Monday, April 5, 2021

Need advice (shy to walk in the neighborhood)

Hi everyone. I could use some advice. I want to start walking outside around the neighborhood to help my weight loss and especially my health. But I get very shy to do this. I don't like to be seen at this weight or walking, which feels like a waddle more than a walk. It is embarassing. I'm in pain when I walk so I just look/feel awkward. Not to mention the heart racing from my shyness. It has been over a month since I last tried.

When trying to submit this post, it said removed because it did not have enough detail. I am sorry I do not know how to elaborate. I am a female in my 30s and I weigh 197 lbs. My goal weight is 112 lbs. I am eating a healthy diet that is mostly plant-based and vegetarian. My exercise is limited due to pain and symptoms but I am trying to get started with walking around the neighborhood. So far I have lost 5 lbs and feel happy about my success, just not so happy about my lack of physical activity.

Do you have any advice on how I can do this walking, without getting so worked up? Thank you.

submitted by /u/Shouldibuyip8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

PCOS weight loss

Hello! I’m 20 years old and about six months ago I was diagnosed with pcos and endometriosis. I saw a nutritionist and she recommended a low carb, high protein diet. I lost about 20 pounds doing so, but since then I completely fell off of it because I found it so difficult to do. I really felt like I was restricting myself, especially because I’m quite a picky eater which just made things even more difficult. I’m on metformin, and that’s made it pretty easy to maintain the weight loss but I still weigh 225 pounds, and it’s taking a toll on my body (for example my back and knees) and my mental health. If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate the help!

submitted by /u/outtofmymindd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

what am i doing wrong

ik people have posted things like this recently but desperation has me seeking advice on this sub. about 2 and a half weeks ago i've gotten back on calorie counting since gaining about 13 pounds of the weight i lost in about a month or two. i already had hit my goal and thought i was a pro. turns out that isnt the case. i'm doing everything the exact same as i was before (for reference i'm a female in my mid 20s and quite short at 5'0) i'm eating at the same deficit which before had me losing weight at quite a good pace. however i cannot lose weight. i even stepped on the scale today and found i gained 2 pounds (112) to my dismay. i cannot for the life of me figure out why i'm not losing. i will admit, (because i have to keep myself accountable) that i do tend to eat bites of different foods. i'll have a couple bites of a sandwich or a couple chips or a small portion of an apple pie and not count it. but by eating at the deficit i am (around 400-500 cals) i dont think that would matter much. i'm not saying its good but it never has affected my weight loss before. i'm starting to get desperate because i cannot for the life of me figure out why im not losing weight. am i missing something? please tell me what im doing wrong so i can reverse it before i gain even more weight. if it is the fact that i'm eating bites of things why did that never affect my weight before? i wanna get back to the weight i was (105 pounds) summer hits so any and all advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/fantasiesandfolklore
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Birthday is in 12 days and I'm freaking out

I (30F) decided that once January 1st, 2021 hit, I would go back to dieting and exercising. Well, that hasn't happened. Last year during the first lockdown, I lost 34 lbs and went from 200 to 166. I've gained roughly 10 lbs back during the past year and can really feel it now, especially in my midsection and between my thighs.

The lowest weight I've weighed as an adult was 130-135 lbs when I was 20, following a 50+ weight loss. I would really like to get back to that weight now but find myself in a constant cycle of shame -> diet -> fear and/or feeling like I deserve a cheat day -> cheat day -> falling off the wagon -> shame.

My 31st Birthday is coming up in 12 days and I feel ashamed and disappointed in myself. I want to do a liquid detox starting tomorrow to try to lose at least 10 lbs of weight (hopefully most of it is water) before that date but I have no faith in myself. I'm afraid I'll start and after 4-5 days fall off the wagon again due to hunger, demotivation or the "treat yo'self" mentality.

Every year is like this for me. Every year I want to look my best and every year I fail. I wish I knew where to extract my motivation from, but I don't. My boyfriend weighs 137-140 lbs and it's hard for him to gain weight, which makes me feel even more insecure when we're out in public.

submitted by /u/coconut_teacakes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why am I not losing weight?

Guys, I am feeling really frustrated. I have been at this weight loss quest for about 4 weeks now, and I haven't lost a pound. In fact, according to Happy Scale, my weight is on a slow trend up. I am 5'6.5 and about 196 pounds. I tested my RMR at 1700 calories through one of those breathing tests, and I'm using a cross-section of calorie calculators to help me get to an intake of around 1500-1650 calories a day. I jog 3 times a week and I keep my step average (measured by phone and fitbit) between 10-15,000 steps a day. I am weighing and measuring all my food and using MyFitnessPal. It often says I have a deficit of 500-1000 calories a day. I drink about 2 liters of water a day. What the heck!? I am trying so hard, and I'm seeing the scale go in reverse.

Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any troubleshooting techniques? I'm on the verge of lowering my calorie limit, but I'm concerned about lowering it too far and not having any wiggle room as I get closer to a goal weight. I am trying to lose around 30 pounds. I know people talk about plateaus, but this is at the beginning, not the middle!

Edit: Btw, I'm a lady!

submitted by /u/gryffinvdg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - I’ve made it 8 weeks into my exercise streak!

My weight had been really stuck for a while, and I realized I needed to get back to more consistent exercise. Some weeks I was getting 3 days in, other weeks I didn’t exercise at all. No reason except pure laziness—I have tons of time.

I know that besides making weight loss harder, leaving off exercise will just be bad for my health in the long run. I don’t like losing it as a habit.

So I decided to aim for a streak: sticking to my goal of exercising 5x/week for as many weeks in a row as I can, and yesterday I hit the 8th week!

In doing so, my time spent exercising in the month went up 3 hours in February compared to January, and up 5 hours in March compared to February (so March is up 8 hours from January!)

My weight still didn’t get moving like it should, which was really discouraging, but I stuck to maintaining my streak and I’m really proud of that. On days when I wanted to skip exercise (besides the 2 rest days a week), I thought about my streak, and it never felt worth breaking. Even if my weight didn’t drop, I knew I was doing something great for my health, and that was reassuring.

This week, my weight finally dropped 2 lbs, putting me out of the obese BMI range; and I took some progress pics, and compared to my last progress pics (6 lbs ago, but from the end of 2019), I look SO much better now! It looks more like a 15 lb difference.

My next goal is to keep my streak for 12 weeks! I love seeing so many weeks in a row checked off, something in my obsessive brain really responds to that.

submitted by /u/bosnyrose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

8 weeks in, losing my motivation. Looking for a boost. 5'1 F, SW: 167, CW: 161.6, GW: 125

8 weeks ago I hired a personal trainer and started on this fitness journey. I've been working my ass off during our training sessions, and eating better at home. Ive never felt stronger in my whole life. I've changed my diet so drastically, but i'm having a really hard time losing weight. The week of my last period messed me up, I felt so sick I ate a bit more and I gained back a whole pound. I got back on the horse, pumped up but this morning I woke up weighing 0.6 pounds more than yesterday, and it made me wanna bawl. All this sacrifice and pain, not being able to eat what I want for such a small pay off.

I have lost inches off my body, so far I’ve lost 3 inches off my waist and my bust. I have noticed a difference in my clothes, but the scale isn’t going anywhere.

I realize the reason why is because I must still be eating more calories than I need to. I’ve cut down to 1300, but it’s HARD. I find myself feeling hungry a lot, I’m also struggling to get a solid amount of protein in my diet. I would love advice from anyone who’s experienced this stage, how did you get through it?

How can I kick start my weight loss again?

submitted by /u/stefzee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat