Friday, August 7, 2020

Not an achievement about my weight but an achievement about my mental state! (15F, 5'7, CW:176lbs)

I started attempting to lose weight a few months ago when lockdown in England started, it started really bad at first with me knowing literally nothing about losing weight and the fact that I was too scared to tell my parents didn't help at all. Eventually, blah blah blah, my parents found out, I became more educated and I actually started losing the weight. However, I'm not proud of myself rn for achieving a weight loss goal but because today I went shopping with my mum for the first time in a while of avoiding sugary, fat-filled junk foods. Usually, whenever I go shopping I always (and I mean **ALWAYS**) look in the chocolate, pastry, and sweets aisles and I always end up begging for the food and my parents would give in to me or I'd get really hungry and start thinking about all the junk food I could eat and how amazing life would be if I could eat all of it. However, this time I managed to walk straight past all my usual trigger foods (and those fake, sugar-filled "protein" bars that I always get tricked into eating). I managed to walk straight past them and picked up healthy foods that I never would have spared a glance too. But, I admit that when I got to the cakes and pastries aisle I did have a bit of a mental freak out because it was giving me that mouth-watering feeling and start making me crave foods that I'd done quite well at ignoring. But, I just ended up turning my back to it and just stared at toilet rolls and kitchen paper for like 5 mins to calm myself down and to stop thinking about it. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for (almost) completely ignoring all of my trigger foods and for picking up the foods I should be eating like fruits, nuts, wholewheat, vegetables, etc.

submitted by /u/0RAYE0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey! (Again :/ )

So,I’ve been trying to lose weight for the longest time but it never really worked long term,mainly because I either went back to my old ways or didn’t even have a specific goal in mind (other then to just lose weight) I looked at the mirror a week ago and realized that I’m really not happy with my body. I’ve lost 15pounds last year and weighed 103 pounds (I’m 16yo and 4’11)that was the happiest I’ve been with my body. Now I weigh 110 pounds (better than before quarantine) but I’m not happy at all with it. School is starting on August 30th and I want to look and feel good by then. I want to go to the gym but I don’t have the finances so I downloaded a fitness app with a personalized meal and workout plan,and intermittent fasting too. If I do it right I’ll reach my goal by sep4(my bday!) This time I’m not going to give up! I’m posting this here so I have more motivation and accountability to keep going. Sorry for the weird formatting! I wrote this on my iPhone and with no planning,but wish me luck!

submitted by /u/dumb-hippo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Small wins: BMI is down 8% and resting heart rate is trending down

Sharing because I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this stuff.

Starting weight: 355 Starting BMI: 60.9 Current weight: 337 Current BMI: 55.9 Short term goal: 299 (I haven’t been under 300 in a few years)

I started to try to lose weight at the beginning of 2020 and had some pretty good success at the beginning of the year with weight watchers, dropping to like 345 and then the pandemic hit and at the same time, I moved across the country.

All that stress caused me to get off the bandwagon until about a month ago when I started to suffer from terrible Health Anxiety really induced by COVID. I was having terrible anxiety and I think that caused some dizziness so I went to the doctor and he was concerned about my blood pressure (which can historically swing high sometimes, but has been recently consistently high because I’m afraid of getting COVID). He put me on Losartan 50mg and I was now shit scared, so I got back on the weight loss train.

In the last month I’ve lost close to 10 more lbs, my blood pressure is under 120/60 when I take it in the mornings and I’ve noticed that based on my Apple Watch, my resting heart rate is trending downwards from 70bpm in January to 63bpm now. I’m also getting my blood work redone so I’m looking forward to seeing the changes there.

Small wins, but that’s all we’ve got now a days. I still have a long way to go, and the weight loss has even helped my Health Anxiety a bit (but I’m still terrified of getting COVID).

submitted by /u/bean___dip
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, August 6, 2020

How do you keep yourself motivated?

Hi there, I've lurked this sub for a little while and I've now got the courage to ask this question.

A couple years ago, I lost almost 50 pounds. My main motivator was a serious case of baby fever and then one of my dogs suddenly passed away and I kind of just gave up on my weight loss journey. I no longer had the baby fever to motivate me and I've been looking for motivation since I've been ready to start over again.

I have plenty of reasons to start over. I've made the list of all of the reasons why I want/need to lose weight, but I've also got an incredible history of self-sabotage. I know how to do this, I just don't really know how to keep myself motivated to continue after a couple of days.

Any advice and skills are very appreciated!

submitted by /u/HeartedArtist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing Hope?

Since my first post I have been trying everything in my power to do this right. I follow my food plans and even had my doctor look at my food diary to make sure I am getting the right nutrients. I go to the gym 5 days a week now. And despite feeling fitter I look fatter and my scale only goes up. I am not bulking (rather cutting imo) so i don't understand what is happening at all.

I am happy to feel fitter than before and going to the gym regularly is a huge milestone for me, but the goal was weight loss and looking skinnier. And it seems I am somehow moving in the opposite direction. I am not even gaining muscle tone, it just seems my fat rolls are more prominent than ever?

I feel pretty sad and like I was destined to be fat and that no amount of work will help me reach 130lbs...

Anyone else have experienced something similar? I just need some advice because I can feel my motivation fading a bit.

submitted by /u/StressSweets
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

#2020Challenge on Instagram @RunEatRepeat

Hello! How are you? Have you seen the #2020Challenge on Instagram? I saw a few super cute celebs sharing theirs and made one for me and Diego. Let me know if you did one too so I can check it out. Be sure to Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram to connect and chat! #2020challenge Instagram @RunEatRepeat ... Read More about #2020Challenge on Instagram @RunEatRepeat

The post #2020Challenge on Instagram @RunEatRepeat appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

How do you guys deal with a SO who’s not on a diet with you?

Title. I have just started my weight loss regimen again after initially dropping from 180 to 160, then rebound to high 190 after half a year of nonstop travelling for work and eating exclusively takeouts and hotel room service. So far so good, but I have an issue when it comes to having my diet and my SO’s desire to go out to eat in parallel and in tandem.

My SO is not on a diet and is not terribly active (but she is in decent shape). I find that she would always want to eat out with me but I’d much prefer to stick to the diet/meal plan that I have, since pretty much most restaurants that are available in the area serve mostly unhealthy food (we can’t go outside of our area because of COVID).

I would tell her that I want to stick to my diet and sometimes it’d be an okay and sometimes it’d be a no where she doesn’t understand why I can’t just go out for a meal or two. I’m trying to avoid invoking a cheat day if possible since I’m going for an aggressive calorie deficit. Any thoughts on how to tackle this situation? Many thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/bluehoneydew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat