Monday, September 7, 2020

It's shocking how many people keep telling me if i lose fat fast i'll just regain it later [28M]

Long story short I decided to try and turn around my fucked up life. Other than the lack of career and different general life prospects I should have but don't, the extra weight I had had since the dawn of time ALWAYS bothered me.

I never could muster the willingness, or maybe I just never found the proper method to do it. (ADHD is something I might have which surely didn't help...currently trying to get myself to a professional about that)

Anyway, I am 28, 6'7 tall, started at 280 lbs and had a massive boost of motivation to finally get rid the extra weight. Been doing 4 hour IF , basically mostly OMAD with some extra snacks sprinkled in before the timer expires.

I usually eat in the area of ~2000-2500 calories a day, but I don't actively count it, just try to get in some proper nutrition, but there have been plenty of days where I overshot my goal I think.

In the end it doesn't matter much, this seems to works for me, the method is decently researched and I feel just as healthy as I've felt 1.5 month ago.

My progress since I started tracking it almost daily :

So far I have received these comments from people I know:

  • Isn't it dangerous for your blood sugar to only eat once a day? You might end up a diabetic.

  • Won't you just end up with ulcers if you let your stomach acid work on an empty stomach all day?

  • You are losing weight too fast, believe me I lost weight once by not eating much then I regained all of it.

This is the one that bothers me the most...Why the everloving fuck would I regain it?

I can already see the positive effects on my general mood, how I move around in the world. If need be, I'll just stick on 4 IF till the end of my life (it's surprisingly easy compared to anything else I tried before). It's honestly so shocking that it feels like everyone wants to see me fail, or just wants to act high and mighty saying my method of weight loss is somehow faulty or something.

Being fat since my early teens fucked up my self esteem beyond belief. I never even had a proper relationship, which is in large part due to my own perception of myself. I literally lost my virginity 2 years ago.

When people make comments like these, I don't think they quite grasp the gravitas of much it would mean for me to finally reach something as simple as a bmi of "normal". Just so that I can stop thinking about myself as the fat guy for once...finally

TLDR:Lost 22 pounds in 2 months, now everyone around me is suddenly an expert about how I am fucking up weight loss.

submitted by /u/threwmydate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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