Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I need help. Hold me accountable.

SW: 240, CW: 188, GW: 160. https://imgur.com/gallery/nu3KyTC Top left: CW- 188, Top right: March 2020- 190, Bottom left: January 2020 - 205, Bottom right: summer 2018 - 240. 2020 has been interesting for all of us. I started my weight loss journey in November of 2019 after a drunken night in West Virginia, tailgating at my alma mater and meeting a potential life coach. The whole life coach thing didn’t pan out but I was reintroduced to my love for reading and a fire to get back to loving myself. November 2019 through March 2020 I went from 235 to 190. I biked for at least an hour a day, read for at least an hour a day. My body was shrinking and my head was growing. I was that guy at planet fitness with a hoodie on and a book in hand sweating profusely. It worked for me. I got back on my adhd meds and antidepressants, which I had pushed away and been off of for two years. I was a new man and on the right path. I was happy with who I was becoming and was ready to date again. Mid-March 2020. COVID hits and shuts down life as we know it. I had gone on a date right before shutdown and we clung to each other through the shutdown. It was toxic. I reverted to my old ways and found solace in drugs. I had been a habitual, daily marijuana user for the previous 12 years but COVID pushed me to new boundaries on drugs I had previously only dabbled with. Coke, X, Molly, even a smidge of crack. A wild spring and summer was had. The relationship kept us both from loneliness but pushed us both back in personal growth, it came to a much needed end late August. Hearts hurt, but it was needed. During that relationship I was able to kick my marijuana habit. For years that habit fueled an eating disorder, I would get high as fuck and eat until I was sick, then wake up the next morning and throw it all up. Years of this lifestyle. Every day, like clockwork. I kicked the habit but after the breakup I reverted to my old ways, finding solace and comfort in overeating. I am here to make a promise to myself to not find solace in substances and to face my discomfort head on. I am looking to this community to hold me accountable for my actions and help me find a healthy path again.

submitted by /u/DR_GREEENThumb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3idyLPw

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