Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I need help. Hold me accountable.

SW: 240, CW: 188, GW: 160. https://imgur.com/gallery/nu3KyTC Top left: CW- 188, Top right: March 2020- 190, Bottom left: January 2020 - 205, Bottom right: summer 2018 - 240. 2020 has been interesting for all of us. I started my weight loss journey in November of 2019 after a drunken night in West Virginia, tailgating at my alma mater and meeting a potential life coach. The whole life coach thing didn’t pan out but I was reintroduced to my love for reading and a fire to get back to loving myself. November 2019 through March 2020 I went from 235 to 190. I biked for at least an hour a day, read for at least an hour a day. My body was shrinking and my head was growing. I was that guy at planet fitness with a hoodie on and a book in hand sweating profusely. It worked for me. I got back on my adhd meds and antidepressants, which I had pushed away and been off of for two years. I was a new man and on the right path. I was happy with who I was becoming and was ready to date again. Mid-March 2020. COVID hits and shuts down life as we know it. I had gone on a date right before shutdown and we clung to each other through the shutdown. It was toxic. I reverted to my old ways and found solace in drugs. I had been a habitual, daily marijuana user for the previous 12 years but COVID pushed me to new boundaries on drugs I had previously only dabbled with. Coke, X, Molly, even a smidge of crack. A wild spring and summer was had. The relationship kept us both from loneliness but pushed us both back in personal growth, it came to a much needed end late August. Hearts hurt, but it was needed. During that relationship I was able to kick my marijuana habit. For years that habit fueled an eating disorder, I would get high as fuck and eat until I was sick, then wake up the next morning and throw it all up. Years of this lifestyle. Every day, like clockwork. I kicked the habit but after the breakup I reverted to my old ways, finding solace and comfort in overeating. I am here to make a promise to myself to not find solace in substances and to face my discomfort head on. I am looking to this community to hold me accountable for my actions and help me find a healthy path again.

submitted by /u/DR_GREEENThumb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3idyLPw

I'm starting over! Want to join?

I lost 50 lbs over the span of 8 months (this weight change includes muscle gain) but then spiraled out of control, I had too many stalkers at/involving work (a very public job), as well as home issues like water turning off and heater breaking. It stressed me out, got sick with pneumonia from stress, quit my job, got depressed, and I haven't stepped on a scale but I'm pretty sure I've lost my muscle mass and gained most, if not all, of the fat back (8 more months).

I know I did it once. I want to do it again. I want to try again and be more careful. Do what works, fix what didn't.

I don't know if I should go back to that job or not. It was very physical, I enjoyed it, but the people were a bit taxing. Most of the bad ones are gone. Maybe I should wear a ring and pretend I'm married this time? Conceal/carry (legally) so I feel safer? Shave my head bald? Get tattoos? Pierce my septum? I don't want to crack again but I can't take staying at home and getting fat like this.

Also... Anyone want to be my weight loss friends? I feel like it would be easier to weigh out decisions and celebrate progress with people who are looking for the same goals. My naturally skinny friends are bad advisors and bad milestone celebrating lol. You could add me on discord? If thats allowed? I am 5'4-5'5 and probably 230-240. My worst weight was 250, that's when I decided to change. My "good" weight is 195 muscled, I am female but I love strength exercises & built like a bulldog, so any thinner and I look sick. If this sounds relatable or inspiring in any way maybe we can help each other. I need an accountability buddy to make me feel guilty, last time my strength was that I just wanted to prove a point but I've already proved it, so I need guilt 😂

submitted by /u/dougdimmado
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Fg2U1W

Trying to figure out tdee after increasing exercise

Hi Lose It!

I'm looking for some advice on how to calculate my tdee due to me increasing my exercise. I am consistently losing about 1lb a week.

Right now I exercise between 5 - 6 times a week. It's my hobby, as I'm unemployed due to the pandemic. I run every other day, and roller skate each day. I run for 30 minutes (roughly 2.5 miles) and outdoor roller skate/trail skate for 2 miles (I will roller skate for 3 miles on the days I do not run). I also am doing Kayla Itsines' BBG, but right now I'm only doing the HIIT arm exercises - so dumbells with arm rows, shoulder press, etc. I do that on the days I don't run.

I just started to skate everyday. I started to skate longer, 2 weeks ago.

So here is where I'm confused. I have been eating 1500 calories a day since the beginning of my weight loss journey. I started at 176 lbs. I'm currently 148 lbs at 5'4". But for the past week I have been extra hangry. Like...if I dont eat my food now I'm going to scream at someone lol. So I have eaten about 1,900 every time I skate. I don't want to stall my loss...I plateau due to my period and then the scale moves the week after. So it's difficult to get a good idea of what is working for me. I'm trying to get to 144 to finally be at a healthy BMI. (And maybe a little extra).

I'm not sure what to put in a tdee calculator now. I'm sedentary otherwise, besides household chores. Am I highly active? Lightly active? Looking for advice and to make sure I'm eating enough. I appreciate it. Hope this wasnt too too rambly.

Love the community :)

submitted by /u/rottenConverse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3k0CznK

I lost my first 10 pounds!!

I know this isn’t a very huge accomplishment but it’s a milestone for me. My entire life I’ve always been careless of my weight and gaining was normal for me, I’ve never been able to lose 10 pounds, EVER until now.

I also met someone on Tinder several weeks ago and we’ve been getting close and he’s been helping me a ton with my weight loss and I couldn’t be happier. I thought he would judge me and leave me once he saw my size in person but you just never know how you’re actually perceived.

We’ve been meeting almost every single day and he’s been joining my daily walks and helps me not lose motivation with my healthier diet. I admit I have cheated some days but he has been quick to remind me about my goal. Most importantly he makes me feel comfortable in my own skin and loves me for who I am regardless of my size.

Just wanted to share with this amazing community. Let’s finish 2020 at a lower weight. 💜

submitted by /u/HelpMeLoseTheWeight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33eFkLv

Down 53lbs since May


Just wanted to share my weight loss journey with this community which has honestly helped me change my life. (Dislaimer, I couldn't figure out how to post to imgur to share my comparison pics till today lol)

Thanks to calorie counting and regular exercise I've lost just over 53lbs (24kgs) in a touch over 4 months.

I don't really want to rant or go on and on about how I did it (plus I still have a LONG way to go) but I'll happily answer any questions you guys might have about how I've gotten this far.

And for anyone just starting their journey, start it today. Putting it off just snowballs and you'll wish you started 15lbs ago. And it's a lot easier to do than you think, if you stay focused on your goals :)

submitted by /u/bigbadwolfs125
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3idf61Z

[Q&A] Has anyone lost weight, had extra skin, but then filled in that skin by gaining muscle?

I typically see people saying, “Don’t worry about the loose skin, it’ll go away over time,” like it will just kind of disappear over time. Well, I’m wondering if there’s anyone who lost a lot of fat initially, had quite a bit of loose skin, but then decided to build a significant amount of muscle and that ended up filling out that extra skin, so you didn’t need to wait a long time to “bounce back”?

I suppose the standard area people are worried about is the stomach, but seeing as I’ve had two large babies, I’m ready to write that area off and I’m more curious about your arms (reversing the “weight loss wings”) and inner thighs.

submitted by /u/Alpha_Delta_Echo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3jX95Hh

Training for the beach - not a bathing suit!

This is my first post so I’m hoping this is the right place.

First, this is not about looking good in a bathing suit. You have a body, put a bathing suit on it - BAM you have a bathing suit body. 👙🩱

For once, I’m in a good place and slowly getting back to weight loss. I managed a 20 pound loss and to keep it mostly off for almost 6 months.

So every year I go on a beach trip. I’m the largest in our group by about 200 pounds. For reference I’m 300+ and 5’6 and female. And every year I’m super stressed about the lugging of all the things to the beach.

Being overweight and adding sand is HARD. Walking, carrying, bending, on the sand with all the umbrellas, chairs, coolers, etc. is a struggle. My back and calves end up killing me and it’s definitely a little embarrassing.

I’m trying to motivate myself to exercise and I thought about what I really want to be able to accomplish. And what I REALLY want is to not struggle next year at the beach!

So for advice, what types of exercises can I incorporate that will help me defeat my sand monster? What

I’ve started walking more. I have access to light weights and need simple exercises (I’m clumsy!).

submitted by /u/Quiet_Discipline_23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3kbVMmD