Wednesday, April 7, 2021

NSV: My thighs don’t chafe anymore!

I began this small weight loss journey in November 2020 after finding myself on the cusp of the overweight BMI category (5’7” 155lb). For my whole life up until transferring to university, I was around 130lbs, and very comfortable there - I have chronic back issues so I really cannot tolerate much extra weight, and my doctor told me to keep a strong core to minimize back pain. However, throughout the last five years or so, I have outgrown a closet's worth of clothes and have steadily climbed around 5lbs a year. As of last week, I’ve lost 16lbs - meaning I’m only 4lbs away from my goal weight!

About two days ago, I was walking my puppy in shorts (I was in shorts, not my puppy). Where I live, it's already ~90 degrees. Anyways, I realized how much better walking felt. It was so much easier and so much more comfortable. My thighs don't rub together anymore! Honestly, I didn't even realize how uncomfortable it was when they did, because it's been a few years since I've been this weight. I've been telling my fiance about this win since I noticed it, and I thought it might be nice to tell other people. Ya'll, it feels soooo much better to walk. SO MUCH BETTER! After just a 16lb loss.

So yeah, I'm a small loser, but of course I will share what has worked for me:

  • counting calories - be HONEST with yourself! I use the LifeSum app on my phone. There was a time when I regained the first 5lbs I had lost because I wasn't logging my calories accurately. I would pick the option with the lesser amount of calories rather than being safe and more realistic by selecting the option with higher calories. I just liked when the calorie log looked "happy," lol. But uh, yeah, no... the calorie tracker looking nice isn't going to make you lose more weight faster.
  • eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your calorie goal for the day. I realize these first couple of tips are just the basics of CICO (calories in, calories out), but some people track their macros more religiously than me. I like having a balanced diet - I notice it really makes me feel better. But if I want a vanilla drumstick at the end of the day, I'm going to structure my day so as to fit it in there after dinner... yeah, I might stay on my stationary bike longer, but I don't like restricting food groups from my diet. Being watchful of what you're eating doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you're eating.
  • find time to exercise in the parts of the day you take for granted. For me, this means hopping on my stationary bike when I'm catching up on my trash reality TV shows. I'll even sometimes lift my 5lb weights for 5-10mins or do some stretching in front of the TV.
  • get an accountability buddy. For me, this is my pup. We got him in November and since he got his vaccinations, I walk him twice a day, and for about a mile each walk. Not only does this get me some more exercise, but it gets me outside. We all know how we need to get outside during the isolation that has been the past year.
  • Routine! This has helped me keep on keepin' on even when I plateau for a while. I have my meals planned for the day usually by breakfast time. I make sure I have some staples on hand at all times - cottage cheese, icelandic yogurt, green apples, bananas, peanut butter, cruciferous salad, eggs, tofu, diet dr. pepper, diet arizona iced tea... these are just things I like to have as I consume them consistently. The sweet 0-calorie drinks keep me on track when I have a craving but know that I'm not actually hungry, I just want something fizzy or sweet or caffeinated. Oh, on that note, remember to pay attention to when in the day you're actually hungry... I guess I'll finish with this tip:
  • eat 3 solid meals a day and DON'T skip breakfast! For the longest time, I was a breakfast-skipper. No more! When I didn't eat breakfast, I found myself binging around 2pm.

So, those are all of the things that helped me out. Feel free to ask me questions if you want to. My weight loss is nothing to write home about, but yeah, I feel so much better. Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/tortoisesandicecream
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

eating carbs, helps??

Hi, I’m noticing an almost-trend in my weight loss.

I’m 1/3 through a modest goal of losing 30lbs. I am mostly doing this through exercise and counting calories.

Occasionally, I will have nights where I feast on carbs. The main culprits are Chex Mix and cookies. After nights like this, when I weight myself the next morning, I notice I am about a pound to two pounds lighter. It also usually happens during weight plateaus, for instance when I was weighing exactly 185.7 lbs for a few days in a row.

Does anyone have any information, or know if this is a real thing instead of a coincidence? I suspect my body changes when I revert to eating maintenance for a day, because often the bag of chex mix or whatever will push me out of my 500 cal deficit.


submitted by /u/onlyfortheholidays
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 Healthy Superfoods for Women’s Health

When it comes to making healthier choices, finding foods that pack in the most possible nutrient power is a wise move. Superfoods are those that tend to be nutrient dense and therefore good for your overall health. However, as a woman, you know your overall health needs can differ from that of a man’s.

As women, our bodies have an entirely separate set of nutritional demands that must be met in order to keep us looking and functioning our best.

That’s why we’ve rounded up a list of superfoods just for the ladies and women’s health! These particular foods would make a great choice in meeting some of your nutritional needs while also helping you on your goal to lose weight.

Here are six healthy superfoods for women’s health to add to your shopping list today.

10 Metabolism-Boosting Tips for Women

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1. Beans

different varieties of beans in small bowls

Beans pack in the nutritional benefits including fiber and protein, making them a powerhouse food for these reasons alone. Beans can help fill you up and keep you feeling full for longer. They’re also a good source of magnesium.

According to Premier Health, the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 has been shown to reduce PMS symptoms in women. Magnesium “regulates serotonin levels” that effect mood and may also help to decrease bloating. Premier Health explains that beans just may help reduce the uncomfortable and often frustrating symptoms of water retention and bloating.1

Plus, it helps that beans are so easy to eat! They can very easily be added to various dishes and serve as a great meat substitute if you’re moving toward a more plant-based diet.

2. Fatty Fish

sliced salmon fillet on a counter

Fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which research has shown offer excellent heart health benefits. A study, published in the journal Hypertension, specifically looked at women of reproductive age (who were previously underrepresented in studies). They found that a low intake of fish is associated with an increased risk of heart disease in this younger population.2

Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, cod, canned light tuna and Atlantic mackerel, says Mayo Clinic.3 While buying and preparing fish may feel intimidating if you haven’t previously done so, you can start simple. Tuna, for instance, is found in a can and can be added to a salad or a sandwich. We also have plenty of easy recipes featuring fresh or frozen fish right here on The Leaf. Check out this simple Sheet Pan Pesto Salmon and Veggies! >

3. Tomatoes

a variety of fresh tomatoes on a wooden cutting board

Tomatoes are a superfood that are packed with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that gives a tomato its bright red coloring. Lycopene is also thought to play a role in cancer prevention. A lot of the research has previously focused on lycopene and prostate cancer. However, research, published in Cancer Science, indicates that lycopene may have a role in preventing breast cancer, making it an important antioxidant for women.4

If you’re looking for more ways to get tomatoes into your diet, we have plenty of recipes that you can try. We believe it shouldn’t have to be difficult to incorporate superfoods for women’s health into your day.

6 Ways Weight Loss Can Improve Women’s Health

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4. Watermelon

a slice of watermelon on a plate

As its moniker suggests, watermelon is mostly made up of water—more than 90 percent, according to Medical News Today.5 This makes it a great fruit to incorporate if you’re looking for ways to stay hydrated. There has been a wealth of recent research demonstrating the importance of hydration—much of it pointing toward the fact that even mild dehydration can impact everything from our cognitive health6 to our mood.7

In addition to H2O, watermelon is also packed with nutrients, including the antioxidant lycopene that’s found in tomatoes. Along with lycopene, watermelon also contains many other vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Vitamin C is used to produce collagen and promotes healthy skin, says Medical News Today.5

5. Leafy Greens

leafy greens and peppers on a countertop

Leafy greens are a go-to superfood choice that many people already have on their list for their vitamin benefits. You probably already know that leafy greens like kale, Brussels sprouts and Swiss chard are rich in vitamins. But did you know they also contain quite a bit of calcium?

Since simply being female does put you at a higher risk of osteoporosis, it’s important to find ways to incorporate more calcium into your diet. According to Cleveland Clinic, the best sources include dairy products, dark leafy green vegetables, beans, dried peas and fortified foods like orange juice and cereal.8 If kale isn’t your go-to green, there are others you can try and many ways to incorporate them into your daily meals.

6. Bananas

sliced bananas in a glass bowl on a white table

Most people think of bananas for their potassium power—and that’s certainly true. This is especially important for women, as research out of the University of Surrey indicates potassium may be able to provide some protection against osteoporosis, says ScienceDaily.9 Because it is an electrolyte, potassium also has the added benefit of helping muscles to recover faster from a workout. And thanks to containing folate, a nutrient that research has shown may play a role in fighting depression, bananas may also help to boost your mood, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.10

With all of these benefits, you’ll want to find ways to incorporate bananas into more meals—and it’s easy to do just that with a variety of simple recipes! Check out some of our favorite banana recipes below:

10 Banana Recipes You’ll Go Bananas For

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*Always speak to a doctor before making any changes to your diet. 

The post 6 Healthy Superfoods for Women’s Health appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Similar Approach to Intuitive Eating but Allowing for Weight Loss?

Has anyone come across anything similar to intuitive eating, but that allows for/accepts the concept of desiring weight loss and healthy/balanced eating? I agree with a lot of the principles of IE, but it seems like every time I try to find a method combining it with intentional/healthy weight loss (or just watching what you eat in general for physical health reasons) there seems to be an all-out rejection of this concept.

If you search for it, you are often met with responses about needing to address your desire for weight loss and reject societal standards/etc. I'm all for body confidence and rejection of toxic ideas - which is what I do like about IE however, I do believe there are legitimate and healthy reasons for wanting to lose weight. Maybe it's just me, but a lot of what I've read seems almost shaming of the desire to lose weight. Just curious if you've found a more balanced approach than this, thanks!

submitted by /u/Fit-Ad-3138
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm seriously starting my journey again and I can't wait!

For a month now I have been constantly juggling, trying to figure out about weight loss. This sub has been amazing! I'm 18, 5'5 and 76 kgs. A month ago I didn't even know my stats, let alone knowing anything else. This sub has taught me everything I know and there's so much more to learn! My goal weight is 55 kgs so that's like 21 kgs I need to lose and I'm happy.

I can't wait to embark upon this new journey and reading how people have done so good, it makes me feel happy. I just wanted to share this here because I feel like it'll motivate me to read this post if I'm ever down in my journey. I wanna remember how excited I was when I started. I can't imagine the day I'd make the post about how I have been successful.

All that being said, I'd really appreciate any words of advice for me. Anything really! It would mean the world to me❤️ thank you and good luck to me and all thr beautiful people who are on this journey with me!

submitted by /u/bhavya_wakes02
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 pounds down, halfway there! Recently injured though and needing some exercise advice!

Hi! Started my weight loss at the end of September 2020 at 222. I’m short (5’1”) and have been eating 1200 a day. I recently hit 50 pounds lost! I’m really excited and feeling so much better. I still would like to lose another 50, and I want to start adding more exercise into my routine. Also because I’m so short and I have a low TDEE, adding in some exercise will allow me to keep losing at a similar rate. About a month ago I stated roller skating which has been SO fun, but I fell and injured my foot and ankle, so I won’t be able to skate again for at least another month or two. Any ideas on some exercise I can do despite my ankle/foot injury? Thanks is advance!!

submitted by /u/bunnicula9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Walking for Weight Loss: The Benefits of Taking a Walk on National Walking Day

With your Nutrisystem weight loss plan, you are already on the path to a healthier and happier you. The next step is to turn up your daily activity level, which will keep your metabolism burning off excess pounds all day long. Good news: the simplest activity—walking—is all you need to tone your muscles, shed extra inches from your waistline and speed up progress towards your weight loss diet goal. To help you celebrate National Walking Day and inspire you to keep on walking, we’ve compiled this list of smart reasons to take a walk on this special day.

The American Heart Association’s National Walking Day is the perfect time to kickstart your spring fitness routine. Taking place on the first Wednesday of every April, this essential day brings awareness to the importance of physical activity in all of our lives. So, grab your favorite pair of walking shoes and head outside to gain the many benefits of taking a leisurely strolljust be sure to continue practicing social distancing during this time, maintaining a six-foot distance from strangers and non-immediate family members while walking.

Before you get to stepping, making sure to download the NuMi app so that you can keep track of your daily exercise! Easily connect your Fitbit device and Apple Step Tracking and make logging your activity a breeze. You can also manually log activities like walking and include details like distance, duration, speed and number of calories burned. Never forget to exercise again by setting up handy personal reminders for activity, water, snacks and more. NuMi is the ultimate weight loss sidekick and will help you reach your health and fitness goals.

10 Must-Follow Safety Rules for Walkers

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Here are eight reasons why you should take a walk on National Walking Day:

1. Visible Results

Walk Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

Walking has the ability to make your healthy diet plan even more effective. In a 12-week study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, a group of overweight individuals followed a diet plan and walked five times per week. Researchers found that those who walked experienced significantly greater improvements in their waist circumference compared to a similar group that followed the diet alone.

2. Steady Burn

Walk Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

You might not think of plain old walking as a good exercise. However, a 150-pound person strolling at an average speed burns almost 100 calories per mile, says The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Want to burn even more and have some extra weight loss motivation? Walk uphill, which requires more energy, stokes your metabolism and uses up more calories.

3. Take 10

Walk Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

Nutrisystem weight loss experts recommend that you get at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity. Don’t have time in your busy schedule for 30 minutes of exercise? No worries! With the My Daily 3 activity plan, you’ll find that three 10-minute walks each day—whenever is convenient for you—adds up to the same benefits as one 30-minute session. To boost your burn, combine your walk with one of these simple 10-minute workouts! >

5 Sporty Gifts for the Walker on Your List

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4. No Pain, All Gain

Walk Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

Jumping into a difficult full body workout routine when you’ve been inactive can lead to sore muscles and even injury. Your body is already well-adapted to walking, so you can gradually increase the distance and time without feeling too beat to do it again the next day. This low-impact activity is great way to stay active without the high risk of getting hurt or sore. However, always speak to your doctor before starting a fitness routine to ensure it is safe for you.

5. Cost-Free

Walk Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

You can forget about costly gym membership fees or buying expensive fitness clothing and gear. If you have a pair of supportive shoes and a safe place to take a stroll, you have everything you need to include a calorie-burning walk in your daily weight loss diet routine. If it’s nice out, head to a local park or walking trail. If the weather isn’t agreeing with your walking plans, take a trip to the mall and walk indoors safely without the elements.

6. Good for Your Heart

Walk Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss

According to Harvard Health, several reliable studies show that walking regularly decreases the risk of “cardiovascular events” by 31 percent and the risk of dying by 32 percent in both men and women. They explain that these benefits were even seen at shorter distances of 5.5 miles per week and at “casual” paces of just two miles per hour. So, don’t be afraid to walk at your own pace and enjoy a workout that is comfortable for you.

Check out these seven delicious foods for a healthier heart! >

Walking or Running a 5K? 6 Things You Need to Know

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7. Prevents Diabetes

prevents diabetes

Walking after eating a meal for just 15 minutes significantly improved the blood sugar levels of people at risk for diabetes, according research by the American Diabetes Association that was published in Diabetes Care. The study showed that the benefits of a post-meal walk lasted all day for the participants. Pair your walking with some of these delicious and beneficial foods for diabetes and take your health and well-being to new heights.

8. Daily Dose of D

vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is common among people who are overweight. A study, published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine, found that taking vitamin D supplements made a significant difference in reducing the subjects’ weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. Your body naturally produces vitamin D when you are exposed to sunlight. Taking a walk outside in the sunshine also ensures that you have a healthy supply of vitamin D.

Not sure if you’re getting enough vitamin D? Click here for seven common signs of a D deficiency >

Looking for more low impact exercises to incorporate into your fitness routine? Click here for seven of our favorites! >

Must-Have Fitness Gear (Walkers, Prepare!)

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The post Walking for Weight Loss: The Benefits of Taking a Walk on National Walking Day appeared first on The Leaf.

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