Thursday, February 4, 2021

I lost all the weight I gained during 2020 from the pandemic/stress binge eating!

There’s probably very few places I can post about this without getting a negative comment, but I gained about 8lbs (probably more like 10lbs as I gained back the weight I started to lose early in the year) but as of this morning, after doing CICO for the last 4 weeks I’ve lost the 8lbs I gained. So now I’m back at 150lbs which is the weight I started at last year, but now, I’m a bit less stressed... things are looking up, I have a better idea of what dieting looks like and have lost a much more significant amount than I did last January.

But if in 4 weeks I lost 8lbs just doing CICO, eating whatever I wanted... I think I can get to my goal weight easily. I may have to make a few changes as I get closer to my goal weight as my maintenance/TDEE will change as I begin to weigh less.

I have dieted SO many times, but now this feels more do-able and realistic.

When I was 135 lbs I was going to the gym 4 days a week, going HARD. And the weight loss was stagnant. I basically lost little to no weight at all in the span of 3 months. Maybe the same amount I’ve lost actually now??? But in like twice the amount of time. But it took so long and I was working so hard, so I felt so discouraged and stopped and ate whatever and stopped counting. Of course over time I gained more and more weight. I got older, my body changed. Maybe it’s not possible to be 128 again, but heck if I can do this without hitting the gym then it’s worth trying again. There were times between then and now like early last year or in 2017 where I started counting calories again but never let myself eat junk. And I think that was what did me in and made it impossible to keep going. I would eventually break and eat something sweet, binge and then the next day be like “well, looks like I can’t do this” and give up.

But now, I’m eating around 1200-1300 each day, I still eat chocolate and candy. I had some vegan pop tarts this week. But I estimated the calories (I tend to overshoot just in case I’m wrong with my math) and if I can fit it into my day, I eat it. And if I can’t fit it into my day, then I fit it into my day tomorrow and remind myself “I don’t have to eat it now. I can eat it tomorrow. If I don’t eat it now, I can still have it later.” And then I do, and I’m happy and still get to eat the carb filled junk I was craving the day before without binge eating it or restricting myself.

I think I’ve finally realized weight loss is really just about mindset. It’s less about what you can’t eat and what you can. It took me years to get to this mindset, it was not easy, but it’s totally possible and helped me so much.

submitted by /u/rebeccalaurenx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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