Friday, February 5, 2021

From 350lbs to 250lbs in a Year - Weightloss Update w/ Pics!

SFW Gallery (Body measurements, body composition, face and hand comparisons)

Here are also NSFW comparison photos, so that we are keeping it real! (Underwear is best when drawn on lol)

It has officially been a year since I started my journey towards getting healthier. At the start of January 2020 I set a goal that I would be on this journey for at least two years, as sustainable weight loss and active lifestyle would be easier to obtain that way.

Sometimes, this decision frustrates me. I want to be "there" already. Not that I know where "there" is, lol. On some days I look at the scale and think "Oh, only 100 pounds lost, why couldn't I do more by now, others have done it too", and on other days I am like "Wow I haven't been this size since I was 15 years old!"

I suppose this is all part of the journey. But I see now more clearly than ever why some people fall off the wagon at this point and go back to their old, comforting habits.

You can't expect to compete in a sprint when you signed up for a marathon.

So, I decided to make a list of what I am proud of in my journey so far:

  • I could buy a work chair without worrying about the weight limit
  • No more "Will I fit in this chair?" anxiety
  • My visceral fat levels have gone down from 'excessive' 18 to 'healthy' 11
  • My resting heart rate has gone from 85 bpm to 60 bpm
  • I have kept most of my muscles while shedding body fat
  • I can leave food unfinished and not feel super guilty about it
  • I feel full after eating, and I eat mindfully
  • My binge-eating has calmed down a bit since I allow all foods (in moderation)
  • I try to not reward myself with food - food is fuel, not a trophy
  • My BMI is now under 40, so I am no longer morbidly obese
  • My SO says I no longer snore, so a big win for others I guess haha

Every time I read a post on this subreddit, I feel super glad to be part of a community that supports others. If you have any words to keep me motivated, please share! I feel like at this point in my journey I really need someone to encourage me, as my family is unfortunately more the jealous talking-behind-your-back type... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here are some things that helped me lose the first 100 pounds/45 kilos:

Food habits

  • CICO (calories in, calories out)
  • Protein rich meals (fish, chicken, occasional red meat) with lots of greens
  • Measuring everything in detail until I learned what my portions should look like to keep losing fat while still feeding my muscles
  • Sticking to the same foods for the majority of the time, but allowing everything in moderation
  • Being aware of the energy content in sugar and other sweet things
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • No dairy (except cheese)
  • Water. So much water lol
  • Eat two to three times a day

Exercise habits

  • Daily ~30 min walks (weather has been super cold lately so feeling unmotivated, but still trying my best to keep at it)
  • Gym (heavy lifting) workout three times a week until December, in January less than one time per week due to covid restrictions (was also quarantined for 10 days, luckily no symptoms appeared but staying inside for so long made a big hit on my motivation)
  • Doing at least the minimum amount of exercise per day dictated by my Apple Watch. Doesn't really matter what it is, sometimes I simply do yoga and stretching to fill up the bars

Lately I have been super stressed with running my own company and trying to finish my master's at the same time, all the while navigating the current messed up world situation (and bad financial situation due to it). I have also been playing games to escape reality a bit too much. After January I was feeling super down about not keeping to my routines, so I had to make this post to remind myself that I have, in fact, made drastic changes for the better this last year, and can absolutely keep at it.

Let's keep moving forward with everything we've got, we've got this!!

submitted by /u/r2rejoes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Former Athletes

“You can’t outrun your mouth.” I heard this recently and it was a revelation. I played college football, and have really struggled with weight since I started working 9-5 about ten years ago. As an athlete, we know what it takes to be fit and unfortunately we are well aware of the effort required. However, while I had stopped working out like a college athlete, I never stopped eating (or drinking) like one! Recently I’ve started eating slowly, drinking lots of water, and have lost 30 pounds. Exercise helps me feel mentally and physically better, but it’s eating less that has taken off the weight. If you are working out hard or dreading the work it will take to look and feel like college you, don’t stress! Weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise.

submitted by /u/Prbltrbl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

as my magnesium intake goes up, my appetite goes down

Ever since I started tracking micronutrients last December I noticed an interesting trend...the higher I get my magnesium intake, the less hungry I feel for the next few days.

Have you tried it too and does it work for you? Do you want to try it?

I'm losing the last few pounds of quarantine fluff and it actually wasn't budging until I got my magnesium intake high enough to lower my appetite.

There isn't much left for me to lose to get to my goal weight (current BMI 22ish, goal BMI 21ish?)...this is where weight loss slows down if everything isn't just right and I wonder if this is one of the things that needed to be just right.

submitted by /u/temporarily-smitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need advice- how do I convince myself it's worth trying?

I'm fairly new to reddit so please bear with me if I make formatting mistakes or if this is the wrong subreddit or if I sound dumb. Lol.

I've spent the last three years of my life struggling with my weight and mental health. I gained about thirty pounds in sophomore year of high school, and since then I've been in cycles of gaining and losing the same fifteen pounds, trying to stay disciplined and keep the weight off, then falling back into my overeating habits and gaining it all back, all the while losing faith in myself and my worth. I know I eat for comfort, and as a very anxious, insecure person I am pretty much always looking for comfort, and often times my weight loss attempts have been derailed when I got overwhelmed with school or life or my feelings and turned back to food to try and deal with my unhappiness. I'm especially frustrated because I don't have that much to lose, but somehow I manage to fail again and again anyway. To be honest it's not really about the weight any more, it's more about my ability to control my behavior and take responsibility of my life. I'm 17, I'm a senior and next fall I'm planning to go to college, but I still feel like I don't have a purpose in life and I don't know where I'm going.

At this point the only reason I've still been trying to lose weight is because my mom has been pushing me to. Unfortunately, despite her good intentions, she isn't particularly helpful, unless her goal is to make me feel worse. Generally she reminds me that overeating is unhealthy and my physical appearance is unattractive, and then threatens to force me to defer college if I don't lose weight. She also insists I am obese, which I realize is not a big deal, but I find frustrating anyway, because I have never been obese, even at my highest weight (bmi 26).

Anyway, the point is that today, she decided that my problem was actually that I have never had a relationship, and therefore I am trying to fulfill my need for romantic love through eating. I'm not sure where she got this idea, but I am pretty sure that it's not correct. I think for the first time today, I came to the conclusion that I've been relying really heavily on her to guide me in my self-improvement, and clearly she actually doesn't have all the answers for me. If I want to change my life I have to do it myself.

I don't really know where to go from here. I think I've spent so long in my comfortable little hidey hole, allowing life to happen to me instead of taking responsibility for my direction, that I've lost all of my respect for myself, and my confidence in my ability to change. I want to be a person I can be proud of. I want to love myself and my body. But I don't know what is going to make this time different from all the other times, especially if I only have myself to rely on.

I guess this is partially coping by oversharing on the internet, and partially an attempt to be accountable for the person I am today and my role in getting myself here. I realize this will probably get buried, as well. But I guess I'm hoping that somebody here has some advice for me. I keep reading success stories of people who managed to lose weight and turn their lives around, and I know technically how to go about doing it (I think I've read every diet book in the multiverse), but mainly I'm worried that I'm going to let myself down again. Even if I stick with it for a week or two, it feels like only a matter of time until I decide it's not worth it, I'll never change, and I might as well wallow in my misery and stuff myself with food to block out the reality of my life.

I guess I'm just so scared of failure, I don't want to get started. How do I convince myself to try anyway?

submitted by /u/crabpulsar1054
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This month's diet is next month's body = TRUTH

A new month has arrived, are people seeing results?

The effort we put in pays off gradually so it's worth checking in regularly to really look at the changes in your body as your journey progresses.

Just think about how you'll look at the start of next month if you work hard for the next few weeks. Then think about what you'll see in the mirror in six months. Then next year. The future is so bright.

For me I've eaten well and maintained a good calorie deficit, focusing on getting a lot of protein. I've worked out five days a week all through January and managed to drop 11 pounds. I've been doing squats and other resistance work at home as well as walking my dog.

I can't believe how much muscle growth I can see already and the few people I'm allowed to see say they can see a difference. I'm so pumped and excited to emerge from global lockdown a strong, healthy person. I think my family are getting tired of my weight loss chat though so it's nice to be able to share here.

Keep going everyone! Keep getting stronger and challenging yourself. Self discipline is the highest form of self care!

submitted by /u/IlexAquafolium
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Beginning my weight loss journey

About 2 weeks ago, I started using "Lose It" app (coincidentally) to track my caloric intake as a way to lose weight and get back down to optimal BMI. I supplement this with light exercise throughout the day, e.g., sit ups, squats, and push ups (I've never been an exercise person so it's all new to me). My goal is to get down to 150lb which is the about the optimal BMI weight for person of my height and gender (5'9" male). I don't know if I'm aiming too high or not but my current weight 193lb with starting weight of 196lb. So I'm already seeing some results (caloric tracking was much easier than I thought esp. with help from the app)! I have grown bit of a pot belly over the past decade plus and I've finally decided to do something about it as I'm not getting any younger and I would like to be healthier.

Just wanted to share my journey with you all. Thanks for the virtual ears.

submitted by /u/twotonkatrucks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost all the weight I gained during 2020 from the pandemic/stress binge eating!

There’s probably very few places I can post about this without getting a negative comment, but I gained about 8lbs (probably more like 10lbs as I gained back the weight I started to lose early in the year) but as of this morning, after doing CICO for the last 4 weeks I’ve lost the 8lbs I gained. So now I’m back at 150lbs which is the weight I started at last year, but now, I’m a bit less stressed... things are looking up, I have a better idea of what dieting looks like and have lost a much more significant amount than I did last January.

But if in 4 weeks I lost 8lbs just doing CICO, eating whatever I wanted... I think I can get to my goal weight easily. I may have to make a few changes as I get closer to my goal weight as my maintenance/TDEE will change as I begin to weigh less.

I have dieted SO many times, but now this feels more do-able and realistic.

When I was 135 lbs I was going to the gym 4 days a week, going HARD. And the weight loss was stagnant. I basically lost little to no weight at all in the span of 3 months. Maybe the same amount I’ve lost actually now??? But in like twice the amount of time. But it took so long and I was working so hard, so I felt so discouraged and stopped and ate whatever and stopped counting. Of course over time I gained more and more weight. I got older, my body changed. Maybe it’s not possible to be 128 again, but heck if I can do this without hitting the gym then it’s worth trying again. There were times between then and now like early last year or in 2017 where I started counting calories again but never let myself eat junk. And I think that was what did me in and made it impossible to keep going. I would eventually break and eat something sweet, binge and then the next day be like “well, looks like I can’t do this” and give up.

But now, I’m eating around 1200-1300 each day, I still eat chocolate and candy. I had some vegan pop tarts this week. But I estimated the calories (I tend to overshoot just in case I’m wrong with my math) and if I can fit it into my day, I eat it. And if I can’t fit it into my day, then I fit it into my day tomorrow and remind myself “I don’t have to eat it now. I can eat it tomorrow. If I don’t eat it now, I can still have it later.” And then I do, and I’m happy and still get to eat the carb filled junk I was craving the day before without binge eating it or restricting myself.

I think I’ve finally realized weight loss is really just about mindset. It’s less about what you can’t eat and what you can. It took me years to get to this mindset, it was not easy, but it’s totally possible and helped me so much.

submitted by /u/rebeccalaurenx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat