Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I lost 35lbs and my Father is trying to beat my record

Hello all! Long time lurker, first time poster, feel free to educate me on reddit etiquette.

I am 21/F standing at a proud 5’3” and I currently weigh 125lbs after starting my weight loss journey in March where I attended my annual physical where I weighed in at 160lbs and my doctor warned me I was in danger of obesity. After some grueling exorcise and practicing a strict CICO diet I lost the weight and have managed to keep it off!

Now getting into the meat of the story, my father (50/M 6’0” 260lbs) quit smoking back in January. He has since been smoke free but the withdrawal had the unfortunate side effect of causing him to gain 45lbs within those months.

Recently I went to visit my Dad and step-mom after we were tested for Covid-19 and our tests came back negative and both of them were shocked by my weight loss and gave me lots of love and encouragement. That night after we were having some drinks on the patio my Father asked me how much weight I had lost and declared that he was going to beat my record. I had thought he was joking at the time but he has since bought a treadmill and started on his own diet and asks me for daily tips!

I had never imagined my weight loss would ever affect anyone else as positively as it has effected me but my father now exercises daily and he and my step-mother are practicing healthy eating in solidarity for me!

Losing weight has been a miracle for me and I wanted to share this with everyone, thank you for all the tips and encouragement on this sub! This may be my first post here but I like to lurk and have found so much motivation here! From my family to yours, Thank you!

submitted by /u/Ratatastic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lYkDvT

Changes in menstruated cycle with weight loss. (Sorry to all the men on here feel free to ignore)

F18 here and I have recently lost around 50 pounds over the course of 5,5 months.

I noticed significant changes in my menstrual behavior.

Have any of you experienced this? In any shape or form.

I was at around 255lb and was above 200 for a solid 5 years.

My PMS would always be pretty bad. From pain to mood swings pretty extreme. I also used to get very swollen breasts a week or so before it would hurt to even jump during that time.

Now that I lost some weight my period is still pretty heavy but I noticed that my PMS is factually non existent. Mood swings are less extreme. No breast pain. Less abdominal pain.

Is this a bad sign or something that is a positive ? And if any of you experienced any changes with weight loss please share.

PS my periods are very regular and always have been so no change in that.

submitted by /u/highkeyxoxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35e3Xuh

Maintenance Monday: September 7, 2020

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey gang, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

P.S. Sorry I'm a day late! I rescued a kitten over the weekend so I have been a lil' distracted!

submitted by /u/liyote
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3bLhTgE

CICO: Weekly calorie goal vs daily?

Hi All! I'm new to this sub but definitely not new to the on-again off-again weight loss train. After trying 1000000 fad diets and restrictive plans, I'm going to CICO. Part of changing my mindset is remembering that fast weight loss isn't required. Slow and steady can win the race.

Anywho, as my goal is long term success, I'm leaning towards setting myself a weekly caloric goal instead of a daily goal. For example if I want to average 1,500 a day, my weekly goal would be 10,500. My thought process is this would allow me to mildly splurge on some days while eating less on others to make up for it. 1,600 on a day we go out to dinner would then maybe mean 50 less the next two days to even it back out. Has anyone tried this method?

Btw, this page has been super helpful and inspiring! Thanks in advance to you all for sharing your stories and tips! Never forget that while only a handful of people may post, many many more are reading and feeling encouraged.

submitted by /u/popcorn_is_delicious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33dHtH2

Day 59 of cut. -47lbs

SW: 255 CW:208 GW: 190-200

I’m closer to the finish line. I’m about 1/2” away from fitting 90% of my old pants. My clothing looks good on me. I feel a lot better about myself. My blood pressure has been right for about the last 25lbs and my sleep is still loads better.

I’ve been trying to evaluate where I will stop cutting. Shooting from the hip at the top I figured I’d lose some lean mass in this process. As we’ve gotten closer I can see that I didn’t lose nearly as much as I thought I might. So I may only be 10lbs away from finishing the cut.

I’ve been slowing down the rate of cut to help with feeding my workouts and to address some willpower fatigue with my diet restrictions. I probably should just pull back intake and finish the cut out strong so it’s over in the next 8-14days.

Calories now sit between 1600-1800. For reference I’m 6’2 and have a lean body mass (excluding all fat) of around 165-170lbs. I workout 30-50min/day with a target perceived intensity of hard. My HR typically falls between 150-179 during these workouts.

Cutting for this long I’m getting to the point where I’d really like to be able to make a little less restrictive food choices and eat to maintenance. Overall I’ve been really happy with the rate of weight loss and will continue on to the end but it is something I really look forward to being done with.

For those of you with much longer journeys to cut weight I commend you and wish you the best of luck.

submitted by /u/CaptainOfMyPants
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3haR9Hh

Weight Loss Journey 1010

Hi All

Firstly I'm so glad I found this community.

I just wanted to find a place where I felt encouraged and motivated.

I love food and am super lazy but I'm proud to say that as of a week ago I've started making small changes which probably don't mean that much to others but to me it's a milestone.

I engaged a PT that exercises with me 3 times a week.

I've cut bread down to 1 slice a day.

I've started cooking and planning meals and also now eat fruits as snacks twice a day.

I know I may not see any weight loss for a while but right now after training 4 times, I'm glad to say I no longer experience severe muscle pains like I did the first 2 days of exercise.

I feel better mentally and physically and I'm just so damn proud of myself right now. I feel like I could do soo much more and I'm ready to actively try and take control of my health.

submitted by /u/TashaAngel30
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3jUGIte

Lost 1.2 lbs while on Labor Day vacation- staying on track and being kind to yourself after a “bad” meal!

Not sure if anyone will remember but I posted on this sub on Friday asking for tips on how to continue my recently started weight loss journey while on vacation with a family that probably wouldn’t be eating super healthy. The trip ended up going pretty well and I learned some things about resilience and patience while losing weight that might be good to share.

The first two and a half days were going well. I was indulging in some “vacation food” while still fitting it into my calorie goals- like eating 3 pieces of the local pizza without the crust instead of 5 pieces plus sides, having a delicious salad at a restaurant instead of their amazing (and giant) chicken sandwich, and realizing I did have the calories left to have one drumstick ice cream, I just shouldn’t have more than that. I was also going on some walks in the woods with my family and trying to have some light activity.

Then came Sunday night- we went to my cousin’s for dinner. This cousin is a great cook and baker and I knew all of the food would be cooked with lots of unhealthy additions. When I first sat down I tried to mentally calculate calories but realized this would be impossible with a lot of the items he made. Then I just decided- as long as you eat less than you normally would, it’s okay. Which I did, while enjoying some ribs, cornbread, lemon cake, etc. but also filling up my plate with salad. Then, I ended up having 3 glasses of wine and 2 mixed drinks while playing board games after. So I knew that I definitely ate and drank over my limit but I tried to focus on having fun and enjoying the moment.

Normally, I would consider this indulgent meal a “failure”, end up feeling really down, and eventually binging all day the next day, having a giant breakfast, stopping at more than one fast food place on the drive home, etc. Instead, I woke up, got a reasonably sized and nourishing breakfast at a hippie/wellness restaurant with my family, went for a walk, and got a Panera salad as my “fast food dinner” on the drive home. I figured I would probably still gain a bit from my family dinner but was proud of myself for doing much better the following day.

This morning I couldn’t resist and ended up weighing myself- I lost 1.2 lbs over the weekend! I couldn’t believe it. Instead of giving up and calling the weekend a failure like I normally would, picking up and continuing the next day helped make losing possible. I also realized- the one meal probably wasn’t THAT BAD over the scale of all the calories I burned and consumed all weekend, but blowing it up in your mind and giving up makes it that bad! Overall, I don’t know if this novel I wrote will be helpful to anyone else, but I think the realization that it is much more productive to let go of “diet failures”, be kind to ourselves, and move on with our journey, rather than to dwell in the bad feelings of a meal that doesn’t fit our goals is a really important realization. I think I’ve learned that your overall mental attitude about the health journey is way more important than any single meal or exercise will be, and having the resilience and patience to see the big picture instead of feeling destroyed after a meal that took maybe 1.5 hrs is so so important.

submitted by /u/username304211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35fQBO1