Sunday, April 4, 2021

Today is my 'cheat meal' day and I have almost no cravings or, urge to eat any takeout

I used to be very active pre-covid and lost over 20 Kg. However, after covid started, my city Montréal went on almost a year long lockdown (was only open for a while in the summer), and as a result gyms were closed for almost a year. I am not a big fan of walking outside because I can't push myself too hard outside like I can do on an ellipticial. Plus, it's Canada and winter's cold and icy. Not the best scenario to run.

And with academic pressure, no social life, no exercise, I went back to the only thing that made me happy back when I was obese. "FOOD". I spent 60% of my savings on takeout for months, I rarely felt like cooking, (I can also cook very well) and and had so much greasy, salty and unhealthy food that I ended up with an 8 Kg gain.

However, in between those months I did try to diet but I don't feel good when I eat too less. I tried reducing caloric intake to 1500 Kcal (M/171 cm/20) and with no exercise, the rate of weight loss was so slow and I felt so bad physically and mentally that I ended up binge eating (this exact phenomenon repeated on and on).

Fortunately, the gym reopened almost 10 days ago and I have been there almost everyday, worked out well, ate almost 1800-1900 Kcal per day and I am already down 1.6 Kg (10 days).

So today is supposed to be my cheat meal day (I planned on eating one takeout meal every 10 days for sanity purposes) and I have almost no interest in eating takeout. No cravings or urge to binge.

Calorie counting is crucial but for some people like me, it's easier to workout and drop some sweat and eat close to the BMR equivalent of Sedentary in order to lose weight than just eating at a massive deficit. Guess, we all have different strategies that work. My biggest fear right now is if the government shuts down the gyms again. Fingers crossed

submitted by /u/IWICTMP
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling after moving in with bf, looking for encouragement and any help.

So my weight loss journey started in January, i went from 70 kilos to about 63/64, my goal weight is 56. Recently me and my bf moved in together and it has been really wonderful but really hard sticking to my plan. I lost all the way with restricting calories to 1200-1500 and walking 7000-10000 steps a day. Now i can’t get myself together to count calories anymore so i’m trying to eat healthier but im struggling and feel like i’m packing the kilos back on. My bf is really supportive but he also loves sweets and snacks and i can’t tell him not to eat them. And when he eats them i obviously also want it and will eat loads. We also share the same portion sizes etc. I haven’t been counting since three weeks and honestly don’t want to get back on it since i am really busy at the moment. I started to write down everything i eat in a day but this just doesn’t keep me from snacking and overeating. I would love to be able to go back to the gym or motivate myself to exercise regularly and make a deficit in that way. My problem isn’t my main meals but what i eat in between, i’ll easily eat a bar of chocolate and cake in the evening.

How do you deal living with your bf/gf and not caving in to their way of eating / sticking to healthy eating patterns?

submitted by /u/Cheap_Beach21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dia 7 of my weight loss journey (Week 1)

Sup reddit, its me again, its your favorite hispanic. (jk)

From my last post, I took advice from


and followed their advice.

If you do not know already, I am a male (5ft7) that weighs 163 (from the last time I checked) and I am (17)

So far, I have completely cut sugary soft drinks, candy, and sugary cereal from my diet, and replaced it all with water and fruits using my fitness pal to keep track of my diet.

and I also tried my best to not consume more than 1900 calories. Because before, I would just splurge myself with 3000 calories a day unknowingly and eat everything in my house.

I have also started exercising regularly. for at least 40 minutes a day learning how to use the jumprope and the 10 Ib barbells. I have also started to walk more and ran on the track more often. Since I am not in a sport in high-school, it is easier to manage my time since I just go straight home from school. I even went on a hike with my AP Physics class. So life is good :)

I do not really have a specific workout routine, I just kind of jump rope and run until I feel tired.

Nevertheless, I fee more nimble and agile than before.

soo yehh thanks.

Here is a pic of progress for Day 7

If you want to see the Day 1 pic, its my last post.

I honestly do not really spot a difference. Maybe you guys will (idk). Nevertheless, I hope to make some progress soon.

If you are interested, here are is a sample of my macros for day 2. You can critique it if you want because I have no clue if I am doing it right or wrong according to My fitness pal

Day 2:

Protein: 57/97 ~ left: 40kg Carbohydrates: 245/243 ~ left: -2g Fiber: 4/38 ~ left: 34 grams Sugar: 70/73 ~ left: 3 grams Fat: 61/64 ~ left: 3 grams Saturated fat: 16/21 ~ left: 5 grams.

0 trans-fat, polyunsaturated-fat, and monounsaturated fat.

Cholesterol: 65/300 ~ left: 265mg Sodium: 2,293/2,3000 ~ left: 7mg Potassium: 850/3500 ~ left: 2,659mg Vitamin A: 45/100 ~ left: 55% Vitamin C: 67/100 ~ left: 33% Calcium: 50% of needed intake Iron:12% of needed intake

Nevertheless, see y’all in Day 14.

edit: Grammar cuz I can’t spell

submitted by /u/IndependentNarrow689
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


This morning i weighed in at 198 pounds since starting my weight loss journey since January 29th. Spent the last 3 years trying to lose weight but ended up gaining 18 kg from Oct 2019 - Last year September. I basically maintained my weight even though I was constantly trying to lose weight through ridiculous diets. It feels surreal that I'm even losing weight cuz since forever, I subconsciously accepted i would be the big girl but it turns out, I'm not going to be. Oh and as of Jan 29th, I weighed in at 216 pounds, still have 48+ more pounds to go to reach my goal weight but I'm proud of my little progress.

submitted by /u/Humble_Marzipan_3258
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 Chocolate Easter Egg Candy Recipes

Forget store-bought Easter candy! We’ve got three delicious chocolate Easter egg candy recipes that are healthy and easy to make. Each one has a unique, delicious filling. Pick your favorite or make all three! Even the kiddos will love these tasty treats.

1. Chocolate Peanut Butter Easter Eggs >

Chocolate Peanut Butter Easter Eggs

Calories per Serving: 162

On Nutrisystem, Count As: ½ PowerFuel and 3 Extras

A classic candy combination with a healthy holiday twist, these Easter eggs will be a hit with the whole family. Peanut butter, maple syrup and whole wheat flour are the at the center of this chocolate Easter egg. A blend of melted chocolate chips and coconut oil creates the perfect chocolate shell. Feel free to swap the flour with a gluten-free alternative like almond flour or coconut flour.

Craving Chocolate? 7 Snack Hacks

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2. 5-Ingredient Vanilla Cream Easter Eggs >

5-Ingredient Vanilla Cream Easter Eggs

Calories per Serving: 105

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 3 Extras

The creamy vanilla filling in this chocolate Easter egg recipe consists of soaked cashews blended with vanilla extract and vanilla whey protein powder. Feel free to use vanilla Nutrisystem shake mix! Melted chocolate chips coat the delicious center. You can even create a beautiful presentation with egg-shaped plastic or silicone molds (check your local dollar store!).

3. Chocolate Covered Cookie Dough Easter Eggs >

Chocolate Covered Cookie Dough Easter Eggs

Calories per Serving: 153

On Nutrisystem, Count As: ½ PowerFuel and 3 Extras

This last chocolate Easter egg candy recipe features a delicious combination of homemade oat flour, cashew butter, vanilla extract and maple syrup to create a healthy cookie dough-inspired filling. Egg-shaped balls of the dough are dunked into a blend of rich, melted chocolate chips and coconut oil. Feel free to drizzle the candies with more of the chocolate mixture for a pretty presentation.

Use these delicious chocolate Easter egg recipes to fill up your family Easter baskets! Get more tips for creating a healthy Easter basket at the link below:

Healthy Easter Basket Ideas: How to Keep the Whole Family Healthy

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The post 3 Chocolate Easter Egg Candy Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

0 calorie jello is seriously helping curb my sugar tendencies

Losing the last 10lbs that I need to get to my goal weight has been so damn difficult, granted there are many reasons for that. I tried keto for two weeks back in March and it completely destroyed my body to the point where I had to get an endoscopy for constant stomach issues I was having and as a result I got diagnosed with gastritis and h pylori.

To be honest, it’s been difficult eating these last 2 months since anything can trigger stomach pain. That, plus my inevitable sugar consumption might be the culprits as to why I’ve been at a standstill with my weight loss. Seeing as I can’t really eat any other fruits besides bananas, I find jello to be my miracle food lol. 0 calories and only 8-10 carbs? No sugar either since it’s all artificial. I still have some refined sugars here and there, but jello has helped me lessen the amount of “bad” sugar consumption. Progress basically.

Take today, I had 2 white chocolate protein bars (around 180 cal & 10 carbs for each). It’s now late at night and I was just about to grab some pieces of dark chocolate cuz that little voice in my head was saying “ya know u want it, just one piece of chocolate is enough go get it fam it’s just 100 cals” when I clearly know just 1 or 2 pieces aren’t enough lmao. I stopped myself and opted instead to grab a sweet artificial jello. My chocolate urge is gone now. Everyday is a battle though 😂

I think I just wanted to I've just been in so much pain, not being able to eat what I used to eat before my diagnosis, and on top of that still trying to lose weight, it's horrible. It feels like lost time honestly.

What are some ways that have worked for you in trying to control your sweet tooth? Can be anything, from food replacement to having a serious talk (battle) with yourself lol.

What healthy, sweet treats (besides fruit) do you eat to fulfill that sweet tooth?

submitted by /u/nemurin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No scale movement in 2 weeks

Things that I know - I am eating at a calorie deficit. Somewhere between 1,200 and 1,400 per day. - I am drinking at least 2l of water per day.

Things that I also know - I am a 31 year old woman with all the hormone fluctuations that come along with that. - I take various medications for depression and hyper hidrosis. I’m not sure the effects they have on weight loss. - I’m under a lot of stress and not sleeping well. - My measurements have changed. - I’m making healthier life choices. - The scale will move eventually.

I have over 30kg to lose. This is not going to be a short journey. I will start introducing exercise as soon as it’s feasible for me. In the scheme of things, 2 weeks is nothing.

submitted by /u/JM35_CB
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from loseit - Lose the Fat