Monday, September 7, 2020

Wearing a smartwatch/fitness band helps with MFP-related anxiety

Hey y'all!

I've been seeing posts on here re: the colors of the number on MFP (too extreme, etc.) I've had that issue too, and I was contemplating switching to a different app to avoid it, but all my recipes (and a year+ of progress) would be lost. (Right? Or is there a way to import all that to a different app?)

Here's the part that I think might be helpful to some of you as well: I recently got a smartwatch, and that, combined with being generally aware of my BMR and TDEE, help me to keep a better eye on my deficit. These days I only use MFP to see how many calories I've consumed, and to keep an eye on the nutrition, but since Google Fit does such a nice job of telling me how many calories I've burnt in the day, I just use that to see how much of a deficit I'm in.

The tragedy is, I thought that with 1200 kcal/day, I was in an 800 calorie deficit, but I now realize that it's barely 300 a day without exercise. No wonder my weight loss has been so slow! Having Google Fit's insights has also helped with encouraging me to move more, so that's cool. Increasing calories out is where it's at, I guess.

tl;dr: if you can, get a smartwatch/fitness band. It's pretty great for maintaining a healthy relationship with weightloss.

submitted by /u/distillingbotanicals
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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