? I had a friend's photo stolen and shopped into before and after photos once. Any products you have that ARE worth the money or a total pass? I think the best way to find a good tool, app, or community is to search on r/loseit , r/fitness , and similar subs.

submitted by /u/ladyalot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VbYOfx

Teenager needing help

18 (F) 5’3 SW: 160ish CW: 151 GW:120-130

throwaway account for personal reasons

This is my first time posting on reddit but I’ve used it a long time and I am a sub on this thread!

I struggle with binge eating and I have my whole life. As a young woman this has greatly destroyed my confidence and self worth. I decided to actually change and not fall through like I usually do. I’ve done a great job and I’m proud of myself! In three weeks, I’ve lost 10ish pounds, worked out and eaten less than 1000 calories every day. I haven’t had the urge to binge in a LONG time and I’ve resisted going back to my old habits in situations where I was presented with lots of food. I’m doing well and quarentine / college is encouraging me to change my habits. People have said they’ve seen change and I kind of have too but I still haaaattteeeeee the way I look :(

My friend enables my ED. She also binges and when we get together we would always go out to eat. Since I have started my journey she has gotten worse and has eaten way more. I’ve tried to help her the best I can but I see herself worsening the binging despite her call out for help. Whenever we’re together and I don’t eat I feel kind of guilty? Like we bonded over binging? But now that I’ve started losing weight just the thought of a binge disgusts me. She’s gaining weight too and I feel bad. I want to help but I don’t know how. I’ve tried telling her what I do to change bc she is proud of me and try giving her tips but every night she Snapchats me while she’s eating large portions of unhealthy food. She’s also told me about how bad her binging has gotten and idk what to do :( she weighs more than me but used to be smaller.

I’m also struggling with staying motivated. Although I never am encouraged to binge anymore (at least in the past weeks) I am never motivated to work out. I workout 7 days a week usually doing 2-fifteen minute HIIT chloe ting videos and hopefully 30 mins of cardio once a week. I know if I don’t go all in with working out I will not see change and if I don’t see change I will go back to my ways. How often should I excercise? When will I see change? I know these sound like stupid questions but everything I have learned about a diet have been off of this sub. Also, one side of my body is seeming to lose weight (not much) faster than another and it’s weird.

Finally, what are some low calorie snacks I can eat? I usually don’t snack a lot but I see myself falling into a habit where I eat like 700 calories a day and I feel like I need to allow myself to healthy snack and get my calories up to 1100 to stay strong. Also does my weight loss seem healthy??

Thank you! I wish you all luck and I’ve been very inspired by this thread.

submitted by /u/throwawayyyyyy738272
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3edNqZs

Quarantine changed my view on cheat days

I've been on my weight loss journey for over a year now. From the beginning, I implemented one cheat day per week, where I allowed myself to go over my deficit and eat what I want. I would mostly schedule these cheat days in a way that they were on days I went out to eat with my friends, or have a movie night or something.

But now in quarantine with all those social 'pressures to eat' (ofc no one pressures me to eat then, but I don't wanna miss out on it either way) removed, I haven't had a cheat day in over two weeks, and I don't think I'll have one in the forseeable future. I have started exercising, so I have a few extra calories, and over the last few months I have learned to fit all i want to eat in my 1200 cal budget. If I want a pizza, I'll eat a pizza.

I have thought about having a cheat day, maybe at a day where I work out particularly hard so I have more calories anyways, but then I immediately think 'Why waste that on a cheat day? You can eat all that food anyways. Why not create a bigger deficit?'. It's not like a cheat day would mean any different food. I eat all the food I want anyways, just smaller portions.

I think I'll go back to having cheat days when that social eating is happening again, but I realised that I don't need it when I'm by myself, and personally I see this as a win. Just wanted to share :)

submitted by /u/lisa471
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3aSq8pR

Getting past a weight loss plateau?

I’ve been following a low carb diet and intermittent fasting since March 20th. Since then I’ve dropped from 75kg to 68.5kg. The past week I’ve been 68.5 and haven’t been able to lose anymore weight . I was wondering if it would work to up my calories slightly for a couple of days to boost my metabolism before going back to my regular diet and are there any foods or exercises I could use to up my weight loss. On a regular day I eat: 150g Yoghurt and rolled oats for breakfast, four eggs and kimchi for lunch, and tuna and salad for dinner. Between 10am to 6pm. I usually do half an hour of exercise a day. With quarantine and staying inside I don’t get a chance to move around a lot however.

submitted by /u/bacjusio
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3aSRSuw

An update on progress - duromine

original post

It has now been about 4.5 weeks on duromine. I went into it apprehensive of al the potential side effects, and so far have only had excessive sweating and occasional insomnia. Wife has been the same with an emphasis on the insomnia.

Currently, wife is down 16 (35 pounds) kg to 119kg which is the most weight she has ever lost on any kind of weight loss plan.

I am currently down 22 kg (48 pounds) to 188kg

I essentially eat one meal a day at dinner, with a VLCD shake around lunch if I feel I need it. I also have a small breakfast or lunch on weekends.

Dinners are much smaller, but have not entirely phased out carbs or fat, just drastically limited.

Excercise is difficult at the moment with the COVID-19 limitations, and people panic buying excercise equipment but we are making do.

Another update to follow in a month.

submitted by /u/smeagolfinds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UTuSWO