Sunday, May 10, 2020

I've reached my goal weight after just a little more than 2 years - and now I want to start working on my general fitness more.

Good morning everyone! Hope you've all been well and safe during quarantine :)

Just a warning that this is a pretty long post haha.

My weight loss journey started sometime in 2018, when I became aware of the fact that I had gained weight. I didn't feel good about the way I looked anymore, but I also struggled with my body image emotionally and mentally. I am ~172 cm ( 5′7.7) tall, and at my heaviest weight that year, I was around 76-77 kg (167-169 lbs). During that year, I decided to make an effort to make a change to my diet and exercise more. By the end of 2018, I was around 67-68kg (147-149 lbs), and I started to feel better and have more energy in my life. Unfortunately, I was restricting myself to around 1200-1300 calories, which is not enough considering I was still growing and fairly active.

As school holidays came around, I lost motivation and stopped tracking and exercising as much. By February 2019, I had gained the weight back again, going to around 75-76 kg (165-167 lbs). I was so disappointed in myself, so angry at myself for undoing all my hard work. However, I was inspired once again when I saw the changes my older brother was making to his own life. I started again, this time eating around 1400-1600 calories, increasing my steps to around 10,000-15,000 a day, and also began to go to the gym around 3-4 times a week.

Around October - November last year, I was at my lowest weight in several years, fluctuating between 61-62 kg (134-136 lbs). I was happy, and working on increasing my strength at the gym. December 2019, I once again became lazy and unmotivated, and when I weighed myself again at the end of February 2020, I had gone up to 1-2 kg. Not as much as I thought, but I was still a little disappointed. If I'm being honest, during these years I wasn't at my best emotionally or mentally, and this really affected my relationship with food at certain points. I struggled with binging and restricting, and my relationship with food deteriorated.

At the beginning of March 2020, I decided to once AGAIN try gettting back into shape, which became slightly more difficult as everything started to close down due to the coronavirus. I wasn't as strict about tracking calories and just decided to exercise more. I did accidentally lose more than I intended because of work, as I move around a lot and used to not be hungry but instead very tired. As of today when I stepped on the scale, I am 58.1 kg (~128 lbs), and finally am able to eat my maintenance calories. My goal weight was 60 kg (132 lbs). In total, I lost around 17.9 kg (39 lbs), and I am proud of myself.

This, of course, doesn't mark the end of my journey. I will be more focused on body recomp and gaining more muscle, as I did actually lose too much weight in a very short amount of time. But now, I look forward to what the future holds.

Even now, I still struggle with not obsessing over food or the number on the scale, but I am working on tackling these issues and learning to love myself - both the past and present me. I hope from my story, I can possibly inspire someone to never give up, and to embrace the little setbacks as part of your journey.

Have a good day everyone!

submitted by /u/Coastron
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Amaud Arbery #IRunWithMaud

Ahmaud Arbery was shot and killed Feb 23 while on a run. The 2 men involved have not been charged with any crimes related to his death. The men claimed he looked like a suspect in a series of local break-ins. He was not the suspect. But even if he was – that’s NOT an ... Read More about Amaud Arbery #IRunWithMaud

The post Amaud Arbery #IRunWithMaud appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

It's been almost 10 years since I lost the weight and kept it off. I know statistically this shouldn't have happened.

Let's start this off with pictures and a small introduction. Hi, I'm a divorced working mom of two from Chile. I'm 160 cm tall. I got married when I was 20 and 70 kg. I got to 52 kg in February 2011 when I was 22. I am currently 32 and 50 kg. Here you can find my first, a selfie from today wearing jeans, and a before and after I took in 2016:

I initially lost weight following a strict diet a nutriologist gave me, because I had insulin resistance. I dropped the weight, almost 20 kg in total in about 5 months. It was a standard low calorie diet with pretty balanced meals. Before that I had struggled with disordered binge eating, which I treated with therapy. I added weight training throughout the years which was really fun but I haven't been consistent to be honest.

I have never tracked calories and portion control became my most helpful habit. I now don't follow any diet or meal plan, but I do eat only home cooked meals, I eat out maybe once every two months. I eat only until I feel satisfied, I never let myself get too full. I try to cook very delicious meals but I'm very careful with portions. Regarding medications, I'm on antidepressants and contraceptives, which I don't find have affected my weight that much. I do weigh myself regularly, several times a week.

I know the statistics say it's very unlikely to have these kind of results in the long term, like I have. I don't know what's different about what I've done and I don't feel specially accomplished. I know navigating the world as a thin person, especially a thin woman is much easier, socially. Clothes are easier to find and people treat you better, but it's a sad reality to see. My insulin resistance is gone, which is great. I don't think weight loss is a magic cure all for all of ones issues in life but I believe in body autonomy and if anyone is in this path to change their body for whatever reason, I hope this post can be of help, even anecdotally.

Stay safe everyone in these hard times ❤️

submitted by /u/thatgorgeousgirl01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about loosing facial fat during weight loss

I’m 18 years old. When i 16 i was 5’8 and 125lb, i decided it was time to bulk. Consistent lifting and high calories. at for the first 6 months it was a semi healthy bulk, but afterwards i stopped caring what i ate and junk food was introduced into my diet more often. By December 2019 I weighed 140, in 2 months i gained another 20. So here i am ~160. I honestly think this bulk wasn’t that much of a success because it only looks like i gained some noobie gains and just extra fat.

Here’s were i’m getting at. I got a double chin. I still remember having at at 140lb. Based on some older photos i have believe it was non existent/ at a point where it didn’t bother me around 130lb.

now that i’m typing this i realize my question is kinda dumb as all i’m asking is is 130lb the weight i have to get to to rid of my facial fat?

submitted by /u/Jacob3900
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Haven’t lost weight in my boobs, will it come?

F/22/5’2/SW: ~185 lbs, CW: 150 lbs, GW: ~130 lbs

I’ve fluctuated between 125 and 135 since high school, but gained about 50 pounds pretty rapidly in late 2018/early 2019. I’ve always had a larger chest, but didn’t gain too much there when I gained weight. I’m now down a little over 35 lbs, and I don’t feel like my boobs have changed size very much.

Obviously I would rather they not shrink (wouldn’t we all) but I had accepted that was probably a part of weight loss. Now I’m mostly confused, and wondering if the last twenty pounds will change their size at all.

I know no one will be able to tell me anything for sure but I was wondering if anyone has any personal experience/insights/whatever on this subject that they could share.


submitted by /u/acornbutts
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating 1200 calroies a day at 5'7 195lbs & not losing weight

My friend (f26) has been eating 1000-1200calories a day for the past 2 weeks and hasn't lost weight. She is currently 195lbs at 5'7. I'm trying to figure out why this is.

She used to be 300lbs in high school and has maintained her weight at 180lbs-200lbs for the past 7 years. She has only recently started trying to lose weight again, however she has been stuck at 195lbs for the past 2 weeks.

My understanding is that this shouldn't be possible. Is there any science that can explain why she isn't losing weight? TDEEs can vary but she should be in a caloric deficit at 1200calories. Any advice or explanation would be appreciated or alternative strategies to weight loss appericated.

She also records everything she eats in her myfitnesspal and is pretty vigiliant about it. And she isn't the type of person to lie about her caloric intake.


submitted by /u/Leo-corr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am a bored/social eater.

I am struggling with my eating habits. I have good days and bad days, and lately I feel like I'm undoing my progress with my eating habits. I've been using my Fitbit and tracking my food for some time now. I'm having a hard time not wanting to eat. I'm not particularly hungry all of the time, I just have the desire and urge to eat. I enjoy the tastes, the chewing, and putting food in my mouth. I really just like eating. And it's the portion size that is a problem because I don't just want one small serving of something. I want to snack on popcorn or chips or cookies, etc. For example, the sensation of munching on popcorn one after the other in a big bowl while I watch a movie is very enjoyable. I think it's the hand to mouth sensation that I enjoy. Like I get sad when I finish my food because then the sensation ends. It's different when I have a meal and I'm full. Or drink a smoothie and am full. I have conditioned myself to basically eat this way my whole life. I don't want to feel like I have to limit myself with food in order to reach my weight loss goals even though I know it needs to happen. It makes things inconsistent because I'll have days where I do very well and am mentally focused. And other days I just don't care, eat whatever of how much I want, and slack on exercise. I also don't want to live with the mindset, I will just burn off the calories exercising, because then I'll use that as an excuse to keep eating. I don't want to be scared of food. But I have an unhealthy relationship with food and I have trouble finding a balance and being satisfied limiting my food choices. I'll have days where I'll eat salad and all that chewing satisfies my urge to keep eating. But then I don't feel like eating a salad anymore. I recognize these are probably common mental hurdles. I just wish there was a simple switch I could turn on to get my mind in gear and be consistent and not feel the need to go on a binge.

submitted by /u/unfrostedcupcake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat