Monday, September 7, 2020

I've suddenly found myself unnaturally fixated on food.

I recently came to realization than I have become obsessed with all things weight loss, food, nutrition and low calorie recipes. I catch myself spending hours down this rabbit hole of success stories and advice every single day. It suddenly hit me when I scrolled all the way down my YouTube recommend videos and every last one of them was related to food. Mukbangs, loseitnarwhals videos, recipes, people trying different diets and etc. I definitely used to have hobbies or at least spend my time in a different way but I just find it so hard to snap myself out of it.

Despite being very aware of calories and all that I still find myself overeating way too often. It's been two weeks of pure gluttony and I know it's really gonna bite me in the butt... Does anyone else find that the more they think about weight loss, the harder it is to stick to it?

submitted by /u/lucasgreenwood
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fitbit Walking Buddy Needed

Hey everyone! I finally got a Fitbit. I’m super late to the game, but I guess it’s better late than never.

I need a very active & mildly competitive walking buddy. One who will get me up and going to the gym and remind me that I have a pair so sexy ass black skinny jeans and a cute af bikini to get into. One who will look at what I ate for the day and say “Nah, girl, fix yaself now or you’re never going to reach your black jeans goal.” One who will see that I didn’t log and tell me “BI*CH, LOG YOUR FOOD. I know you cheated and you’re trying to hide it, but it’s okay, but we need to see it so we can get back on track.” And lastly, one who will see I walked 5000 steps in the day and they walked 4950 and will purposefully get 5001 JUST to beat me for the day (maybe not every day, but someone who will try and beat me daily).

I need just one person up for that challenge, but the more the merrier. Someone who will not only monitor me, but also themselves and will encourage the same behaviors from me as well. Someone who isn’t overly critical, but understanding. Someone who might have similar weight loss goals. I’m trying to lose 20lbs by December and then 15 more by May.

Age/Gender: 30F SW: 148lbs GW: 110lbs Eating habits: Low carb and CICO (under 50g carbs a day) Goals: Build up cardio and leg strength for a 5k in May with some light arm training. Get back to a size 3 in jeans Height: 5’0 Jean Size: 11/12

If you’ve got similar goals, shoot me a DM!!

submitted by /u/FoodieForLifeOMNOM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 100 pounds in a year! Thank you r/loseit for being such a great community

Hey guys!

Before photo:

After photo (with my awesome mom):

TLDR; Went from 273 pounds in January 2019 to 172 by January 2020. Have been maintaining for 2020. Main strategies I have used:

CICO (calories in-calories out)

16:8 intermittent fasting

Finding foods I can "binge" on without great consequence. (example: whole tray of roasted zuchinni)

Exercising (when I can)

lurking through and commenting on r/loseit (thank you so much guys)

Identifying trigger foods and keeping them out of the house. For me, an example is potato chips

Keeping my thoughts positive and attempting to be kinder to myself.

PS Happy Labor Day!

*Main Post

I want to say first that lurking on this subreddit and occasionally commenting has really helped me along the way and I appreciate you all and am very grateful for this community. No matter where you are on your journey, remember to be kind to yourself. I wanted to share my weight loss journey I have been on over the past year and a half. I lost about 100 pounds over the course of 2019 and have successfully maintained my weight in 2020! My (6' 2" male) peak weight was 273 and now I have been maintaining in the low 170s, high 160s. What made me get really serious about weight loss was reaching my peak weight in December 2019 and also getting diagnosed with high blood sugar/pre-diabetes. At the time, I was about to turn 21 and the thought of my health already being at risk at this young age freaked me out. I'm going to break down my weight-loss journey into two periods and talk about the strategies I utilized to lose weight. I hope this can be helpful to you all!

Period 1 (pre-injury)

When I first started losing weight I did not calorie count or track my food. I did a 16:8 intermittent fast and ate two fairly large, but healthy meals a day. Cutting out a meal and lessening my window for eating was a really simple way for me to reduce my caloric intake and control overeating. I tried to eat a lot of fruits (at this point I still wasn't quite into veggies) and foods that were high in protein and filling. I also started exercising more and doing HIIT cardio. Man, I got into cardio and it became a great outlet for my stress and of course helped with weight loss. However, like most people talk about in this sub, weight loss is more about diet than exercise. Using these methods, I was able to lose around 50 pounds from January 2019 through June 2019. Then I tore my groin which leads to part 2!

Period 2

After tearing my groin really badly in a basketball game, I had to severely restrict my exercise. I also now have a labrum tear in my opposite hip from compensating which I need surgery for, so I have been dealing with a lack of being able to exercise heavily for the past year and a half. The summer of 2019 I decided to start counting calories because I was worried about gaining weight when recovering from my injury. Later that summer I also got on reddit and found r/loseit, which further motivated me to track calories! I am a believer in CICO (calories in, calories out) and believe that is 95% of what causes weight loss. I did 1800 calories a day while being mostly sedentary besides very basic restrengthening exercises. This helped me to lose the last 50 pounds from June 2019- January 2020 and has been the key to my success during maintenance.

A big problem for me before losing weight was binge-eating as a lot of you can probably relate to. Tracking my food has helped me to avoid binge eating. Even when I do go over some days, tracking it helps me not to go over too much. Also, I am not as strict with the 16:8 fast anymore. Sometimes I am in the mood for a light breakfast. Most days though I do like to put off most of my calorie consumption until further in the day as a strategy to avoid overeating. Another way I avoid overeating is finding food that I can overeat without having a huge calorie hit. For example, I can eat a whole tray of sliced, roasted zucchini and only be at around 180 calories. Also, to me, oatmeal is crazy filling, and don't underestimate potatoes for a nice fill-up! (regular and sweet). Find those low-calorie foods you love and can binge out on (but always track!).

During maintenance I have utilized the same strategies as I did in part two of my journey. I am pretty blessed with a fast metabolism and have found that I can maintain at 2700 calories a day with very minimal exercise as I am still injured. I have a theory also that my body may be working extra hard to recover from these muscle tears too which maybe allowing extra calorie consumption. I am actually on a 16:8 fast right now because I have been having extra trouble with overeating lately and fasting really helps me avoid that. One aspect of maintenance that I am having to adjust to is the fact that I don't get that reward of seeing the scale go down and seeing my body change. The compliments are starting to fade too, so I am trying to be mindful of my habits going forward. I would love some advice from anyone who has been maintaining for multiple years! All in all, maintenance is hard but tracking my calories has been the biggest key to my success.

We all know Reddit can be pretty negative, especially in these times. However, r/loseit is an example of the best of what social media can do for people. This is a place where people can connect and genuinely try to encourage each other to be a healthier version of ourselves. Sometimes people don't have those influences around them, and the internet and social media can be so great when it positively connects people together like what is happening here. Thanks again everyone for making this a dope place on the internet!!

submitted by /u/bopoloppa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From 320 to 180 in 14months

14 months ago I decided to change my lifestyle after a lot of heath issues that hit me all at once. I’ve changed my relationship with food completely, I train all the time now I can’t get enough of it! It’s been a hard journey and everyday is a new challenge but I love how I feel so much more then I used too! I had a lot of gastro issues that went away with the weight loss and my sleep apnea is gone as well. Just wanted to try and inspire who ever needs it today! I’ll answer any questions anyone has for me 😁

submitted by /u/notmoogar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 48 lbs

So I had weight issues and overeating was a lifestyle for me I always looked for a way out nothing helped simply because I was lost I didnt know the science behind weight loss diets for me was eating 600 calories a day starving and losing muscle that I need ( I'm a boxer) anyway one day I just decided enough is enough I decided to lose the weight and keep it off so I started doing research and on my own started understanding how weight loss really works and at the end of the day you realize if you eat clean on a planned calorie deficit you'll start to lose the fat and most importantly you got to know your own body since I lost the weight I managed to keep it off and now I'm reaching my full potential as a fighter.

Also I have to add that I love this subreddit and I get alot of motivation from it.

submitted by /u/El-Patron2k
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wearing a smartwatch/fitness band helps with MFP-related anxiety

Hey y'all!

I've been seeing posts on here re: the colors of the number on MFP (too extreme, etc.) I've had that issue too, and I was contemplating switching to a different app to avoid it, but all my recipes (and a year+ of progress) would be lost. (Right? Or is there a way to import all that to a different app?)

Here's the part that I think might be helpful to some of you as well: I recently got a smartwatch, and that, combined with being generally aware of my BMR and TDEE, help me to keep a better eye on my deficit. These days I only use MFP to see how many calories I've consumed, and to keep an eye on the nutrition, but since Google Fit does such a nice job of telling me how many calories I've burnt in the day, I just use that to see how much of a deficit I'm in.

The tragedy is, I thought that with 1200 kcal/day, I was in an 800 calorie deficit, but I now realize that it's barely 300 a day without exercise. No wonder my weight loss has been so slow! Having Google Fit's insights has also helped with encouraging me to move more, so that's cool. Increasing calories out is where it's at, I guess.

tl;dr: if you can, get a smartwatch/fitness band. It's pretty great for maintaining a healthy relationship with weightloss.

submitted by /u/distillingbotanicals
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's shocking how many people keep telling me if i lose fat fast i'll just regain it later [28M]

Long story short I decided to try and turn around my fucked up life. Other than the lack of career and different general life prospects I should have but don't, the extra weight I had had since the dawn of time ALWAYS bothered me.

I never could muster the willingness, or maybe I just never found the proper method to do it. (ADHD is something I might have which surely didn't help...currently trying to get myself to a professional about that)

Anyway, I am 28, 6'7 tall, started at 280 lbs and had a massive boost of motivation to finally get rid the extra weight. Been doing 4 hour IF , basically mostly OMAD with some extra snacks sprinkled in before the timer expires.

I usually eat in the area of ~2000-2500 calories a day, but I don't actively count it, just try to get in some proper nutrition, but there have been plenty of days where I overshot my goal I think.

In the end it doesn't matter much, this seems to works for me, the method is decently researched and I feel just as healthy as I've felt 1.5 month ago.

My progress since I started tracking it almost daily :

So far I have received these comments from people I know:

  • Isn't it dangerous for your blood sugar to only eat once a day? You might end up a diabetic.

  • Won't you just end up with ulcers if you let your stomach acid work on an empty stomach all day?

  • You are losing weight too fast, believe me I lost weight once by not eating much then I regained all of it.

This is the one that bothers me the most...Why the everloving fuck would I regain it?

I can already see the positive effects on my general mood, how I move around in the world. If need be, I'll just stick on 4 IF till the end of my life (it's surprisingly easy compared to anything else I tried before). It's honestly so shocking that it feels like everyone wants to see me fail, or just wants to act high and mighty saying my method of weight loss is somehow faulty or something.

Being fat since my early teens fucked up my self esteem beyond belief. I never even had a proper relationship, which is in large part due to my own perception of myself. I literally lost my virginity 2 years ago.

When people make comments like these, I don't think they quite grasp the gravitas of much it would mean for me to finally reach something as simple as a bmi of "normal". Just so that I can stop thinking about myself as the fat guy for once...finally

TLDR:Lost 22 pounds in 2 months, now everyone around me is suddenly an expert about how I am fucking up weight loss.

submitted by /u/threwmydate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat