Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I had my first cheat day yesterday and I feel like a bucket of expletives.

And it continued through today, as well. The feeling AND the cheating.

I've been counting and doing the CICO thing along with a pretty straightforward workout routine for a little while now and I've been doing really well. Also started biking this Spring and now I use that as my only means of getting around. I feel, weigh, and look much better than six months ago by far. As I'm sure many of you have dealt with, friends had been a little weird about how seriously I was taking my new lifestyle, and often would cite the idea of a "cheat day" to get me to just loosen up for the day and let my counting slide. Well, yesterday I did just that, and holy cow am I feeling it.

I'm not sure how common this is, but I just had to vent this out there. I can totally see how falling off for one day can derail months of work. A little background since I don't know how to add the SW-CW-GW stuff to the title (any help?): Last Thanksgiving-ish I had to go to the doctor's office because I was having trouble sleeping. Well, to my surprise, I have obstructive sleep apnea. My doctor was not surprised at all, seeing as I just got weighed in at 281 lbs. They suggested a CPAP breathing machine but I wanted to try to fix it myself with weight loss and exercise. This Monday I weighed myself at 255 lbs and I was happy to see that result, but I've been sticking to 2200 calories a day for a while now and I thought I could step it down to 1500 per day and see how it goes. I'm still fairly confident this won't be too difficult to maintain, as I still make room in my daily count for soda and some snacking. At any rate, friends were pressuring for a cheat day yesterday, and since I made the decision to drop down to 1500 calories per day in the next few days, I thought I would have a little bang and get some pizzas and bread sticks.

That was the first night I skipped my workout since I started. It was also the first night I didn't count my calories since I started. A few more things happened for the first time since I started, like I wasn't able to fall asleep until almost 5am. I developed a huge headache and had to take Aleve just to go to bed. I had heartburn so bad I thought I was going to throw up, so I had to take antacid pills to function. While I was considering my workout, I just promised myself I would go extra hard tomorrow and just didn't do it. I've been feeling halfway between asleep and throwing up all day. The thought of riding my bike around made both of those feelings worse. Thinking about working out was even worse still. When I woke up this morning, there was leftover pizza in the fridge, so naturally I just grabbed it and ate it without really thinking about it. By the time my cognition was operating (I am not a morning person, sometimes it takes a bit to get going in the am), I had the expected amount of disgust with myself and thought I would make up for it tomorrow. But if there are only two things I've learned from reading this sub (there are way more than two, thanks to all of you!), they are to count everything whether you want to or not, and when you fall off, get back on. So I did. I'm kind of a facts-guy, so here's what I found out.

First of all, the same excuses I've been using to keep me obese all my life were right there, ready to go. It was SO easy to comfort myself with straight-up BS. I'll make up for it tomorrow? I'll workout harder tomorrow? Just this once is fine? This is all the SAME SHIT I've been spouting to myself since grade school. The worst part? It was automatic and I didn't question it until it was already too late.

I ended up adding up an estimate of the calories I took in yesterday. It's somewhere in the high 3000's ~ low 4000's. My best estimate is actually right around 3950. Now remember, I've been doing 2200 or less for a while now. My TDEE is around 2750 by my count, so that's a daily deficit of ~550. That also means that not only did I go over my calorie goal, I nearly doubled it. After adding in what I brainlessly grabbed this morning, I was already at my goal at 10 am. Naturally, I didn't really want to force myself to not eat anything else for the rest of the day, so I ended up going over again. Not to bore you all with all the real math-y stuff, I'll just say that in the last two days I ended up with about 3250 more calories than I've been allowing myself. Grand total? One cheat day and the following mental slip cost me 6 entire days of CICO counting, and that doesn't even factor in the lost workouts and bike riding.

I guess what I'm saying is, after experiencing my first hard slip I can definitely see how easy it is for people to fall off their proverbial wagon. I've also taken stock of the fact that the only reason I have Aleve and Ranitidine tablets at the ready is because I used to have to take them pretty much every day to function. As I ponder these things, I can't help but wonder if that feeling of halfway between asleep and throwing up is how I used to feel all the time. I think it was, and that's scary as hell.

Sorry for the giant post. I think it's my first real post on this sub, so if you're all the way down here I thank you for reading. Getting back at it tomorrow. I just had to get this all out, as I don't really have anyone to talk to about this stuff in my life. For now I have a food coma I need to slip into.

submitted by /u/LegendOfChunk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

38M - 12 months, 335lbs to 220lbs.

This last year has been wild. When I started my weight loss I was fairly depressed since my early 20s. I probably still am a little, but losing all this weight has been one thing that has been lifted off of me. At my highest, I believe I was around 370, maybe more. I wasn't putting myself on a scale.

I started small by changing one thing at a time. I used to drink sodas all the time. I switched to drinking only Coke Zero. After a while I switched in glasses of water until I was only drinking water. Still to this day, water is the only thing I will drink. Once I did that, I started on portion control. I still eat what I want I just don't eat as much of it as I used to. Instead of eating an entire pizza in one sitting, I will only eat 2 slices. I cut out sides. Pretty much just eat less than i did.

Dabbled with intermittent fasting and OMAD as well. A few months into making changes I got a gym membership but only went 2 days a weeks mainly doing cardio. After getting my stamina up I gradually worked up to going 4-5 days a week, being able to do 5 miles on the elliptical. Started working in weights though I don't really know how to use them properly so I still basically do cardio. With gyms closed at the moment I haven't been in a couple months. I will have to work up the motivation and stamina again. Not looking forward to that, yet I am.

My goal is to get down to 190. I am sure I can go more but I'll see.

Here is a before and after and the tracking. I weigh every morning but only log when I lose.

submitted by /u/SerialTDKr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling low tonight and just need to vent (may be TMI)

I lurk this sub when I'm doing well and sticking to my WW points. I avoid it when I'm not. I'm a 32 year old woman and I weigh 334 pounds. I'm 5'5.

I rarely post on here. But I stumbled across my pictures tonight from when I was 17-20. Btw, this is gonna sound conceited. And to be honest, I used to be a conceited little shit. My family used to poke fun at me for it. But goddamn, I miss my looks. I used to have dark, brown hair. Now I have premature white hair at my temples. I look older than I am. Thanks, family genetics! I used to have perfect, clear skin. Hello, adult acne. I used to be a healthy 120-130 pounds. I looked good in my clothes. I had male attention even though I'm pretty reserved.

But I went to college and my poor eating habits finally caught up with me. And I'm now 32 years old and I still haven't learned to like vegetables. I still eat like shit. I graduated from college in 2011 and still haven't learned how to eat right.

Sometimes, like tonight, I get angry with my parents. I tell myself that they didn't try hard enough to teach me to eat healthy despite my picky eater habits.

But really, I have to stop blaming them. I've been out of my parents' house for years.

I'm happily married but we want to have kids. I'm fairly sure I have PCOS and I know that weight loss would help my chances of conceiving. But that's not all. I miss being able to do different positions in sex. I'm sorry, this is TMI. But goddamn...I haven't been able to be on top in a LONG time. I was able to be more adventurous in bed with my ex when I was at a healthy weight. With my husband, not so much. We're both overweight but the fact that I can't even be on top or do different positions is so depressing.

I look at my younger pictures and just feel so incredibly sad. My younger self didn't know how good she had it.

Tomorrow I'm going back on the wagon. I'm going to stay within my points. I just need to remind myself to take it one day at a time. I'd give anything to be back to 130 pounds. I just need to stop being so weak and lazy.

submitted by /u/ladyanonymous15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Officially lost 20 lbs in 2020!¡!

This is my first post here and it really feels so big for me! Started out as 176 and now I’m at 156, my goal weight is around 135. Little background on me, I’m a 25 yr old female and most of my life I was fit and didn’t have to try very hard. When I was 21 and a junior in college I broke my arm around finals and I did not handle the stress well. Got diagnosed with anxiety and depression, I know I always struggled with it but I was no longer able to ignore it. Went on medicine that made me gain about 10 lbs and it really just slowly crept up on me from there. In total I think I put on altogether about 40-50 lbs. Starting out this year, I no longer wanted to let things hold me back that I could change, and starting with my health & weight made the most sense to me. I tracked all the food I ate and was more conscious about walking more and trying to stay active. For me, switching to low carb is when I saw an actual difference - I think it might have to do with my own hormone levels, I understand that is not viable for everyone. I have worked out some, but plan to implement that more in the coming weeks. So this progress is mostly due to my diet changes. I’m finally feeling like myself mentally, and I want to physically be there, also. It’s so strange to feel more like myself than ever but then also not. I feel myself getting closer, and it makes me so proud of how far I’ve currently come. I love reading everyone’s progress on here, and for a while I thought it would take me forever to see some real change. So if that’s where you’re at, I encourage you to keep reading posts and use that as motivation. I’m also really into looking at weight loss check videos on tik tok and before and afters on instagram accounts. So basically instead of scrolling through my normal routine of social media I try and stick to those so that I really keep my goal in mind. This is probably all over the place, but I’m really just thankful for the motivation this sub has provided me with, thank y’all. ❤️

submitted by /u/coralco
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What to do when you can’t cut calories but still have weight to lose?

I’m having a hard time figuring out what to tweak to help my weight loss journey. I’m down 12lbs so that’s good but I think I’ve hit a plateau. I’ve started doing a 3 mile run daily to help but I’m wondering if there’s anything else I can add in to shake this stagnant phase. Unfortunately, adding more of a deficit isn’t an option since I’m already doing 1,200 cal/day and it just doesn’t seem safe to do anything less. Some info:

Female, 30yrs old

128lbs, 26.6% BF, 5’1”

Macros are generally around 50%C/25-30%P/20%F (I fit a glass of wine into my cals bc quarantine)

30-40 minutes of strength/HIIT/cardio Mon-Sat, rest Sunday

I’m seeing results but I wonder if I could be seeing them faster or if I’m just being impatient. Any insight would be appreciated!

(Edited for height and formatting)

submitted by /u/chapped_lip
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating Terribly But Not Gaining Weight?

Hey all,

This may be bit of a ramble, but I wanted to put this out there to see if anyone else has experienced this or can give any ideas of why this might happening. Quick back story, I'm a 27 male and was 195lbs in January when I started my weight loss journey. With counting calories and going to the gym everyday I got down to 183 in early March. With the quarantine happening, I did what I imagine many people did, and started eating poorly again and obviously not going to the gym any longer.

Now the weird part.. I stopped calorie counting, have been eating terrible meals, burgers, burritos, fries, and plenty of alcohol. I've been doing this for over a month now, and my weight has still been hovering around 184/185. I'm curious why my weight hasn't skyrocketed. Could this be due to maybe losing muscle mass since I'm not lifting weight anymore? I typically eat one super unhealthy meal and one meal that is like a 500 calorie Soylent or other meal replacement meal, but I can't imagine I'm eating nearly 1500 calories or less. I guess overall this is a positive thing, but I'm just curious if anyone else is having the same results?

Lastly, for those who have been sticking with their healthy lifestyle, what has been motivating you? I've truly lost so much motivation during this whole quarantine. Anyway, thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/Ilovediabetes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this healthy? I'm losing almost 1-2 Lbs a day

So I'm currently going hard on my weight loss and if I'm being honest I'm not feeling any negative effects and I've been doing this for about 2 1/2 Weeks. However, I've been trying to lose weight for the last 3 months.

Age: 24


Weight: 261 (started at 290)

Height: 6'0"

Calorie Intake 1,200

Following supplements: Quadra Lean Thermogenic, Quadracarn ( L-Carnitine Supplement), CLA, Men's multivitamin, Magnesium, and Fish oil.

I'm also drinking a ginger and apple cider vinegar tea in the morning and at night. An avocado, berry, matcha green tea, almond milk, smoothie every breakfast (at 2 pm) and 2-3 servings of spinach + a protein in the evening( around 6-7 pm)

I'm also doing intermittent fasting and I also seem to be in Keto by accident.

Work out:

20,000 Steps Per day

1-2 Hour ~ on a stationary bike (while watching some movie or something)

100 push-ups

50 Squats

1 min plank

15x Arm curls 4x Rep

Obviously, this isn't sustainable. But I'm curious how much harm I'm doing to my body since I truly don't feel bad at all. In fact, I feel great mentally and in terms of energy but I'm just making sure I get other opinions.

submitted by /u/Arkairos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat