Monday, September 7, 2020

Fitbit Walking Buddy Needed

Hey everyone! I finally got a Fitbit. I’m super late to the game, but I guess it’s better late than never.

I need a very active & mildly competitive walking buddy. One who will get me up and going to the gym and remind me that I have a pair so sexy ass black skinny jeans and a cute af bikini to get into. One who will look at what I ate for the day and say “Nah, girl, fix yaself now or you’re never going to reach your black jeans goal.” One who will see that I didn’t log and tell me “BI*CH, LOG YOUR FOOD. I know you cheated and you’re trying to hide it, but it’s okay, but we need to see it so we can get back on track.” And lastly, one who will see I walked 5000 steps in the day and they walked 4950 and will purposefully get 5001 JUST to beat me for the day (maybe not every day, but someone who will try and beat me daily).

I need just one person up for that challenge, but the more the merrier. Someone who will not only monitor me, but also themselves and will encourage the same behaviors from me as well. Someone who isn’t overly critical, but understanding. Someone who might have similar weight loss goals. I’m trying to lose 20lbs by December and then 15 more by May.

Age/Gender: 30F SW: 148lbs GW: 110lbs Eating habits: Low carb and CICO (under 50g carbs a day) Goals: Build up cardio and leg strength for a 5k in May with some light arm training. Get back to a size 3 in jeans Height: 5’0 Jean Size: 11/12

If you’ve got similar goals, shoot me a DM!!

submitted by /u/FoodieForLifeOMNOM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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