Friday, February 5, 2021

From 350lbs to 250lbs in a Year - Weightloss Update w/ Pics!

SFW Gallery (Body measurements, body composition, face and hand comparisons)

Here are also NSFW comparison photos, so that we are keeping it real! (Underwear is best when drawn on lol)

It has officially been a year since I started my journey towards getting healthier. At the start of January 2020 I set a goal that I would be on this journey for at least two years, as sustainable weight loss and active lifestyle would be easier to obtain that way.

Sometimes, this decision frustrates me. I want to be "there" already. Not that I know where "there" is, lol. On some days I look at the scale and think "Oh, only 100 pounds lost, why couldn't I do more by now, others have done it too", and on other days I am like "Wow I haven't been this size since I was 15 years old!"

I suppose this is all part of the journey. But I see now more clearly than ever why some people fall off the wagon at this point and go back to their old, comforting habits.

You can't expect to compete in a sprint when you signed up for a marathon.

So, I decided to make a list of what I am proud of in my journey so far:

  • I could buy a work chair without worrying about the weight limit
  • No more "Will I fit in this chair?" anxiety
  • My visceral fat levels have gone down from 'excessive' 18 to 'healthy' 11
  • My resting heart rate has gone from 85 bpm to 60 bpm
  • I have kept most of my muscles while shedding body fat
  • I can leave food unfinished and not feel super guilty about it
  • I feel full after eating, and I eat mindfully
  • My binge-eating has calmed down a bit since I allow all foods (in moderation)
  • I try to not reward myself with food - food is fuel, not a trophy
  • My BMI is now under 40, so I am no longer morbidly obese
  • My SO says I no longer snore, so a big win for others I guess haha

Every time I read a post on this subreddit, I feel super glad to be part of a community that supports others. If you have any words to keep me motivated, please share! I feel like at this point in my journey I really need someone to encourage me, as my family is unfortunately more the jealous talking-behind-your-back type... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here are some things that helped me lose the first 100 pounds/45 kilos:

Food habits

  • CICO (calories in, calories out)
  • Protein rich meals (fish, chicken, occasional red meat) with lots of greens
  • Measuring everything in detail until I learned what my portions should look like to keep losing fat while still feeding my muscles
  • Sticking to the same foods for the majority of the time, but allowing everything in moderation
  • Being aware of the energy content in sugar and other sweet things
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • No dairy (except cheese)
  • Water. So much water lol
  • Eat two to three times a day

Exercise habits

  • Daily ~30 min walks (weather has been super cold lately so feeling unmotivated, but still trying my best to keep at it)
  • Gym (heavy lifting) workout three times a week until December, in January less than one time per week due to covid restrictions (was also quarantined for 10 days, luckily no symptoms appeared but staying inside for so long made a big hit on my motivation)
  • Doing at least the minimum amount of exercise per day dictated by my Apple Watch. Doesn't really matter what it is, sometimes I simply do yoga and stretching to fill up the bars

Lately I have been super stressed with running my own company and trying to finish my master's at the same time, all the while navigating the current messed up world situation (and bad financial situation due to it). I have also been playing games to escape reality a bit too much. After January I was feeling super down about not keeping to my routines, so I had to make this post to remind myself that I have, in fact, made drastic changes for the better this last year, and can absolutely keep at it.

Let's keep moving forward with everything we've got, we've got this!!

submitted by /u/r2rejoes
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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